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We're parked next to the Ocean camping alongside Hwy 101 near Gold Beach Oregon for 2 weeks

Last night some folks pulled in and setup camp CLOSE to us...........5 cars w/tents and an old Roadtrek.....lots of door slamming

Grandma comes over in this morning chatting......ultimately asking about my toilet tent......They have been forced camping


No evac center !!?.......they're staying in campgrounds mostly ("we like bathrooms")....Fighting for space in the online Reservation system !

I later handed them my new spare tent....call it a 'Fire Sale'
This is the first time I've heard of anyone being burnt out of Cecilville - though I knew it was evacuated. I wonder how many homes burned there. They parked in a good place to get informed about nomadic living.

After our fire people scattered. I went to Yreka with the main crowd and we were well taken care of by Red Cross for two months. But many others didn't get any help from Red Cross as they went immediately to stay with relatives, or completely out of the area to people they knew... and one woman absolutely refused to leave the town, preferring to camp with her children next to the river.

Thanks for the Miss Norma background information, Maki.

I've been looking at mobile homes again today, online. Mobile home sales websites are all terrible. They won't tell prices. They impart very little information. I found a model I liked and then found out they don't sell that brand to Oregon or California. There are no inventory listings. Frustrating! I think they just want people to show up at a sales lot so they can pressure us into buying.

I think I've been shanghaied into a trip to the fair tomorrow. Not so happy about that. I don't like crowds.
Travelatound,you are being a very good grandmother. A jewel beyond price even if flawed by not having total enthusiasm for the event :)

You get extra brownie points towards your perfect grandmother badge just for showing up for stuff you would rather not do.
I love fairs! My parents started me off by taking me to the Puyallup Fair every year from as young as I can remember. And then I started going with friends as a teenager. When I had my own kids, I would take them every year but I'd keep them out of school to go during the week. About 5 or 6 years ago we all met up to go to the Puyallup Fair again and it was fun, maybe not quite as exciting as when they were littles and would be so excited.

Park>get inside>get a scone with raspberry jam>everything else.

^^ I have never deviated from that since I was little. :)

abnorm - that was so good of you to donate your tent!

ta - Your grandchild (children?) will remember that forever, you going to the fair with them!
Even though I was not burned out in the Northern AZ wildfires in June a member of the local community offered me refuge on their land as a person displaced by the forest fires. I was very Gratefull of that assistance and generous offer to a total stranger. It did make a difference in my life.
A very strange expeerience today. The sun was brightly shining as I went into town to run an errand. Nothing looked the same to me. I thought at first I had somehow ghotten mixed up and turned in the wrong direction but that proved to be false when I reached the main road. Things looked strange most of the way into town. Rather like enhanced colors and 3d effect just after I had lasik surgery years ago. Then it clicked in what had happened. My optic nerve mist have been getting pressureput on it the last few months while fighting that tooth infection. The antibiotic I was yaking relived that pressue and my vision became normal again. It might seem strange to others not to notice it getying worse but that was gradual and I have had many vision changes over the last few years in my eyes due yo retinal damage incidents and surgeries to arrest and help revert some of the damage. So a slow change is not obvious to me but a sudden improvement was.
Here is an easy survey/topic...

What do you see when you go outside your dwelling today today?

The secondary question in case you dont want to resond to the 1st one... what would you like to be seeing if you are not happy with your current location?
My answer I see lots of tall ponderosa pine trees. I am in a small clearing in a national forest. It is a pleasant place to be on a mostly sunny morning.
I see.....a busy spur highway and the Columbia River. And sagebrush.

I'd much rather see....coastal forest. Or Cascade forest. A river that actually makes noise. Something weird about a silent river.
When I woke up I saw a the Columbia River and some smoke and some Huge RV set ups. Lots of sage brush and some burned up trees and some really sad homes and some really hard working people already working in the orchards.

What I wanted to see was my front door
Brand new fire at Lake Chelan and it sounds like it's moving fast. Lots of evacuations. Son and I got alerts on our phones and we're nowhere near.

edit: Another one just came over the scanner and sounds like it's at the gun range up Number 2 canyon. people go up there and shoot tracer rounds and set ths hillside
on fire, seems like it happens every couple years up there.
Outside my door - some trees, RV space I won't rake, so lots of fallen leaves, and my neighbor's RV.

Took a drive on the river highway today and saw this. It is very smoky out there.



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Smoky and dry looking. Our smoke finally cleared. Most of it anyway.
^^ Jealousy here. lol

I love fog. I REALLY love fog on the coast, in the trees.
I see sun through the trees, hopefully the clouds don't block it out until the afternoon. I really need a boost of solar power this morning to do some extra work.
very nice Gypsy!

just need to edit out those power lines in the background and you'd have near Eden.