Summer RTR 2016 Highly Probable--Suggestions for Where and When?

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We had some serious brush fires in Feb and Mar in Colorado. Now I have a foot of new snow in my back yard. But at least I don't have to shovel it - by Thursday it's supposed to be 70 again. Which reminds me - if you smoke, please don't throw your butts out the window. Besides being gross and illegal, one of those brush fires was traced directly to a cigarette butt thrown from a car. It burned several hundred acres on a rancher's hay field and their barn costing them thousands of dollars.
ainley53 said:

Count me in.  I'll have Hannah finished, or close enough to wing it.  I now have a 8.5' x 14' enclosed motorcycle trailer as well.  Are you going to need firewood?  LOL.

David, we can count on you can't we!!!!? No, I think it's most likely there will be a fire ban.  But thanks for offering! 

I can't wait to see you and Hannah!!
I would love to come ... but where is it going to be, Flagstaff or Colorado? I think I'll have my wheeled home by then, it would be a great maiden voyage with a sense of safety at the end you know?

Anyway, I read the thread but couldn't find the location - sometimes I miss the obvious.
Look like we will have 2 different summer in Flagstaff and the other in Colorado.
Bob is hosting in Flag and I think Jim is hosting in Colo.
These will be more casual than the winter RTR in Quartzsite. Still a good chance to meet some of the tribe and even pick up on some tips and share your experience.
Hope you can make it to one.
Ahhhhhh I wish I could make the summer RTR, have a blast everyone. I am hoping I'll be on the road in time to meet you all at the Winter RTR.
I just might make it up there for a few days on this one Bob :)

:cool: I have come to believe there is a very good chance of a Summer RTR 2016. If you follow my blog, you know I just did a post laying out plans that left zero chance of a Summer RTR. I'm scrapping most of those plans!!!

I reserve the right to make all my plans written in Jello, and in this case the Cherry Jello rolled over on its plate!!
 It's not my fault, it's the Jello's fault!

That's one reason I love this life!!

So, I'm open to suggestions to where and when. It's very likely to be in the exact same place as the last Summer RTR, just outside of Flagstaff, AZ a the end of June, first week of July. But I'm open to suggestions.

Don't send me suggestions unless you can also send me an exact location where it will be. We have very specific needs and very few places can meet them:

1) Must be free--no charges.
2) Must be able to hold 70 people and their rigs.
3) Must have very good Verizon cell and data signal.
4) Must be near a large enough town to have everything we need including a Walmart. 
5) Must be near  good number of interesting things to do--in other words, already a destination. 
6) Must be easy to find, preferably near an Interstate.
7) Must have a good chance of decent weather, not horribly hot or horribly cold, no very high humidity.

My spot near Flagstaff meets all these extremely well, we had 40 people at the last RTR with room to spare, free dispersed camping there, the weather was perfect, great cell signal, 1 mile from I-40, 5 miles from Flagstaff and a Walmart and the Grand Canyon and Sedona very nearby.

Unless you have a better place that's where it will be. 

Tentative dates, but they can change, are

June 16-26--10 day but you can come and camp with me before and after.

How many think they can make it? Let me know!

akrvbob said:
Tentative dates, but they can change, are

June 16-26--10 day but you can come and camp with me before and after.

How many think they can make it? Let me know!

I'll be there. My first RTR! How exciting!
Nemo said:
I just might make it up there for a few days on this one Bob :)
That would be great Nemo, I've been thinking it's been too long since we actually visited.
I think there will be a bunch of us from "Without Bound" and I thought I would put together a video of us getting together.
akrvbob said:
That would be great Nemo, I've been thinking it's been too long since we actually visited.
I think there will be a bunch of us from "Without Bound" and I thought I would put together a video of us getting together.

Have missed it as well my friend, but the winter RTR just isnt conducive to it :) I think I would be up for a video.  Talked to Lesa today, she might show up as well.
I am very excited that we will be able to attend!!
We are scheduled to be at the Grand Canyon until June 16th, then Sedona until the 21st, then Phoenix until the 26th, so we'll be in the area.
Worst case scenario we stop by we stop by the 16th or 17th on our way to Sedona, but most likely we'll cut some Phoenix time and swing back to the RTR for a few days at the end.

The blog mentioned internet. How does that work exactly? Is someone setting up a mobile hotspot? If so, is that enough bandwidth for 40 people? Just wondering, because I need to work and can only go a few days at a time without access to the web.
Matt71 said:
The blog mentioned internet. How does that work exactly? Is someone setting up a mobile hotspot? If so, is that enough bandwidth for 40 people? Just wondering, because I need to work and can only go a few days at a time without access to the web.

Most of us that require internet travel with our own hotspots. I know Bob does and I do the same. I'm not aware of anyone setting up a communal hotspot at the RTR, but you may get lucky and find someone willing to share.

Curious - you need Internet for work but don't travel with a hotspot of your own?
I'm going to be helping out with the harvest at the family farm for the time period or the early summer RTR.

I should be able to make the second summer RTR.

One of my jobs for the Colorado RTR is recording what internet signal is where for when we choose a site. I am well suited having all four carriers but even if all of my devices got full signal, I couldn't provide for many, nor for very long. Basic email and check up on the forums a few at a time yes. Up and down of photos, blogs or videos, not a chance. The signals are too weak, the data too limited.

There are very inexpensive and even free options for internet once you have the device. There is no way I could have all four carriers if there wasn't. I'd be happy to point them out if you are interested.
TMG51 said:
Most of us that require internet travel with our own hotspots. I know Bob does and I do the same. I'm not aware of anyone setting up a communal hotspot at the RTR, but you may get lucky and find someone willing to share.

Curious - you need Internet for work but don't travel with a hotspot of your own?

We do have Verizon and I can turn my phone into a mobile hotspot. As of this morning we only had 3gb of data, which I don't think would be enough, but Verizon has a new plan and I just upped it to 18gb for the same prices we were already paying! That makes things a little easier.

We'll only be on the road for 10 weeks and will be staying at hotels and AirBnBs about 2/3 of the time which is why I hadn't really considered using our phone as a hot spot
18 GB should be plenty. I have 12GB / month and I do all my work over that. However if you make the mistake of streaming videos and etc you'll eat it all up in a couple days.