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Women get ignored when they do not have the self confidence to speak up on their own behalf.
Maybe if there were IA doctors women would no longer be ignored. But I doubt it.
When people realize they can fire professionals and hire another professional, things get better for said people.

Doctors, mechanics, etc, can all be replaced if needed. If it's not a good fit then it isn't. Doesn't make anyone the bad guy. Just move on and find one that's better for you.

I have fired a few doctors. One that seemed very competent, but didn't want to hear anything I had to say. We ended up having words and agreed it was best to part ways. He called and apologized the next day. I found a doctor that was more in line with the type if patient I am. He was used to elderly patients that just listened to him and accepted what he said as the truth. And I'm sure he was for the most part. But I like to discuss my symptoms and thoughts.

I now have a primary doctor that is also an internal medicine specialist. And a team of excellent specialist doctors. I refuse to deal with a substandard doctor or staff. And I don't.

If you feel you're being ignored by your doctor, let them know you prefer to have more attention or whatever it is you need. If they can't provide that, start looking for another. It's not that hard. If you just accept that you're being ignored because you're a woman, you probably would be ignored as a man in that situation as well. That same doctor might be perfect for someone else's temperament.

It's up to you to manage your care. It's up to insurance to pay for it.
Here's something interesting...

From an online article today:


In China, 35 Is an Age to Be Feared​

Story by Kate Seamons • 2h ago

"Forty might be the dreaded age at which you're over the hill, but take comfort: In China, 35 is apparently the age to fear. The New York Times reports on the "Curse of 35," which it calls a "widespread belief" that Chinese workers lose their appeal after 35. Age discrimination in hiring isn't illegal there; in fact, most civil servant positions explicitly state job openings are for those 35 and under. As for why younger workers are favored, the Times notes they're less expensive and more willing to work overtime.

One young worker tells the paper he worked till at least 11pm every night for one three-month period. He's now 35 and unemployed after deep job cuts at the AI company he worked for. Six months later, he's had 10 interviews but no offers and describes his age as like a "plague." Indeed, a February 2021 South China Morning Post article on the trend says it's most apparent among tech companies, which consider developers over 35 too old to handle 70-plus-hour weeks. In its report, the paper flagged a question posted to a Chinese site akin to the Q&A site Quora in 2019: "How does a 40-year-old unemployed individual live on?" By 2021, it had amassed 27 million views.

One woman who showed the Times a job listing that capped the age limit at 32 explained it like so: Chinese companies don't place a premium on experience and expertise because their focus is on following the hot trend of the minute rather than refining their current offerings. She was laid off in September and says she messages more than 3,000 companies, sending her resume to 10% of them. After 9 months she landed a job, but she remains morose. "I used to have expectations. I wanted promotions, pay raises and a better life. Now I have none. I just want to survive." (End of copied article.)

How crappy is that? 35+, or if you read down, even older than 32? Thats pretty crazy. Now I understand tech and IT figure its only the younger set who can understand it but if that kind of ageism is afoot in China they are in trouble. Its not like they have an oversupply of young people due to their 1 child policy...

The other scary thing was the comment about 70 hour workweeks...They need some vandwelling information over there! (Well, they have their own version of dropping out called "Lie Flat":)

And another snippet:

(Begin copied article portion:):
June 15, 2021 8:04 PM VOA

China Youth 'Lie Flat' as Good Life Seems Unattainable​

"Fed up with a culture of overwork, through-the-roof housing prices and skyrocketing living costs, many Chinese youth are "lying flat" to express their frustration with the lack of upward social mobility.

Lying flat includes opting out of getting married, having children, purchasing a home or car, and joining the corporate money-making machine, according to China's online discussion forum Zhihu. The tang ping movement embraces doing the bare minimum to maintain a minimalist lifestyle. It rejects the so-called "996 life" of working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. six days a week, a tech industry schedule that has bled into other sectors and often fails to provide sufficient income for exhausted workers to get ahead. (Bolding mine for emphasis only)

And it worries Chinese authorities, as the government has long equated the employment of college graduates with social stability, according to the official China Daily. In the COVID-19-influenced job market, the Class of 2021 is competing for jobs with the still-unemployed members of the Class of 2020, according to the South China Morning Post." (End of copied article portion.)

Yeah, no 996 going on here...
It used to be that way in the tech field in the USA as well back in the early years at Microsoft and other companies when even the founders were young. But then the founders all got older as well so that cultural attitude and era started changing. But the hiring preference will likely continue towards younger programmers. I know by the age of 40 both my son and his wife who were programmers were burned out having to constantly take evening classes to keep up to keep their jobs. Long hours at work and long nights of study equal little free time. If you top that off with having young children programming jobs can be a total burnout. So the hiring preference still remains for people in their 20s who are more willing to work overtime when deadlines are looming.
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It rejects the so-called "996 life" of working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. six days a week,

Yeah, no 996 going on here...

Dang. Only 12 hours a day and a whole day off every week? They dont know much about OTR truck drivers do they?

