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Despite the oncoming storm, temps here are mild. We do expect plenty of rain for the next week. High of 66 and low of 37 in the week's forecast. Rain daily.

On the homefront I'm in need of a rose expert to help me decide how to preserve and protect a row of historic roses... two of which are already showing new growth from the roots. Very exciting stuff but too complicated to explain here.. I should make a video about it.
Give them a standard "winterizing pruning"  those are the keywords you need to find articles, images and videos showing how it is done.

You will need to test the acidity of the soil. Wood ash is alkaline and roses prefer a slightly acidic soil. So if it is out of balance you will need to add some amedments to grpet it to the right ph. I would suspect that you will need to keep an eye on the acidity for the nex  year so perhaps a doil testing kit might be something to invest in. Especially if you are going to invest money in new plants or start a vegatable patch or add berries and fruit trees.

  Id ont know enough about the residual effects of a forest fire to give advice on it other than needing to keep an eye on the PH . But your county extension agency might have some advice and literature. That is a free service. There will also be a master gardener program some where in the area and you can cvontact them for more advice. They Master gardener program is also a good resource for getting some free plants and seeds from local garden enthusiast and that will help your budget. As you have historic roses no doubt that will make a good trade exchange of cuttings you can offer to others.
This is certainly quite the experience to be sitting on rubber tires which have big speings above t hem in a major wind storm that is going to last the better part of 2 days. Of c ourse the trailer frame can take it just fine as it is not really as bad as driving on many of the blue highhway roads. I am appreciating having sucvh  a low profile trailer tonight and having two good stabolizer jacks and a good tongue jack. The few yhings I have hanging on hooks are swinging in constant motioon. Nearly contant buffeting of gust ranging form 20 to close to 40 mph.

The prpoer Pollyanna response  Intersting experience,  but I sure will  be glad when it is over. No loss of power yet, but it would not surprise me if some trees come down along the roads and knock it out tonight or tomorrow.
travelaround said:
Despite the oncoming storm, temps here are mild. We do expect plenty of rain for the next week. High of 66 and low of 37 in the week's forecast. Rain daily.

On the homefront I'm in need of a rose expert to help me decide how to preserve and protect a row of historic roses... two of which are already showing new growth from the roots. Very exciting stuff but too complicated to explain here.. I should make a video about it.

1) Contact your local Master Gardeners.

2) What I'd do until I can get more specific advice -

Your immediate goal is to keep the roots alive and happy. I'd put down a layer of compost, maybe an inch or so. Not fertilizer - compost. Scratch it in a little, but not deeply. Don't cover the crowns. You need to help re-establish the soil biome, and you need to keep the surrounding denuded soil from being beaten to death by winter rains. Cut back obviously dead canes, to about 6 inches.
Woke up to a windy with occassional gusts and somewhat rainy day. Not raining right this minute which feels like a miracle after last nights intense wind and rain. But at least the trailer is not rocking madly getting blasted with strong gust every few seconds. But I will be keeping my popup top latched down today which is Ok, iit is only an inch shy of my being able to stand up underneath it when it is down. Matbe some year I will add extend the fiberglass top another 2 inches on the lower edge.

But today is anoyher ordinary day of problems to solve, projects to work on and  mundane chores that need doing as well as errands to run to post office, laundromat, grocery store, hardware store. It is a 7 mile drive to the closest town with a laundromat. I am hoping the historic museum is open today. It was the old coast guard staion and is staffed by volunteers from the local area as well as the workcampers who live out in the grounds of the lighthouse. There is a glorious fresnel lighthouse lense from the old Destruction Island lighthouse on display. I saw it 20 or so years ago where it used to be displayed in the Seattle Coast Guard museum. But the Seattle museum closed and Westport won the  99 year  lease on the lense. They had to fund raise money to put u p a special exhibit building to house it. The lense is so heavy that the floors in the other museum buildings could not support the weight. A fresnel lense lens was a miracle of technology and manufacturing. But it is also an object of true beauty to look at, giant sized, sparkling cut crystal glass, that reflects light. If on your journeys you pass by a location with one on display either in a lighthouse or a museum display do stop to look at iits
Thanks for the rose advice. It is complicated by the work CA Environmental Health Agency will be doing on my property, probably in December. They have to remove the mobile home frame and other large metal.. there is a lot... I am concerned they will destroy these roses with machinery and dragging the frame plus... then they will need to scrape the property 6 to 8 inches to remove toxins. I think the roses need to be moved, not just nourished. I have a gardener in mind to dig them out of there but do not have a rose expert to know what's truly the best hope for survival of these roses that were once owned and propagated by Stella Walthall Patterson, author of Dear Mad'm, a book revered in this area. She moved to her mining claim in the 1940s at the age of 80 and wrote a memoir about it... Dear Mad'm. Her closest neighbor, Fred, was called Dear Sir.
Put up some sort of simple fence, and a sign saying "Don't trample the roses, they've been through enough already".
Most Roses are grafted ............if you're seeing the growth from below the "knot" that's from the Rootstock not the desired variety

I hope the graft survived the fire...........Water
I get to put a gold star on my virtual accomplishment chart. I now have a fully operational diesel stove/heater. Made my first cup of coffee with it and I will cook my dinner on it tonight.

