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An almost peaceful and quiet day spent in camp reading and napping. when you are camping in an open range National forest area you can get livestock for neighbors. It is the cows calling to their calves that make all the racket. I enjoy seeing them but it can make napping a bit challenging.

The area where the tooth was extracted is healing up nicely.  But where the infection spread this last weekend  the gum area next to two molars further back is still pretty badly infected and swollen. So far I can't tell for sure if on day two the super strong antiobiotic I am now on is working but I suspect its not and that I might need to go on a different antibiotic.
I like listening to my neighbors chickens..... mostly because they are my neighbors and not mine so I don't have to take care of them. 

Hopefully you can get this infection under control with out bigger antibiotic stuff. Don't forget to get started on the probiotics once you are done always hard after big doses of anti stuff for awhile. My gut just does not like them anymore.

My dentist recommended a water pic thing last time I got a nasty infection. Worked at least as well as the pills... or maybe just helped them along. She said use anti septic mouth wash instead of just water.  She also asked how much have I been grinding my teeth as I guess that didn't help things. I had cracked a few teeth. My mom was living with us, hubby was retiring, and my job had to end when his did. NAAA not to much stress. She recommended getting a mouth guard thingy. From what you have been sayin I'm guessing you may have a wee bit of stress right now too.
If it was me & there was a puffy gum area with possibly puss inside … I would take a sharp needle & sterilize it with a lighter or match flame & pop it open & let it drain& squeeze it…. Then rinse with salt water… do salt water rinses 2-3 times a day & keep area clean & flossed ….
Warm salt water rinses do wonders!

I was having problems with my teeth from grinding/clenching. A dentist told me to place the tip of my tongue against the back of my top front teeth, it relaxes the jaw. I got so good at it I do it in my sleep now. I've taught it to my kids and it works for them too.
Hello fellow nomads, I have bad news and good news.

The Bad news is the Martians have landed on earth.

The good news is they eat garbage and Pee gasoline.

May God bless each and every nomad wherever they are. And Lord could you please do something about these gas prices.
Whew. I slept ALL DAY yesterday! Guess I needed it.

Tomato juice is on the stove and cooking down into sauce. Fresh basil, rosemary, sage and thyme have been collected from outside and thrown into the sauce. I’ll be canning today. I’m guessing it takes about 20 tomatoes to make a pint of sauce. Can you imagine if you had to pay $5 a tomato? Sheesh. I don’t know how many gallons of tomatoes we washed, cut up and sent thru the tomato mill but it was sure as hell a lot easier with this electric tomato mill than my old leaky hand crank one! It will go in the shed and be used again next year if we decide to summer here again.

One giant pot of tomato juice only wields about six pints once boiled down. Most of the tomatoes were Romas this time so I expect to get more than that out of this batch. Looking out the window I see there will be a couple more batches before we head west.
I appreciate that you care and want to let you know that and that salt water rinses and probiotics were in the instructions given by my doctor and pharmacist.

It is up to my doctor to decide if it needs draining and if it does it will happen in a proper surgery and be done by trained professionals. This is not the right type of abcess for DIY treatment.
Cammalu....summering elsewhere? That is interesting, where are you thinking about heading?
Well, I screwed myself up by ordering that cut to fit 3" piece of foam for my bed. It didn't make it any softer than it was and now I've lost my headroom sitting on the bed. I think I might take the bed frame out, sacrifice the storage under there, and just put the mattress on the floor. I had trouble getting up off the bed when it was just 4", now that it's about 8"+ I can get up easily.

After our family camping trip. My son will be riding up with me so we will have my usual stuff, his stuff and all the camping gear. We will be glad of that under the bed storage.
maki2 said:
Cammalu....summering elsewhere? That is interesting, where are you thinking about heading?

No, I’m still in Ky. Won’t be headed out until after Halloween. Looks like a few might caravan out with us that we will join up with on the way. I wish we weren’t stuck here but there is so much to finish and very long wait times if you need pro help. We are renovating a rental house and are stuck until the foundation is fixed. There is a 1-2 month wait for the pros to do it. We tackle just about everything but not in this case.

We have done a lot but you can do so much then you are stuck waiting on someone else.
I want the French pear liquor with the pear grown in the bottle! I read the Japanese mold their watermelons into squares as they stack better that way.
GypsyJan said:
I want the French pear liquor with the pear grown in the bottle! I read the Japanese mold their watermelons into squares as they stack better that way.
I make my own pear liquor, but I don't leave the whole pear in the bottle. It would take up to much room from the liquor. also the pealing and seeds might add bitterness. I do sometimes leave in a small bit of cinnamon and or ginger. But only if I know it is going to get consumed soon after it is given as a gift. It is sooooo good. So glad I found that recipe!
Speaking of pears, I have a rental house with a tree that is spa full this year but they are ripe but really hard. What do you do with those kinds of pears? We just let them fall and run them over with the mower.
Our park has lost power, which means also lost air conditioning.  I have the new to me motorhome generator running out in the parking area as I've not moved into it yet.  It was so hot inside it is still cooler in the shade than inside it.  I'm hoping by evening the.power will be back on.  Otherwise we.will be staying in the newer motorhome even though I haven't cleaned.jt yet.and it has.no water.
Cammalu said:
Speaking of pears, I have a rental house with a tree that is spa full this year but they are ripe but really hard. What do you do with those kinds of pears? We just let them fall and run them over with the mower.
Pick them now and put them in a paper bag. They will be ready to eat in a few days. If you don't want to eat them that fast let them ripen in a window without full sun. they finish ripening off the tree. Don't run over them! When they are ripened can them or dry them or put them in vodka.
YEA! We may finely get out for a tiny trip this coming week. Hubby's leg is healed, my thumb is mostly healed. Hubby's kidney stone seems gone and Mom is not broke down in the drive way. Nobody is getting married here anytime soon and we are fully vaccinated. Hubby has been warned NOT to order anything we have to be home to receive because I will go without him. FINELY. It is time to try out some of the new things in my van. About D#@^ time.
Also time for peaches to be ripe for jam. I missed out on the strawberries. So I won't miss anything else.
Got tired of sitting in camp reading so went into town to do a return at the store. Then went to visit an Arts and Crafts era house that is on the national historic register site. It is at the Riordan Mansion State Park which is within the Flagstaff city limits. No camping there but for $2.00 you can hang out all day on the grounds. The tours for inside were all booked up but I did the outside self guidrd tour, found a comfortable bench in the shade with a fine view of the house and garden. Read for a while half dozed too.

I will make an online reservation for the guided tour of the interior some other dau. In the , is a fine collletiion of original furnishings including many pieces by Gustav Stickley. The house had continuous family ownersip until ownership was tansferred to the state to preserve it.
I need to get over and see the sites at Flagstaff. That sounds like a place I’d like Maki.

I don’t want to pick the pears. They are brownish and hard and fall from the tree still hard. Somebody come get them and stick them in vodka.

Later this month the pawpaws will be ready. Processing tomatoes now. I don’t really care for pawpaws either. If I wait long enough the raccoons will get them anyway. Nothing eats those pears.