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There is something that will come and eat the pears...rats.
maki2 said:
There is something that will come and eat the pears...rats.

You’d think so but there are an awful lot on the ground and I see no bite marks. I’ll have to look closer. I didn’t even see ants.
Cammalu said:
You’d think so but there are an awful lot on the ground and I see no bite marks. I’ll have to look closer. I didn’t even see ants.
The pears will ripen naturally a few weeks after they fall. Did you read the article I Iinked you to?
Chilly morning but it should be a verry nice day weatherwise. looking out my window at the early morning sun light slanting into the forest. Green grass under the trees with contented cows munching on it.
Old rig is now winterized.  Mostly.  May put more antifreeze in later as the hot water side isn't as protected.

The comment about contented cows reminded me of the sign that used to be in a field along Interstate 65 in KY advertising 'Used Cows For Sale'.  That is the kind of thing we kinda figured out what the sign meant but weren't really sure.
maki2 said:
Chilly morning but it should be a verry nice day weatherwise. looking out my window at the early morning sun light slanting into the forest. Green grass under the trees with contented cows munching on it.

Nice writing Maki. Keep going!
maki2 said:
The pears will ripen naturally a few weeks after they fall. Did you read the article I Iinked you to?

I’m guilty….. did not. Shame on me. I guess I don’t want the pears enough to do anything.
If the pears are not buggy then there will be someone in the community that might come harvest them. Maybe a food bank or church group or petson with a boorh at the farmers market.

Spiced pear butter is a good sell at farmers markets, it does not have to be a fresh fruit seller.  Blemished fruit is usable in certain types of canning.

Of course you dont know yet if they will be good tasting pears. If not the pig and cattle, farmers and horse owners can use them for feed supplement.

My techique put up a sign on along the road with a phone numder to call. They should go quickly.  Make it a pear shaped sign, that will catch attention.
Canmmalu I have no problem churning out descriptive writing passages. I just dont bother with it very often in forums.
Day 5 on the Clindamycin antibiotic. I had been getting concerned that the abscess was not going down in size so perhaps the pills were not working. So I did a keyword search to find out how long it takes for a dental abcess to see results. The search turrned up it takes 3 to 5 days. No change on days 3 and 4 but after the 2nd dose on day 5 it is finally starting to reduce the size of abscess!! Huge stress relief to see this antibiotic is actually working.

I also started getting some energy back. I took a leisurely walk up this spur NFS road to the top of a cinder hill area. Lots of OHV and dirt bike tracks up there. This whole area along FR 222 has some black cinder sections. Good place to come and camp near Flagstaff if you enjoy those toys. Also several areas where  target shooting against those exposed black, barren hillsides is done. But be careful where you shoot and aim, this is open range land with a lot of black cows grazing on it. Not really, the shooters seem to be a fairly considerate group. No early or evening random shooting. It is all target practice stuff. Haning worked in a fasctory where a lot of riveting was going on and worked where nail guns were being used I pretty much tune out that percussion noise without going crazy from it.

Right now the only noise I am hearing is an afternoon thunderstorm coming through. it has been several days of sunny weather but they are now back in the daily forecast. But so far, no heavy rain warnings for this week which is good as I need to be near Flagstaff for a little while longer to be within a short drive of the dentist make sure I get this abscess properly healed.
Whew on the abscess Maki. I would have been awfully worried it was taking so long.

Canning tomato sauce again today. It’s 8 PM and I’m still not finished. I’ll be very glad this winter though to have it for chili, soups and other meals.



Oh boy a severe flash flood warning alert on my phone just came in. A bit late where I am, the hail started pelting about 20 minutes ago. A sure sign that heavy rain is going to happen in the next few minutes. Heavy rain was not in the forecast this morning. Before the alert came I had already battened down my popup hatch and decided driving to town was not a good idea.

Day before yesterday I  walked further up the road and checked the water level in the catchment pond, looks like it can handle this storm water without a problem even if the road next to my campsite turns into a couple of inches deep stream for a while.

Guess I will tune in the weathher radar now and see how long this is going to last. Not a heavy hard rain at the moment.

It has been one of those days anyway, not enough sun to run my cutting machine for cutting all the orders that came in. I have not yet gotten around to putting up the little popup tent I got to shelter my generator so no machine and computer cutting today. Having a bit of trouble with the knife holder  on my cutting machine letting the knife spin freely, tomorrows problem to solve. Good thing my shipping deadline is not for another 3 days.

