Time for some hot chocolate and a book this rather damp and chilly eveving. I have always been a fan of books and magazines even before I could read the words in them.
Reading a new book by the author C. J. Box. He has a couple of series out featuring the Western areas of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming. They are mystery, adventure genre. One series features a Fish and Game Warden, the other a female police officer but in this latest book she has just become a private eye.
Another wrter of the sane genre I enjoy is J. A. Jance. Her books are set in Washington state and in Arizona, she has homes in both of these states. Three of her series have female lead characters, the fourth is a male.
Yesterday I finished "A Salty Place" by Jimmie Buffett. Yes, that Jimmie Buffett the muscian. It was an amusing read, made me smile a lot. Boats planes, lighthouses, all things I have a fondness for are part of the story.
I decided not to bring along a TV and with few new films being made there would have been little new in the way of shows to watch this fall and winter. But Covid 19 won't stop writers from creating, they mostly do it as stay at home unless they feel they miust travel to a different location in which case it had better be in the country they already live.
The early bird Christmas shoppers visited my Etsy store tonignt. That also puts a smile on my face and will keep me warm and cozy this month. I will have to get my cutting machine set up after I move to a new camp on Sunday, time to cut some snowflakes