Rain last night and this morning but now it has cleared off. That will be nice as I am going into town to get an order into today's mail at the post office drop box.
Fired up my laptop and tethered it to my phone so that I can print out shipping labels. I so appreciate having a good sized keyboard for posting with. I make way too many keyboarding errors on a small tablet. So I might as well post from it now while I have it online.
One more night here and this campground before I move on Sunday. Looking forward to the next campground so I can visit with my former neighbors. I know there is also a new owner in my previous home. It has been a couple of years since I went back to Poulsbo, WA for a visit. Not much will have changed in the old part of town where I lived or down at the waterfront where the tourist go to visit other than sometimes the stores have a change of owners and merchandise. I would stay the month out at the next campground if I could but at the moment I could only get 5 days in a row. That might change though as people do cancel their plans when the forecast changes to being mostly cloudy with rain. When I check in there on Sunday I will see what is open in the schedule.
Read in the news today that there is now a stronger possibility of another stimulus check. That would certainly be nice!
The woman who said she wanted two of my big birdhouses has changed her mind and is only taking one. But I will have to pick them both up anyway so who knows, perhaps her impulse control will still have her getting them both. If not I will list the other one on craigslist right away. If it does not sell before I leave the area I will leave it in the care of my former neighbor in Poulsbo. It is too heavy and too big to take along.
They are very large birdhouses. I made a series of 3 in the style of the old medieval stucco and timber buildings from Europe. They were done for a display at the big garden show in Vancouver, British Columbia. I decided to keep them for myself. But after I sold my last house and am now on the road I have been letting them go to new owners. These are all very large pieces, my own design, I did all the work on them myself from scratch. The wood on them is Western Red Cedar. The stucco is a modern elastomeric product made to be used on the outside walls of houses. The plywood sub structure is a specialty product for boat building of Okume wood. Not the kind of marine plywood sold in lumber yards, this has no voids in it and is rot resistant woods. I split my own shingles to get the right look. I do my own carving and stained glass work too.
These three pieces have been in featured articles in newspapers and magazines too along with some of my other large, custom birdhouses.
This one is now residing in the rose garden of an actress in California. For reference it is about 3 feet tall done in 1:12 scale. Meaning as a scale model 1 inch on the birdhouse equals 1 foot high on a real building.

This is the one my friend who has acreage in Sequim is putting on her land

This is the last one I have left in the series to sell. A 16lb big male siamese cat named "Beans" for scale reference.