You Ain't Right Club

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Bullfrog, WHAT are we going to do with you??? Hmm?

You turn down a solar oven either by putting something partly over the glass to create shade, or by opening the door a crack and sticking something in it until the temp goes down! Sheesh!
Bullfrog , are you here for your "Stinkin' Badge"?
OK, RVPopeye....... I'm only getting on board here about every other day, so I tend to be a day late and a dollar shy with the smartass comments.  Sorry about that!

Gary68 had said (back on pg 28):  "now we know how popeye can log so many miles in a day" and showed a photo of a container of Depends for Men (NEW!).

And Cammalu said, "Those don't look like pirates pants to me!!!!"

Then I said (pg 31):  Oh, just put a gun belt around them and call it good. They're still better than old guys running, wearing a thong.

That's when YOU said, "Pants?
  I didn't post any pics of pants.  Are you trying to check out my pants?

NO, I was NOT trying to check out your pants!  I don't like brightly colored plaid pants on guys!  Esp pink/purple/green.

NOW.......... as for the old guy running while wearing a thong:  There was (maybe still is) an old geezer in Chehalis, WA, who used to jog around town wearing nothing but a thong.  He even made the local newspaper (the one that sometimes gets the lottery numbers wrong).  No one ever said WHY he did this, unless he thought he was showing off.  If he's still around, go ahead and send him a Stinkin' Badge so he can join the club -- I think he probably earned it.

And as I was going through this forum, I discovered that ***I*** have been awarded a Stinkin' Badge!  'Ell!  IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!  I was beginning to think that no one had noticed......
rvpopeye said:
The new Grand Poobah , Badgemaster of all that is "Ain't Right" , giver of "Stinkin' Badges "  Got Smart .

Only if She Who Must Be Obeyed is my Brain Trust.
What is a brain trust. I've got no brain at all anymore. That went out when I quit sleeping.

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So glad you are here Train chaser to whup these stinkin guys in line. You too Abuelaloca
Give em hell
bullfrog said:
Question for the ain't rights, how do you turn down a solar oven when it's 110 degrees in the shade?

Bury it?
It's kind of vague.
Membership can happen in several ways .
You have now qualified in more than a couple of them.

1-Actually thinking/knowing you belong...
2-Someone else saying you belong....
3-A story or comment that "Ain't Right"...(The main reason I created this talking insanity...It's FUN!)
4-If you're a musician it's all automatic by default and it's for life !
1Check , 2check , 3check ! 4????????

There may be other ways and we'll all know when something worthy has happened.
Multiple "Stinkin' Badges" could qualify you for "bonuses" which you have or will learn by just being here.

Daily attendance is NOT required but will probably happen when you become addicted to the Crazy Train (of thought)!
Sorry but the guy with ten bagpipes just seemed like the perfect mascot and attention getter. And you gotta admit "He Ain't Right" in SO many ways.......WELL DONE.
(Both a compliment and an observation of the possible state of his brain)
Now, wanting to check out my pants might be another reason for induction and a "Stinkin' Badge" with a blown kiss on the side..................

Anyone calling Cammalu "She Who Must Be Obeyed" are on your own but as for me, I have been assimilated and will of course comply for resistance is obviously futile!
Sushidog needs to be nominated based on a comment on the "stocking items for barter" thread about cannibalism and fava beans. Someone go get him/her.

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Cammalu said:
Sushidog needs to be nominated based on a comment on the "stocking items for barter" thread about cannibalism and fava beans.  Someone go get him/her.

That is the reason for you being the brain trust.  

I felt short changed by the 60"s, so I got five 70's.   :cool:
bullfrog said:
Question for the ain't rights, how do you turn down a solar oven when it's 110 degrees in the shade?

They will get to 300-350F no matter the outside temperature. It may not be right but my favorite time of the year for using them is mid winter in below freezing temperatures.
You seem to have a natural ability to find "those that are worthy"
You still have 3 "Stinkin' Badges" so will have to take on some "position of honor"
talent scout seems possible but not important sounding , so now on you shall be .............
drum roll....................................The Nominator !
Having being narrowly defeated for Grand Poobah and in recognition of all you do .
Royal Magician of All Things Solar is first to mind . But we'll just call you SPARKY for all purposes (except the Grand Ball).

I'm gonna have to start a spreadsheet.............

The Weirdo Overlord has spoken......................
Popeye I have TWO badges. I still have plenty of stories showing that I certainly belong though as I've screwed up more times than I can count. I'll keep those for another time. They come with photos I've got to find as proof of my "not rightness".

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If you say so !
(I really need a spreadsheet)
I was just thinking of posting an end to official business and a return to "Stories of Worthiness" so I'll pencil you in for those to come in the (near?) future.
I love stories (as you know)!

Anyone else wish to contribute a story of your "Ain't Rightness" ?
I forgot to address the pants thing for you.
I think I remember telling you that guy wasn't really me.

Just a pic I saw of possibly a very "Ain't Right" person and a good visual representation of what potential members would be experiencing here in the club.

He actually isn't wearing pants ,it's a kilt ! (A fine way to check out a guy if anyone might be so inclined though).
So , riding a unicycle , in a kilt , playing the bagpipes with a Darth Vader complete head mask on. The only piece of info I don't know is "Just WHAT song was he playing?"
We may never know , but just in case . If he sees this . I extend a lifetime musician membership to the club to him and maybe he will someday come and tell us his "I Ain't Right" story and hopefully provide a recording of the song.

The "Supreme Nominator" has requested sushidog be issued a "Stinkin' Badge" and membership , I'll try to send a PM but anyone knowing a quicker way please notify and invite for the "Stinkin' Badge" presentation.
I have PMed sushidog and hope to hear the story about cannabilism and fava beans comments that the Nominator saw in the stocking for barter thread.
Popeye,you been picking your own mushrooms again? you're a little more not right then usual

btw,want my old marker lights/covers/little round bulbs that cost $5 a piece,have a few?
TrainChaser said:
NOW.......... as for the old guy running while wearing a thong:  There was (maybe still is) an old geezer in Chehalis, WA, who used to jog around town wearing nothing but a thong.  He even made the local newspaper (the one that sometimes gets the lottery numbers wrong).  No one ever said WHY he did this, unless he thought he was showing off.  If he's still around, go ahead and send him a Stinkin' Badge so he can join the club -- I think he probably earned it.

Did he look something like this?



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