So another rainy afternoon of reading and maybe a video while hanging out in my cozy nest. Time to put on my fleece jacket and put a blanket over my legs as  this thunderstorm cell quickly dropped the temperature into the 60s.
I just went shopping with my granddaughter - it was her 8th birthday two days ago. I let her pick out a gift for each member of her family. So much fun - plus there's a coffee bar in there.......... our gift shop just reopened last week after being closed since the pandemic started.

No changes on the vanbuild... we're waiting for solar panels still. Maybe next week something will happen.

Hope you stay safe from excess water, Maki.

Here we've got the typical: heat and smoke. The smoke is coming from the south... there are fires around Cecilville and the Salmon River area. I haven't heard yet if any homes burned down that way. I was feeling a little triggered this morning. I hope the fires stay away from us this year.
^^I can't imagine how anxious that must make you feel. I'm sorry. :(

I am still using hand sanitizer and still making my own. 2/3 C 99% rubbing alcohol, 1/3 C aloe vera gel, 1 Tbl hydrogen peroxide, 1 tsp glycerine. Today I scented it with 4 drops Douglas fir, 2 drops Atlas cedar, 1 drop pine needle and 2 drops of 10% vanilla bourbon. I'm not a fan of vanilla scented things but a drop or two in an evergreen blend makes all the difference. This hand sanitizer doesn't leave a strong scent on your hands and it fades pretty quickly but it smells like heaven (aka the Olympic Peninsula) until it does.

We are ramping up another heat wave, starting today. It was so cool (relatively) yesterday. Back to hot today.
Your hand sanitizer sounds amazing, wanderingsoul...

Maki - how did the day go? Has the rain stopped?

I stayed home today and got a lot of reading done.

My granddaughter came to my door with a friend and ordered 2 bottles of cold water and 2 granola bars. Luckily I had exactly what she wanted and I got to fulfill my lifelong dream of working at a fast food place. Great fun.

Other than that my day has been blissfully uneventful.
Blissfully uneventful is my favorite kind of day.

Woke up to being smoked in this morning and it has been so relatively clear for days and days. I have my yearly physical today, hoping for good cholesterol and blood sugar labwork.

Also, I have poked my head out of retirement to apply for my dream job, working at the library. It's in the mail order department so I won't be around a lot of the public, which I wouldn't mind at all were it not for the pandemic. I had a phone screening already on Monday, haven't heard back yet. Yesterday I messaged my daughter who is a recruiter for a large online company and said "It's been TWO days!!" She said that's completely normal and it can be a week or even two before they start calling in candidates.
Wanderingsoul, it would be nice to get a dream job. Best wishes on making that come true.

Travelaround, it appears that it will be raining everyday for a while, no sunny days in the week's forecast. It is raining this moning, I have not looked at the weather radar to see what is coming ths way. 

Today is my last day of the antibiotics, I suspect I may need to stay on it for a few days longer than that. Good progress on the reduction in size of the abcess but that progess did not begin rightaway. I will contact the dentist  this afternoon with a progress report and let her decide what needs to be done. If I need to go in for a few minutes tomorrow for a quick progress checkup that is OK. I would like to break camp here and return to camping right outside the Grand Canyon National Park but a few days extra near rainy Flagstaff is not a hardship.
A library job in the back room would be perfect. I hope you get the job, wanderingsoul, though that would make wandering difficult, except on days off.

Glad to hear you're surviving despite the rain, Maki. And that the abcess is responding to the antibiotics. You've had a hard week!

We've also got smoke here... coming from fires south of us. It is normal to have smoke in this town during parts of the summer and fall. This is the time of year I'd rather not be here. But here I am. Just paid RV space rent for another month. I feel trapped. Hopefully getting the van conversion done will help alleviate that feeling.
I will give up spontaneous wandering for a library job. Another good thing is it's 8-5 M-F. It's been a long time since I haven't had to work on the weekends. I did just have a nice long vacation of about a year and a half though.

Got back from my doctor appointment, lost 6 pounds in the last month. Not too bad, I think a pound and a half to two pounds a week is considered healthy weight loss. Now I'm waiting for my blood work.