14-16 hour days and no days off, sometimes for weeks or months.

But they sign up for that, and they make good money doing it.

I know something about it, I did it for YEARS.

It's not easy for me to be sympathetic...In the trucking and logistics industry, one way to keep yourself employed is to INCREASE your value to your employer: Be dependable, safe, on-time, drive long hours, volunteer for the loads other drivers dont want, work weekends, holidays, drive thru bad weather, heavy traffic, and you know....'git er done'...each and every time.

As a driver gains experience, has a good employment history, and progresses thru a 30-40 year career, then he (or she) can slow down a bit, choose easier routes, work less, and enjoy the last decade or so in a less stressful driving job.

But, refusing to be a productive employee when you are young, and sitting around whining about the world, was a fast way to be very broke in the logistics industry.

What has happened to the old school work ethic?
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New school work ethic: Enter LSU Gymnast Olivia Dunn.

Olivia Dunne reveals biggest check she's ever received from single sponsorship post​

Dunne's single biggest check is well into six figures​

By Scott Thompson
Excerpted from news article today: "Dunne has been paid over $500,000 for a single post. But, when you have 7.6 million followers on TikTok as well as 4.2 million on Instagram, you can understand why some brands would pay top dollar to get exposure of their company or product with the most famous female college athlete in the country."
There does seem to be some weird generational amnesia about work ethic going on.

I don't so much blame kiddos who suggest that life owes them a fun, fulfilling, easy, and well-paying job and by the way they don't want to dress up and go into an office ... OK well yeah actually I do, up to a point, but I also seem to remember saying some pretty silly things when I was a kiddo myself ... What makes /my/ head explode is reading articles, which seem to be written by older people, suggesting that this is some kind of brilliant new philosophical insight. Like the rest of us were too stupid to aspire to anything but drudgery, until these genius pure free spirits came along.

Pfffft. I remember the sixties /and/ I was there LOL. And the seventies and and and. We all dreamed and gambled and in the end made whatever bargains we had to, and some of us (including people here) are still dreaming and gambling and bargaining.

I'd be HAPPY if people didn't have to go through some of the crap I went through. But then figure out how to make it so. There's a reason the saying doesn't go "if you want a better mousetrap, demand one petulantly, and the world will beat a path to your door to deliver it."
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It's either us boomers views or it's just true, it seems a lot of the 20 somethings have a high quality of life/income expectation and a low "work to get those things" desires.
But then, if I had been raised with everything given to me and everyone gets a participation ribbon, I'd probably feel the same way.
What's a TinToke? What's a insta...what was that again? Instagraph?

lol...I know some young people are plugged in to the tech and social bidness and making big money....but all of us 'drones'...well we did it the hard way....we actually WORKED for the money we made.
China's one child policy ended in 2015. They now can have 2 children. They were running low on under 35 workers apparently. It's not like they are lacking in population.

I'm sure if China gets in a war they'll have many 35+ aged soldiers. That has to be depressing.
China's one child policy ended in 2015. They now can have 2 children. They were running low on under 35 workers apparently. It's not like they are lacking in population.

I'm sure if China gets in a war they'll have many 35+ aged soldiers. That has to be depressing.
They actually have a 3 child policy now but according to recent news videos, the 20 somethings aren't buying it. Too expensive to raise kids and afford housing. I watched a recent documentary on their population crisis, by 2050 they are really in trouble if the birthrate keeps declining. Japan and S Korea are in the same boat, with Japan being worse.


Top 10 Countries with the Lowest Birth Rate (per 1000 people, CIA World Factbook 2021 estimate)​

  1. Monaco - 6.63
  2. South Korea - 6.89
  3. Andorra - 6.91
  4. Japan - 7.00
  5. Taiwan (limited recognition) - 7.43
  6. Greece - 7.72
  7. Puerto Rico - 7.90
  8. Portugal - 8.02
  9. Spain - 8.05
  10. Bulgaria - 8.15

Birth rate highs and lows​

According to the CIA World Factbook, Nigeria has the highest birth rate in the world at 47.28 average annual births per 1,000 people per year. The birth rate in Angola decreased significantly since 2000, when it was 46.89. It is notable that datas from other sources, such as the United Nations or World Bank, rank countries in a slightly different order (see below), but central Africa is the fastest-growing region globally and Nigeria the fastest-growing population in every case.

On the other side of the scale, the CIA estimates Monaco has the lowest birth rate in the world at 6.63 average annual births per 1,000 people per year. In comparison, the United Nations awards that rank to the U.S. territory Puerto Rico (6.55) and South Korea (6.77) and World Bank identifies Puerto Rico (6.4) and San Marino (6.7) as the lowest birth rates in the world. The United States sits at the lower end of the spectrum in all three rankings, with averages ranging from 11.4 to 12.33."
(End of copied portion of article)

The imbalance between males and females is making it difficult for Chinese men to find wives there. Lots of YT vids and internet articles on that as well.
https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20170213-why-millions-of-chinese-men-are-staying-single"In China, there is a name for unmarried men over 30. Shengnan, meaning “leftover men” have yet to find a wife – and in a country with a growing gender gap, that’s a big problem.

