You Ain't Right Club

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"Those don't look like pirate pants to me!!!!"

Oh, just put a gun belt around them and call it good. They're still better than old guys running, wearing a thong.

"What a pirate wears when on vacation...."

I thought pirating WAS a vacation!
TrainChaser said:
Oh, just put a gun belt around them and call it good. They're still better than old guys running, wearing a thong.

Bahahaha ha!!!!!!

Trainchaser! Girl, you just ain't right! I nominate u for a badge!!!!
Thanks a lot OP. I'm in the dang ER for about an hour now and had to click on the pirate song. I couldn't get it to shut up and kept pushing buttons. There is a sign over my head saying all phones off and no texting or talking. The nurses heard the pirate song and came in. I still couldn't get it to go off and they heard at least half. [emoji31] you got me in trouble!

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Pants ? :huh:
I didn't post any pics of pants.
Are you trying to check out my pants?

But I can't stream Y tooob :(
rvpopeye said:
But I can't stream Y tooob  :(

It's from the South Park episode where the boys go off and join the Somali pirates . . .

Since the pirates don't really come to a good end, it's probably just as well you can't stream them! :cool:
South Park??
Those can't be REAL pirate songs! :dodgy:
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh kuh
(I'll check them out next time I go by Lowes)
(Yup , pirated wi-fi!!!!!!)

I've got a good one , I'll try to find a link then too.
(Or you could do a search.)
The Arrogant Worms - "The Last Saskatchewan Pirate"

And then there's that pirate version of Row Row Row Your Boat I posted above^^^^
I wrote it when me crew complained the original was lame! I agreed!
TrainChaser Wrote: Oh said:
Bahahaha ha!!!!!!

Trainchaser!  Girl, you just ain't right!  I nominate u for a badge!!!!
Your wish is GRANTED!  Oh Marvelous and Wize Grand Poo Baa, Inventer of The Boot Monkey!


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Cammalu said:
Thanks a lot OP.  I'm in the dang ER for about an hour now and had to click on the pirate song.  I couldn't get it to shut up and kept pushing buttons.  There is a sign over my head saying all phones off and no texting or talking.  The nurses heard the pirate song and came in.  I still couldn't get it to go off and they heard at least half.  [emoji31] you got me in trouble!

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Emergency room?? Did you go ahead and mow? You know that just ain't right...
I'm ok. I go to PT almost everyday and they don't like my blood pressure. Hell I was down for a few years and am fighting my way back. No wonder my BP goes up and heart races. They send me to the ER or they stop my therapy. I go to my Doc and the pressure is always good. No worries just having to fight to get ahead.

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Wait !
Is Cammalu now my #2 in command ? Did you guy's give up on getting more "Stinkin' Badges "?
That "Ain't Right"!

And don't I get another "Stinkin' Badge" for admitting my Hawaiian shirt addiction?????
This all "Ain't Right" I tell ya!

O well no use in fighting you "Ain't Righters" I should know better.

I hereby confirm Cammalu as the new Grand Poobah with 3 'Stinkin' Badges" , that girl is a shining example for us all !
The Weirdo Overlord has spoken !
It's official.................

(But if someone else gets 4 "Stinkin' Badges before she does ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?
so keep them stories comin' !!)
Hawaiian shirts have become en vogue, and depending on your haircut ~~~ just might disqualify you from membership.   :dodgy:


Another star for effort.  (I mean Badge)     :angel:


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I also felt that way at first but decided if I went with the pirate on vacation theme it would be "Just Not Right" enough.
It's all about the accessories !
Judging by the looks I get I'm confidant I made the right choice.

(We need a smily icon with a head rolling it's eyes and shaking from side to side in disgust as in the above statement^)

Oh yeah all musicians are automatically forgiven as de facto members by default anyway and cannot be disqualified .....
The Weirdo Overlord has spoken !
Aw hell no. Popeye that other badge was for trainchaser. She certainly showed her wit and willingness to jump right in the mess with a comment that awarded her an immediate badge. My bossing days are OVER and I'll never have to be the boss of a man again thank god!!!!!

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I think I'm ready to hear more I ain't right stories too Popeye. If they come with pictures even better. I still have a few messed up things from the past but I'm waiting.... I can't give it all away yet!

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Are you gonna start in with that "Not Me " stuff again?????
You know how it always ends...... and it's too late anyway , I didn't elect you either , just declared the inevitable.....officially!
Besides who said you had to tell anyone what to do ?
You can be a "yes man...errr girl" to my proclamations.
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh
Feel better now?

And, you're absolutely right .
Everyone should be able to come up with at least one more story/reason!
Now... everybody recite the "Ain't Right" prayer.....

We "Ain't Right"
But we can change
But we don't want to
I'm not going to play anymore if I can't have my way. I'm not going to be the yes girl so there

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My local police ain't right story.

I have lived in a whole lot of places and around ten or so years ago I moved to rural Kentucky from a town south of Albuquerque, NM.

The town I live outside of has only a couple of thousand people and most live way out of the city limits like I do.

I only had a back porch then and had only been here a week or two living alone. The weather outside was cool and instead of sleeping in the house I put a cot on the back porch and would sleep outside. What could be better than fresh air for sleeping?

Anyway I awoke one night to the sound of gunshots that sounded like they were coming from my woods (I'm only on about 14 acres but have a couple patches of woods). As the gunfire sounded like it was drawing nearer I thought I had better call the sheriffs office. I called 911 and they said they'd send someone out.

In the time it took the cop to get here the gunshots had ceased. One cop came up and I told him what happened. He looked at me really weird and said, "Don't you have a gun?" I replied yes, of course I did. Then he looked at me serious as hell and said, "Well then, shoot back!"

That was my introduction to rural Kentucky police policies [emoji3]

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Here's my favorite "ain't right" story... There's an auction here in town every Friday night. I love weird, ugly things that other people don't usually care for, so an auction is always a great place to pick up very cheap items that only I could love!! At the time, I had 5 kids (3 were inherited sons that stayed with their mom half the time) and my ex was a truck driver. Everyone was somewhere else on this particular Friday night so I decided to just go see what goodies I could find at the auction. I drove a Mercury Topaz at the time that was pretty roomy for a family of 7, but the trunk was tiny!!

Toward the end of the auction, the big furniture type pieces came up for bidding... there were couches, beds, tables of every size and type! And the very last item was a pool table. Nobody wanted it... nobody... it was going for $1. Of course I knew everyone in the family would love to have it, but I couldn't justify the buy because I didn't know where it would go in our home... AND... how the hell was I going to get it home? It wouldn't fit in the Topaz...

The next day my husband came in off the road and the boys came over from their mom's and my two brats were home, so I told them about the pool table for a dollar... Holy crap, you'da thought the earth crashed into the sun!! They were devastated! When I expressed my thoughts on how I was supposed to get it home, my oldest son reminded me that he was driving a one-ton flatbed pickup and that I could have called him (I couldn't because of their mother), and my ex reminded me that I could have had them hold it until that day (Saturday) so we could find a way to get it home... and so, properly chastised, but still fighting what I thought was pure common sense, I asked them all... where the hell are we supposed to put a pool table??

Well... duh... we don't need no stinkin' dining room table... or better yet, a bed at night and a pool table during the day... geesh... It's been about 14 years since I had the opportunity to get that pool table and my children still remind me about it at least twice a year! They shake their heads and say, "It just ain't right!"
Thanks for the great story crazy gramma

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