You Ain't Right Club

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I just went back and you are (of course) correct , TC WAS the one with the new badge ! And I'll get back to that thong comment in a minute.
But you still are the only (other)(thank you O almighty Badgemaster) one here with 2 !
So there :p case closed.

And BTW living out inna sticks law #101 is always return fire if someone is popping off rounds in the vicinity of your dwelling (or you personally in hunting season) just as a courtesy (and self preservation) tactic .
Even us Mainah Yankees do that. Especially during hunting season....OOOOOH AYUH !
Good story ,well done , 1 badge !
Badgemaster , if you please at your convenience......#3 for the Grand Poobah!
All hail the Grand Poobah !

Now TC .
We'll of course need a story about your obviously mind stunting experience with the old man running in a thong ??????? (This should be good) If there were any pictures. Include them so we all can be equally stunted.
now the rest of you...No complaints cuz we ALL "Ain't Right"
I don't think tc even knows she earned a badge. Someone better PM her and let her know so she can come back and get it.

And Popeye, I don't get a badge for that story. It was the cop that wasn't right. I was right.

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All right ,,,he gets one too . But you still get yours..............
I'll go tell TC to come back and claim her property!
TC has been PMed and informed of her new membership status and also informed of our desire for the back story (and any pictures if they exist) of her frightening experience.
I hope she comes back. She certainly is worthy

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How do I write out the sound of crickets............?
Chrrrrrrrrri. Churrrrrie

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Yeah , A whole bunch of those^
THX Grand Poobah Cammalu The Magnificent.
Real nice havin' you helping me out!
Ain't no poobah. Last chance before I leave. Better pick someone else

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I guess it "Ain't Right" to be still be asleep at this hour , so everyone in the club is VERY QUIET !!!!!!

All the title is, is something to have a laugh around the fire with.  

Pixel stinkin badges, and internet titles.   :D

I was wondering when I would be the target.  My friends here, they ain't right, and I'm worried about what they will do.   :s
Gotsmart since you are the badge master I think you need to take my place. I ain't havin' it I tell ya!!!

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Cammalu said:
Ain't no poobah.  Last chance before I leave. Better pick someone else

You would, of course, be authorized to change the title to: "She Who Must Be Obeyed".



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Looks like Cammalu is abdicating ^^^ Can She even DO that? Well , she IS the Grand Poobah (The only one that's as "Ain't Right" more than any other. (First to get the 2 "Stinkin' Badges") Which anyone knows we don't need.But we "Ain't Right")

Who am I to not take the easy way out .
That is ,after all the most "Ain't Right" thing to do.

Jim is making noise about actually being interested so I have no problem with that.
And the mere thought of such a thing should be so "Ain't Right" that confirmation will proceed................................ BUT

Not so fast , we've got to go on "Ain't Right " logic Mr. Spock errr I mean ("These Are Not The Droids Err Words You're Looking For") , my fellow "Ain't Righters"........
(Did you see how I worked Spock AND Star Wars into that ? Now , that "Ain't Right"!) SO , I have to say "That can't be".. sorry Jim , maybe next time...

Cammalu want's me to give it to Got Smart , and he already has experience here as Badgemaster....This is another easy one , I must defer to the current Grand Poobah.
It is the right thing to do.....but now "our" logic applied , "Aint Right would mean he doesn't get it either !

The Weirdo Overlord will contemplate the possibilities.......

If "our" logic calls for anything "Right" can't be.

And we have 2 rights that can't be.


Ohhhhhhh yeah , easy way out.
Whatever the Grand Poobah says stands.

The Weirdo Overlord takes the advice of the Grand Poobah
Bagdemaster and new Grand Poobah

WAIIIIIIT ! Do we need yet another title????????
That "MIGHT" be right but it "Ain't" today . Soooooooooooooooooo
The new Grand Poobah , Badgemaster of all that is "Ain't Right" , giver of "Stinkin' Badges " Got Smart .

Weirdo Overlord Peace Out !
Oh yeah
Give Crazy Grandma her "Stinkin' Badge" for the Pooltable .........

But Cammalu keeps hers for not returning fire.
:huh: :huh: I AM SOOOOOO CONFUSED  :huh: :huh:




Now , time to pay your dues......
Back to more "Ain't Right" stories....
(And to think , today started out with just crickets !! Guess they "Weren't Right")
Question for the ain't rights, how do you turn down a solar oven when it's 110 degrees in the shade?