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Jose R V brought up an awesome suggestion today in the livefeed about funding land for future RTRs/gatherings, etc. Crowdsourced funding with multiple private owners on their own parcels, add a community area for non-members to park. Has anything like this been started or planned?
Go to the HOWA website. That is the non profit group that is now dealing with all such concepts. These things had to done through a legal non profit because of federal regulations. HOWA stands for Homes On Wheels Alliance. You will find a link to it elsewhere in this forum. I am posting on a tablet and am not going to find that link for you.
Their are theads here where private owners have posted invitations to group members to vome camp for a while on land tney own.

Plus of course there are organizations such as Couch Surfers who offer that as well.
Beautiful weather today here in PA has been for about a week. Leaves are just starting to change slightly and we’re drinking cider and eating pumpkin cookies. I like fall but I prefer spring. And according to my plans there will be no winter this year. God bless the nomads each and every one.
cool and cloudy here today. Slow start on my day, more coffee needed to jump start my internal combustion engine.

Getting ready to go into town in a little while to put an order into the mail. A few things needed from the grocery store as well.

Went into a store called "Coastal" and that was interesting. Kind of a farm store with stuff for horses and pets combined with a hardware store combined with some sporting goods, hunting, fishing, camping gear and some clothes and houseware items. They also had a lot of items for trailers. lights, hitches, wiring, batteries which I guess makes sense in farm country as there are all kinds of trailers on farms. They also had jerky making supplies, canning supplies and were even selling a machine that does freeze drying
Can camp on my land till I leave which will be around the second week of Nov. Anyone coming thru KY I have a nice camping spot overlooking my pond. There is a fire ring back there and should be lots of firewood. Gypsyjoker is back there camping right now and I know he’s been cutting wood.
I am so bored, not many new posts to read. No one added to haiku.

Today is our 43rd wedding anniversary and I plan to celebrate with a second honeymoon. Since my wife won’t go with me I’m going to try to find a 20 something to go on the second honeymoon. Yes that’s humor, I’m not serious I want the one I had the first time. You would think that after three years I’d be over her.

Let’s go onto a different subject.Seems to be getting really cold here tonight lower than what they predicted anyhow.

Anybody watching any free movies on YouTube? I’m too cheap to buy them but I like me the freebies are good the last one I saw was the magic of belle isle it it was fantastic. There are several places on YouTube where you have to pay for it but I found one that was free. Any suggestions or should I just take some Benadryl and fall asleep. Seems many nights I need a little help doing that.
TA mentioned raccoons and skunks, and it reminded me of a couple of close encounters a few nights ago.  I love observing wildlife at dusk, during the "shift change," especially near water.  Sitting quietly at our site in a busy campground, I heard some ruckus in the brush behind me.  I thought maybe it was a feral hog, but no:  the biggest armadillo I've ever seen.  A few minutes later, something caught my notice not a foot away.  Out of the corner of my eye, I thought it was a skunk.  I didn't mean to, but I uttered a little shriek, and wow--did that raccoon (also huge) scat!  I'm not sure which of us was more startled, but I sure am glad it wasn't a skunk.

Since the campgrounds have been so busy, after breakfast we've been moving to day use areas, which have tended to be much more peaceful.
A Spirit in the Sky could have pulled the pin on the big bang. "Pull it!"
I got next to nothing done on my build this week. I guess I was just feeling burned out and needed some R&R time playing tourist. I did take a walk through the woods this morning. The tree cutting work was all done for this week and the camp host and one of the state park workers were busy cleaning up the leftover branch debris. Not too many people out using the Olympic Discovery Trail today as it was a mostly overcast day. Rain is due for tomorrow night and a chance of rain most of the next 5 days. But too not much longer and I will be heading towards more sunshine. The time will go by quickly.
Hello everyone - it is nice being able to catch up on everyone's news here. Those birdhouses must have been huge and ornate to bring in a price like that. I too spent time walking through the woods today... in a very well-developed city park though... not too woodsy.

There were a lot of deer and they were not at all concerned to see me walking by with the new hiking stick my son sent me (the other one burned in the fire.) The deer just stared at me. Then there were the Canadian geese resting from their southward flight, near Greenhorn Lake. Seemed like at least fifty to one hundred of them. I noticed this park now has a trail sign and there are a lot more trails than I was ever aware of. I might try some of the hillside trails - another day.

I felt like I got a lot done today... not sure why. I remember doing the laundry. Can't remember much else. I've had my consciousness lost in an audiobook world.

