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Still 75 degrees in mid November! No bragging, everyone is getting this nice day today, except for Minnesota. I am painting all day.  -crofter
"HDR is somewhere in central Oregon, if he's not left to go south yet, just in case yer in the area."

Whew! Luckily, I'm several thousand miles safely away :)
This is our last sunny day for a while in PA temperature is nice in the 70s rain is coming up the coast from the storm in Florida I am putting off my leaving for the south for at least a couple of days until the weather looks good I hate to drive in the rain in fact it’s just about impossible. It is wonderful to have no schedule so I’m free to go to work, as I want. The only limit is money. God bless the nomads those with money and those without.
GypsyJan said:
Whew! Luckily, I'm several thousand miles safely away :)
Aw heck, I thought maybe there was a possibility of something interesting brewing there, but ahh .... better luck next time, lol.
I have a home base again.. a space in an RV park. FEMA will pay for it so why not? It is two spaces from my daughter. But for tonight I'm still parked in my neighborhood in front of my homesite.... because the backing up seemed daunting with trees and darkness and RV hookups in the way. I'll hopefully park the cargo trailer there tomorrow. My hope is to keep the RV space while doing some intermittent traveling.
Travelaround a plastic bin box with an opening cut in the side cvould be set over the cat food. The bucket might work out but needs to be staked along the sides so it can't roll away. Or if there are some scraps of plywood in the neighborhood you could make them a basic AFrame tent over the food.
It took forever this morning to get setup for cutting more kits. Then I had issues with the ahhesive on the c utting mats being too aggresive and the pieces not releasing. So now I have to stay here one or two more days. Not a tragedy but when I do head down the coast hopefully on Thursday or maybe Friday the extended forecast shows nothing but rain.

I am not going anywhere though until I gat my diesel heater setup finished. I amm short a metal hose clamp for the exhaust tube but that is easy to solve tomorrow as the hardware store is very close by.

Ome of these days I need to dive into all the dtuff in my car and purge  more things. I have been doing some of that inside the trailer this week. I might check in this area tomorrow and see what the pricing is for a small storage locker. I have a number of items I want to sell but with so many other task to get done I am just not going to get to around to taking photos and creating listings  before next spring.. I am tired of being out of space, it makes it hard to set up and pack up at each stop.
travelaround said:
I have a home base again.. a space in an RV park....
Awesome to have a home base- congrats TA! And it will be good to circle the wagons with your family for a time, you have all been through a trauma with that bad fire and need time to heal. Blessings for a healing season.  -crofter
Travelaround, that is fantadtic news and goodb timing for the arrival of your new grandchild!  So very great that you will be able to be so close to family. Also great that  you will have electricity for keeping warm and dry and even for running a dehumidifier to keep your books nice and dry.
Thanks everyone.. I put the cargo trailer into the space today. It was a bit stressful .. I'm still not good at backing up apparently... and put a tiny dent in the back of the van. Was very upset about that. But good to plug the cargo trailer into electricity. ... will have to work on making it more homey in there.

I noticed the Karuk Tribe has more trailers now... they were closed today but I can go there tomorrow to ask about borrowing one.
I just took a look at the blog of Cliff Mass a northwrst weather prediction guru. No wonder the hardware store here in Grayland, Wa was crowded today. There is a major  storm currently off the coast of Western Canada origin with wind predictions of 60 mph is coming this way sometime between 8:00 am Friday to late afternoon. The major prediction for where it comes ashore is dead center on where I am camped tonight. All that is between me and the ocean are a couple of sand dunes. But of course I am not going to stay just for the adventure of it. I am not that insane.

Oregon is going to get slammed if the second opinion landfall is the accurate. Guess I will just get up very early in the morning and drive as far south as I can tomorrow checking in on the weather updates of course.

First a tempest created by my workshop mates son, the forest fire smoke for months, now a big blow. Oh well life is full of such things but at least I am prepared to escape. Run away, or in this case drive away.
Chehalis is right in the predicted path of this storm, no point in going there. I am going to head south.

Much safer to be in town behind a big structure that blocks the wind rather than camping in a state park under a bunch of trees than can loose big branches or even the whole tree. So plan A get way to the South of the storm. Plan B hide behind a big building until the worst of the storm is over.

I do not have a tall vehicle and my travel trailer is also not a tall one so they are not as much at risk as a high top van, a tall cargo van or a motorhome or even a standard size van. My Honda Element is basically a mini sized SUV.
"I do not have a tall vehicle and my travel trailer is also not a tall one so they are not as much at risk as a high top van, a tall cargo van or a motorhome or even a standard size van. My Honda Element is basically a mini sized SUV."

Wow! Words of wisdom.
This confirms my choice of living in either my 2000 Buick Park Avenue or '87 Chevy pickup with a camper top. Thanks.
It is looking like I need to head north instead of south as the storm is going to plaster the whole oregon coast with the worst of it hitting where I was hoping to stay on Friday.

That is OK just some extra time and fuel but such is life on the road.  It is an easy drive back up towards Olympia  where the winds will be very moderate and stay in a State park for 2 nights. I can get my errands run there and grt some build task done and then take I-5 down  just south of Portland, OR on Sunday before cutting over to the coast. 

Not overly frustrated by the extra miles and delay,  I dont have an actual schedule or deadline to be somewhere Just taking life one day at a time keeping things flexible and easy. Avoiding bad weather when I can is part of being flexible :,)
Just talked to the camp host and the high wind warnings here got cancelled so I am staying put until Saturday morning.

Back to an ordinary day in camp for now but at least my trailer is now decluttered.  Hopefully I can keep it that way until Saturday morning when I head south.  Nah, that will never happen, I will have to tear the place apart trying to find some small objects such as that diesel fuel tank cap.  Which is exactly what I am going to be looking for right after l heat up some soup for lunch.
Well Maki. Glad you didn’t get the worst of that storm. I get it on can’t find anything and clutter. I try but every once in a while I hire someone to get me really straight again.
The very important piece of plastic has been found. :heart:

When I went out to the post office I stopped at a local store and they had movies to rent for 99 cents. Hopefully the power does not go out. The storm has now arrived so power outages cvould ha ppen.

I will have to get brave and try firing up the stove hust in case so that I can be cozy and wa rm. Brave because the instructions pretty much say if you mess this procedure up you are SOL and will need compnents replaced.