As I am still on shore power here I will use the electric heater for tonight.

Time to pack up my car while daylight is still left. I want to get a reasonably early start going south in the morning.

I heard on the radio today that the governor of Oregon is tightening up restrictions again such as fewer people in grocery stores, everyone who can work at home should, etc. I am hoping to only do 1 overnight stay in Oregon in a Tribal Casino parking lot with free camping and even some free electrical hookups along one area. I just hope they don't close that free camp spot down with the new restrictions. I guess I will find out when I arrive there tomorrow evening.
I have no real official proof! But have heard from pretty reliable sources that Oregon is going on lockdown I believe on Monday and Missouri is going on it on Tuesday at 12:01 AM. The Missouri tip came from an attorney so I believe it is probably fact! Getting real out here again, glad I am in the middle of the desert and spent the money on solar! I was beginning to wonder if it was worth it! Be safe all and God bless!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is not the actual case. Updated guidelines of behavior are not at all the same thing as an actual lockdown. Guidelines state how they hope you will behave, lockdowns are required behavior. The governor of Oregon is REQUESTING BUT NOT REQUIRING that people limit their travel and do self isolation if coming into the state from another state. But there is no fine or penalty involved if you don't comply with the request. It takes very careful reading of the news stories. You know how rumors get started, many times someone simply did not understand what they read and then pass it on as being true fact. You just participated in one where the person who told you that got it wrong so now you too have spread an untrue rumor that Oregon is going into lockdown. Because I will be traveling through Oregon tomorrow I did the research to make sure that I could do so because I will need to make an overnight stop and also buy fuel. I also have to do the same thing in California so I will daily look at or listen to the travel advisory updates from the official state sources and not just listen to what I might hear in a conversation with someone else. It is my personal responsibility to get accurate information from the official sources when I travel in or through differemt areas of the country.
I'll spare everyone the lecture and post a  couple links. For the few folks still in the PacNW or heading on up..:)


Oregon, Washington, and Cali have all agreed to a 14 day self quarantine for folks coming into or returning from elsewhere. Idaho is less interested in superspreaders and there is no self quarantine for crossing the border into the state.

 The gov of Idaho has mobilized the national guard and put folks on notice that they CAN be fined for non compliance but prefer people do as told.


Get settled somewhere safe and convenient folks. Travel is about to get much more restrictive than the past spring...IMHO
for convenience here is the text copied and pasted directly from the Orgegon.gov website.

To fight the rapid spread of COVID-19, Oregon Governor Kate Brown, Washington Governor Jay Inslee, and California Governor Gavin Newsom issued travel advisories urging visitors entering their states or returning home from travel outside these states to self-quarantine. The travel advisories urge against non-essential out-of-state travel, ask people to self-quarantine for 14 days after arriving from another state or country, and encourage residents to stay local.

As you can see from their own written words....they ask, they urge, and they encourage. There was no compulsory compliance required in this newly issued travel advisory in WA, OR, or CA.
.they ask, they urge, and they encourage.
So... basically pleading with people to NOT be super spreaders and have consideration for others by ensuring they aren't sickly and contaminating other regions. 

I don't think ANYONE in this thread said the 14 day quarantine was compulsory nor did the actual links to the directives indicate that either.

There is no doubt that as people continue to flout the pleadings of scientists that they will have to mandate a quarantine period .. AGAIN
Navajo Nation is under “Stay at home orders” again. One of the employees here got a late start back and received a $1,000 fine while on the reservation past curfew. Be sure to check before traveling through the reservation where authorities are taking Covid 19 seriously.
maki2 said:
....they ask, they urge, and they encourage. There was no compulsory compliance required in this newly issued travel advisory in WA, OR, or CA....
I think the wording was no non essential travel, so when you get to the border checkpoints you will want to have a good reason for travelling. 

I am doing a reverse quarantine, and avoiding people arriving here for 14 days since others may not wear the mask as required or take other precautions. I am running out of food though, so I will have to end my stay home time pretty soon.  -crofter

Description: link to news article
The largest INDOOR water park in the country just opened in Round Rock, Texas, in spite of our leading the country in cases.  The governor continues to cut local officials down at the knees if they try to implement restrictions.  Then he leaves them holding the bag (fiscally and politically) as the situation becomes more dire.

Just because you can... doesn't mean you should.

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