Oh, one thing I do remember is that the animal control officer phoned to say I must take my cat out of the shelter by October 15. She wants me to keep my cat in a cage here in my hotel room! I am sure not a cat person. The only reason I agreed to own this cat is that it was an outdoor cat that had lived on the property I was buying all its life. OUTDOOR. But now I'm getting back an indoor cat? A van cat? A... cat? Not feeling all that positively good about it. Not sure I can adjust to owning an indoor cat. It has been many years.
Ask them to try to find it a home on a farm, verify that it is a great mouse hunting barn cat who has never lived indoors. Of course you can't have a cat like that in a cage in a motel. You would be at high risk of getting booted out along with the cat. Make them understand that situation.
There are barn cat programs in various parts of California ascwell as in other states. There are aslso volunteer groups that come in after disasters and transport the over abundance of animals that were  made homeless to no kill shelters in other areas and other states.

Trzvel-A if your son is making those trips to Las Vegas perhaps a snelter along the way has a Barn Cat program and he could transport the cat to that shelter. It is just a thought, something to consider as a potential solution. The Humznd Society does hVe volunteers who could help you facilitate such a relocation not just for your cat but for other animzls as well due to the overcrowding situation.
I just got a call this morning from a woman who wants to foster my cat! I should probably tell her I have no idea if or when I'll ever be able to provide a home for the cat again. I'd be happy to help with food.

That's good news for both you and the cat. Let her know you won't be able to keep the cat...just in case the foster mom falls in love with it.
Hurt bad, but I gave Morgan away today. The woman from Redding will probably take better care of her than she's ever experienced before in her entire cat life. I'm sad but I think I did the right thing for Morgan.
travelaround said:
Hurt bad, but I gave Morgan away today. The woman from Redding will probably take better care of her than she's ever experienced before in her entire cat life. I'm sad but I think I did the right thing for Morgan.
It takes a while for the missing them part to gradually fade into  being OK with the situation. but your situation is compounded by greif with the loss of your home plus your children having to be away from you now. Way too much to bear at tjis time . being in a motel andvretired y ou don't even have the distraction of work and hobbies. Being able to get into some on the road van life would be a very good mental health healing time if you can manage it.
Rain last night and this morning but now it has cleared off.  That will be nice as I am going into town to get an order into today's mail at the post office drop box.

Fired up my laptop and tethered it to my phone so that I can print out shipping labels. I so appreciate having a good sized keyboard for posting with. I make way too many keyboarding errors on a small tablet. So I might as well post from it now while I have it online.

One more night here and this campground before I move on Sunday. Looking forward to the next campground so I can visit with my former neighbors. I know there is also a new owner in my previous home. It has been a couple of years since I went back to Poulsbo, WA for a visit. Not much will have changed in the old part of town where I lived or down at the waterfront where the tourist go to visit other than sometimes the stores have a change of owners and merchandise. I would stay the month out at the next campground if I could but at the moment I could only get 5 days in a row. That might change though as people do cancel their plans when the forecast changes to being mostly cloudy with rain. When I check in there on Sunday I will see what is open in the schedule.

Read in the news today that there is now a stronger possibility of another stimulus check. That would certainly be nice!

The woman who said she wanted two of my big birdhouses has changed her mind and is only taking one. But I will have to pick them both up anyway so who knows, perhaps her impulse control will still have her getting them both. If not I will list the other one on craigslist right away. If it does not sell before I leave the area I will leave it in the care of my former neighbor in Poulsbo. It is too heavy and too big to take along.

They are very large birdhouses. I made a series of 3 in the style of the old medieval stucco and timber buildings from Europe. They were done for a display at the big garden show in Vancouver, British Columbia. I decided to keep them for myself. But after I sold my last house and am now on the road I have been letting them go to new owners. These are all very large pieces, my own design, I did all the work on them myself from scratch. The wood on them is Western Red Cedar. The stucco is a modern elastomeric product made to be used on the outside walls of houses. The plywood sub structure is a specialty product for boat building of Okume wood. Not the kind of marine plywood sold in lumber yards, this has no voids in it and is rot resistant woods. I split my own shingles to get the right look. I do my own carving and stained glass work too.

These three pieces have been in featured articles in newspapers and magazines too along with some of my other large, custom birdhouses.

This one is now residing in the rose garden of an actress in California. For reference it is about 3 feet tall done in 1:12 scale. Meaning as a scale model 1 inch on the birdhouse equals 1 foot high on a real building.
This is the one my friend who has acreage in Sequim is putting on her land
This is the last one I have left in the series to sell. A 16lb big male siamese cat named "Beans" for scale reference.
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Wow those are beautiful. Not at all what I envisioned. You have far more patience than I do!

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