The reason for the LLC and professional liability insurance is establish that you are an independent contractor, as opposed to an employee. Employee status would create extra paperwork, liability, and taxes for the "employer".
I was an independent IT contractor for a few years, ... More lucrative than being an employee.
Ben, exactly. I was worried about the contract -- I've been asked before to sign off on some crazy liability language (basically, "although this is a large group in which every single member has the power to override you, you agree to let us blame you for anything that goes wrong") -- and you would not believe how often educated people in prestigious organizations have said to me "it's just a formality, we'd never actually do that, just sign it". UH, take on the LLC is for instance you did get sued, they couldn’t go after you for your personal things like your house, car or whatever. Liability insurance is huge also for that.
Man, there needs to be a party.I got sucked into another week working. But I will officially be retired from fire/ responder service on Wednesday
PLEASE get somebody to do it for you then. At least the basics. Including making sure your vehicle is ready to go. I know it's a lousy feeling but for safety's sake, push through! You've got people around, right?I'm not feeling healthy enough to pack my van. I can only wait here and hope that we'll be safe this time.
Just let me know.Thanks for all the caring, concern and advice everyone. That place near the ocean sounds so tempting Jacqueg. Today the tribe is inspecting my trailer for the first time since I moved into it. Tomorrow I'm supposed to get new rear brake shoes. So far there's no evacuation warning for my town, but I don't know why. That fire seems close. As soon as the inspection is over I'll take more things out to the van. The triple digit heatwave is over.