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yeah...obviously i'm still on the grid...haha...but it is a little lush paradise with grape vines hanging & raspberry bushes & surrounded by mulberry trees & that big red maple tree....everything just growing naturally....not much cultivation going on....unfortunately i don't even know how to prune the grapevine to produce more grapes....i just haven't been into gardening for many years.....a few years ago i was at my apartment....and had nothing to do with this place for 5 years....now i'm planning my escape again..............................into the vast unknown....leaving my security...am i nuts ???
Looks can be deceiving...yeah it's all lush and green....but inside the house has been extreme stress ....but when i go outside & sit in the yard it feels so peaceful....i can really feel the energy from the lushness & sunshine  :heart:
No stranger to the glories of nature here, but as I gaze out my suburban window, I recognize more and more that what I "see" is often what I choose to focus on.  Enjoy the view, wherever you are!
Just woke up from a nap to this, it did not look like this two hours ago.  Found a big local FB post about it with lots of pix, no one quite seems to know.  Best guess is Schneider Springs fire in Yakima.  That's 2 hours away!


Local news says it's coming from the Cle Elum area and there are fires on 2 passes?? Blewett maybe?
Wow… cool photo …outside of the fact that it’s a natural disaster happening  :s

I hope they can put it out !!!!

Did you take that from your campsite ?
I'm not camping currently, Gypsy, this was taken from my front porch.  And it is Yakima.  I wondered if it was a rain cloud and looked on radar and it is so big and dense it showed up on radar!

Um.....can I have your current address, jacqueg?  lol

On the way home from Wenatchee just now my son says "Did you see that blue cloud?"  No.  We drove a little further and the sky opened up and I'll be damned if I don't think it's a noctilucent cloud!  It was a lot more blue than his phone shows, that kind of electric blue they are.

Very beautiful view Wanderingsoul....i've never been anywhere in the Pacific N.W.   Amazing how the sky changed !    You have a nice clear view of the sky off your porch !!!!!
No rain today but some haze. But I still had enough solar to run my vinyl cutter enough hours to get my work done. It was a struggle though to get a different blade holder and blade set up just right to make clean cuts. That took hours to get it to work. One of the cardstock papers I was working with is very touchy to calibrate in. It is easy to cut big pieces of cardstock but at all easy to get a clean and accurate cut for the very small sizes of pieces I make. At one point today I even yelled out loud in frustration. That is very rare for me to gert reach that level of frustration as I have better than average patience.

After I dropped all the orders off at the post office I treated myself to a small pizza. The sign outside said it was voted Flagstaff's favorite pizza. It really was very good wood fired pizza.

Weather cooperating I will hitch up by mid day Tuesday. It is around 75 miles or so to my next campsite. A very pretty drive north on hwy 180 to the grand canyon south rim. Not a lot of traffic which is good because I prefer to tow at 55 mph. Fortunately quite a lot of that road is limited to 55.
Got hitched up this morning, it started off sunny but the hourly graph from Noaa weather site showed rain coming around 11:÷]am. Sure enough ta loud thunderstoprm cell arrived. I got out before the rain started. As soon as I headed west and crossed the high point on hwy 180 by Mt Humphey I reached the dryer west side ofbthat mountain area and the drive north towards Grand Canyon South entrance was very pleasdant with no rain. I am set up in my new camp now and checked the weather report again. The area I was in by Flagstaff now shows a red alert for flash flood wa rnings. The area I am in shows an amber alert. But the radar map shows that the heavy rain will not be coming on top of my new camp but pass on by to the east. My campsite is not going to flood anyway as I am on the gentle crest of a small hill.

Hopefully I will be able to stay in this area of northern Arizona for another month or so. Not many weeks left of this Southwest monsoon season.
Nice to sit in your camper and listen to the rain Maki. Got any neighbors at your new camp?
No neighbors within site pof my camp but there is a 5th wheel camped a bit closer to the highway. They were in that same spot when I was here almost 3 weeks ago.

A teen on a dirt bije did pull up about a couple of hours after I arrived. He asked me if I had lost a license plate. But I had not. He said it was a small one from WA state the size for a motorcycle. He did not show it to me. We talked for a little while. Then before he left he asked if I needed food water or snacks. I felt like saying my mom told me not to take candy from babies  :p But I just said, thanks but I have enough food.

I doubt he was scoping out my camp to steal stuff. Just a local kid out riding the trails, his bike is not street legal, just a trail bike. The cops and rangers will have seen him around faily often. This forest service road goes on for miles and then connects to other Forest roads one of which leads to the Grand Canyon South Rim and on into the National Park. There is a 4 x4 tour excursion company that brings people out along here several times a day, heading one way out  then looping on through the park and back onto the highway. it is also not that far from the district ranger office and the fence line of the National Park so it is well patrolled. Lots of camping sites but  not overcrowded. 

I will head into the park in the morning to pick up a general delivery package at the post office, take a shower, dump trash and get free drinking water. If I want to take my trailer along I can use my my tent to reserve my spot. The trailer is handy for a place to hang out while doing laundry.

The rain has stoped for this evening. One more rainy afternoon tomorrow then the weather forecast is showing 5 days of sunny skies with some wind.  That would be reasonably pleasant, but forecast can change quickly. My shelter can handle the predicted  wind speeds as can my popup top on the trailer. A strong breeze does make the sunny days more bearable inside the shelter and trailer as it blows out accumulations of heat.

Hoping my energy levels rebound so I can get build work and income generating work back into my daily activity.
I've taken two trips to Yreka this week. Came home tired today. It is a 2 hour drive each direction.

Here's a video I made last Sunday on my way home on the Klamath River Highway.

Saw RV guy here in town before I left this morning. Project is still ongoing. I met his wife when I was in Yreka today, at their bookstore. Of course I had to buy books.

I, backyard surfing right now, staying near the doctors offices because I have to have therapy on my arm, to try to avoid surgery. The orthopedist said it would take two operations and six months in a cast and sling or we could try extensive therapy that might work on the ligament that’s out of place and holding the bones out a place in my wrist. I said yay and amen, let’s try therapy before cutting. So my mountain camping is on hold for a while but you got to do what you Gotta do. We’ve been having a good bit of rain and my vehicle is not designed for rain I leave the windows open up front with screens in them and I’ll get water in but I’d rather do that than suffocate without air moving so again you do what you can do. Who said nomadding is without problems, not me. When you’re a nomad you trade one set of problems for another. Then you count the benefits of our type of living and weigh that against the problems. And I come out way ahead and much more happy. God bless the nomads keep them all happy and dry in their vehicles when it’s raining.
It is nice to hear rain on a metal roof, as long as the rain stays on the outside! Lol!!! It rains so seldom here I have had a broken roof vent for over 6 months and haven't gotten wet!
Nature:  Glad to 1) hear how you're doing in general, and 2) know you have an option to explore other than surgery.  I guess there's no way out of therapy, since you would probably need a good bit following surgery.  Personally, I'm always amazed at what PT can teach us about how to live in our bodies!  Hope it all goes well.
Just another day at this beautiful desert oasis. Except for that I got yelled at across about 60 yards distance about cutting down a tree I not only didn't cut down, but also didn't know existed. What makes it even more interesting to me is that the yeller (yelling at a volunteer!) has nothing to do with the refuge, except to drive through it and fill up water containers at the refuge's free campground. Heh.

The world is full of interesting people with interesting ideas and conclusions. I guess it'd be pretty dull if we were all the same!