By 2020, it’s estimated there will be 30 million more men than women looking for a partner​

China has many millions more men than women, a hangover of the country's one-child policy, which was overturned in 2015, though its effects will last decades more. The gender imbalance is making it hard for many men to find a partner – and the gap is likely to widen. By 2020, it’s estimated there will be 30 million more men than women looking for a partner. In his book, The Demographic Future, American political economist Nicholas Eberstadt cites projections that by 2030, more than a quarter of Chinese men in their 30s will not have married." (End of copied article extract)
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Apparently Nigeria needs to plant some rubber trees. Send money to their displaced princes to make it happen.
It's either us boomers views or it's just true, it seems a lot of the 20 somethings have a high quality of life/income expectation and a low "work to get those things" desires.
But then, if I had been raised with everything given to me and everyone gets a participation ribbon, I'd probably feel the same way.
I have five kids (aged 22-35) and they work their butts off. So do their partners and their friends. You can't generalize about all young people. There are "internet sensations" then you have the average 20-30 something.
Am I the only person posting in this tread who is out here actually doing full time boom docking this summer?

The younger generation always solve their problems in the most natural way possible, they grow older. I now have 6 generations who are younger than I am. Truthfully I have never worried one little bit about it as older generations despaired about mine. It just seemed like a waste of mental energy to engage in that kind of negative thought train that constantly repeats itself through out the history of mankind. It is not as if you could do anything about it.
I have five kids (aged 22-35) and they work their butts off. So do their partners and their friends. You can't generalize about all young people. There are "internet sensations" then you have the average 20-30 something.
Thats great, and both mine have done the same, yet I see a lot different around me. The PT jobs I have had recently at Krogers and now at a plant that builds industrial electrical equipment both have a horrible time attracting and keeping workers.

Kroger was a disaster, very few of the late teens and 20-30 group were willing to stay off their damn phones and show up or do their job.

I couldnt believe the amount of food that was piled up in shopping carts from the evening, customers would abandon partly full carts or declare they didnt want some item and it sat there all night.

I’d come in at 7 am (custodial) and find pools of melted ice cream, chicken/meat/frozen items that had gotten to room temperature, usually 6-8 shopping carts full. Then anything saveable would get restocked and the meat, dairy, cooler vegetables would go to the dumpster. All because they didnt have enough people who cared to put an item away.

The industrial plant pays $17 to start for assembly work and has had a 150% turnover in the 18 months they have been in business. Just this last Friday they had 28 show up out of a shift of 45. The rest called out or simply no showed, wanting a long weekend.

I know some of us have responsible kids but where I have been working lately I don't see that very much.
Problem is July 4th is on a Tuesday this year.

A long Fourth of July weekend.

Cue up "The Weekend" (1967).
June 26th, 2023.
Eugene, Oregon.
The absentee-owners of our gym system notified the staff they are closing two locations -- West Eugene and Springfield.
Closing date -- June 30th, 2023.
Four days to post door-signs and the A-frame white-board used announce new classes -- 'Last Day June 30, Permanently Closing'.
Four days to reconcile perfect attendance by the staff.
Four days to say our goodbyes.
Us geezers are hit hard... we had a tight family of slow-pokes with like-attitudes, shared experiences.
We earned each other's trust.
The next gym is a couple miles away, absentee-owned, a branch of the Planet Fitness conglomerate.
I experimented with them, the place is infested with juveniles, entitleds, transients, uni students [shudders].
It is not a home.
At our gym, the staff built that business.
All that investment of time and energy, all that development of good-will, gone.
I could say more, but it would degenerate into rude language, harshly-pinned voodoo dolls, the occasional Irish curse unto the lineage of the owners.
Note to nincompoops:
* you do not want to be the recipient of the occasional Irish curse.
Depending on strength, you will enjoy...
* bladder issues,
* Damp! Flatulence!,
* crossed toes,
* random grounding shorts requiring hours of shop-time but the mechanics can never reproduce the problem,
* and the inability to remember your intentions after walking into a room.
'Charlie Chaplin duck-walking' is quite likely.
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Problem is July 4th is on a Tuesday this year.

A long Fourth of July weekend.

Cue up "The Weekend" (1967).
The company gave them Monday off as well, unpaid, because they know people wont show.
It is sad really.
And the quality issues… 6 months ago they had over 1100 stockpiled engines that failed for 1 reason or another. Brand new just built, but folks just couldn't seem to get the valves on right, or missed a few nuts and bolts as the engine went down the line. They'd make it to the test stand and, well, it wasn’t pretty.

Theres a repair crew that takes them apart, tries to figure out whats wrong in order to save them but most of it goes into the 40 yard recycle dumpster that is hauled off every 2 or 3 days.

And this is the sorry state of American manufacturing…
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