Official Summer RTR Dates: June 16-26, 2016

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Dec 12, 2010
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I've formalized plans for the Summer Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR) and the finalized dates are:

June 16-26, 2016

Here is the blog post about it:

And here is a video about it:

Some Question and Answers about it:

Will there be good internet and cell signal? We will have a very good Verizon internet and cell signal in camp.
Is it a nice camp? It's a beautiful spot with the world's largest Ponderosa Pine Forest, but it also has several open areas with fields and views of 12,000 foot Mt Humphrey.
Does it cost anything? We will be dispersed camping in the Coconino National Forest so it will be free. There are no charges at all for the event.
How's the weather going to be? The weather is generally very good then, possibly a little on the hot side, but hot means about 90 at the most and in the shade of the Ponderosa Pines it's not a problem at all.
Can I get supplies nearby? Flagstaff is a large town and has everything you could possibly want for shopping, including many great outdoor stores. You can easily buy filtered water in town for 25 cents a gallon or get free city tap water at the Pilot truck stop. You can easily dump your trash numerous places.
What's the road like? We'll be very close to town, just 5 miles on the I-40 and you're in the heart of Flagstaff. We'll be camped on a dirt road that is generally in very good shape, although at times there can be some washboard.
Can my big rig make it into camp? Is it welcome? Any size rig can make it into camp; from a low-slung Prius to the largest Class A, all are welcome and will fit.
Is Flagstaff nice? Flagstaff is a college town; the Northern Arizona University is there and has about 30,000 students. Because of that it's very artsy and it has a wonderful, old downtown area that is a joy to explore. There are an abundance of outdoor stores.
Is it practical to bring a tent, will the wind be a problem? Yes, tents will do very well! While I generally discourage tents at the winter RTR because of the wind, the Forest does not really have many big winds. A tent will work great!

Map to it. (It's possible, but unlikely it could be in a different location--it will be within 5 miles of here for sure)

There are different dates in the title and the body of this thread. Which is correct?

I'm assuming you meant the 16-26 since that's what your blog post says.
Thanks for vidieo, that's awesome. Can't wait for the tea and topic! Thanks for doing this:)
Hi James and Bob

Nice to see you both!

I hope your wing is fully healed by the RTR this summer. I won't be able to be there, but I am sure MANY people will have a GRAND time.

Take care
Kemosabe's (Friend's)
I really wish I could make it to this one, but trying to get anywhere in June is tough for me. Nothing short of a death in the family will get time off from work approved in the summer months.
Jerome Arizona is one of the coolest places I've ever been, and it's an hour and 20 minutes from Flagstaff. Hope to see you guys at this summer RTR. Thank you for putting it together, I'm so excited! The Quartzsite gathering in Jan was a blast! ~Wendy
Sameer said:
Mr. Pico and I have already arrived.....SO happy to be back in our secret camping spot......!


Stay warm up there Sameer!

James is almost back on the road, when he is I may come and camp nearby.
Great you tube video about RTR in Flagstaff ... thumbs up! Wish I could be there. Am now shooting for Quartzite.
akrvbob said:
Stay warm up there Sameer!

James is almost back on the road, when he is I may come and camp nearby.

You and James know where I am camped...The low last night was 38, but this morning the sun is shinning bright.  Will be in the 70's by the end of the week and the low in the 40's.....IT'S WONDERFUL!!!....Hope to see you soon....
I have a lot going on this summer trying to get two houses ready to be put on the market but might try and sneak a few weeks off and come out. Won't have my dedicated travel rig ready but I can improvise with my truck and I have plenty of camping stuff that will get me through. 5000 mile mid summer road trip sounds pretty good. Plus Arizona is one of the last states to cross off my list. Just have Arizona and Louisiana to complete the 50.
What's the bathroom situation look like? We'll be coming in our car with a tent.
Will there be communal bathroom facilities like a tent or something?
Yes, I'll set up something for the group. I have a nice one down in Qzt but I'm not driving down there to get it, it'll be cheaper to buy a new one.

I always think that a good way to break the ice and get to know people is by playing a game, has anyone considered setting up a horse shoe pitch at one of these RTR.
WheelEstate USA said:
We should be up there about the same time.
Nice to hear the weather is more favorable.

favorable?  Remarkably beautiful, Jay...Cool mornings so you can run the heater drinking coffee with the door open and then it warms up nicely..
77 degrees this Friday..
..watched the baby deer play at the waterhole drinking coffee....
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Are there any good locations near the location where I can charge my laptop, and do some work without having to spend a bunch of money?
We'll be there the 22nd thru the 25th for sure, but we have an AirBnB booked for Sedona from the 17th thru the 21st. We'd save a bunch of money by canceling the room in Sedona, spending the whole week at the RTR, and driving into Sedona and back, but only if I can work for about 4 hours a day.