12v Shower

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looks simple---worth trying maybe.<BR>&nbsp;<SPAN id=bb_bdp><SPAN id=prcIsum>US $18.95 -as priced.<BR>thanks for the link.<BR>sparky1.</SPAN></SPAN>
I have one like this, except it has a 12 volt connection to plug in rather than the clamps.&nbsp; It also came with a battery pack which holds eight D cell batteries.&nbsp; The original cost was $30 US.&nbsp; I have used mine in an outdoor privacy enclosure with a portable power pack and like it very much.&nbsp; I put a stocking over the pick up for a filter and pump gray water into a container for disposal.&nbsp; An empty cat litter jug is very handy for this.<br><br>Vickie
Thanks for your input Sparky and Vickie. I like the price and simplicity of this shower but had concerns about its durability. I&nbsp;would rather it had the&nbsp;cigarette lighter plug rather than the clamps. If I get one I may wire in a&nbsp;lighter plug and leave the clamps in place should I want to use the shower away from my truck and have another 12v power source available. I much prefer taking a shower and thoroughly washing my hair, than taking a spit bath or using wet wipes. Looks like it would be easy to use with a 5 gallon bucket of warm water.
<br><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>I bought one, too. Mine also has the lighter plug. </strong></span><br><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Haven't had occasion to use it yet, however.<br><br></strong></span>