Just learned that my son was diagnosed with acute Leukemia. Not sure which of the two types he has as I have not yet been in contact with him. I had noticed that his blogs, his youtube channel and his gaming website had not had much recent avtivity on them. He and his wife had returned from Japan after liv ing there for several years returned from 2 years of living and working in Japan. I knew he was job hunting so thought the lower activity on the net was related to finding recent employment that required hours of outside education to get up to speed on the changes in computer programming software. It was quite a shock to hear it is luekemia. He and his wife are living with his father, stepmother and posdibly his half-sister too. So he has the daily family support system to help him through care, transportation, meals, housing and such. So he is more than adequately covered with assistance and support. Due to Covid and of course other risk including common colds and flu he could not interface with me in person and I can't even meet with anyone in that household either. So I will go ahead and continue with my current camping in Arizona until the end of March before I head north for the summer. I think I will go ahead and apply for the WA state park camp host jobs for this late spring and summer and early fall. There are quite a few of the State Parks in the area around Tacoma, WA where he is currently residing.
I did have an aunt who died in her 20s of acute leukemia. While it is not directly considered as a hereditary disease there is some antidotal evidence that a family history might make a person more susceptible to acquiring this cancer. Of course that is true of many types of cancers. Not something my son would have heard about growing up and his father would not have remembered that even if I had ever mentioned it. But it is somthing that needs to be enteredd into his medical history even if it only helps document it for research studies as such information is accumulated over time when studying diseases. Fortunately there are many treatments they can try and the Seattle area has many top notch cancer treatment centers where even though he is unemployed he will receive excellent medical care.
You never know from one day to the next what might happen to change your plans. Fortunately I have the option for some flexabilty inn where I can stay. . But one thing I could not manage is to put a roof over his head so I am very glad his father is able to do that for him during this time.