You Ain't Right Club

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Maki , I'll be needing a tale of "Ain't Rightness"
(or an eyewitness account from Monkeyfoot)
if you ever expect me to approve that "SB".

I've got a new plan on my rate points issue.......
Your mission (if you decide to accept it ) is to get HDR to move to the other forum.
Then he'll have to start out on rate points all over again ,,,,,,,on second thought I don't have all that many rate points over there either ... :rolleyes: nevermind ! :rolleyes: skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh kuh
Getting highness desert ranger to do anything would be like trying to run a wild west sheriif out of their own town. I dont have enough ammunition for a shootout or a lage enough pouch of gold dust or enough aces up my sleeves. i sure cant do it with sex appeal or cooking skills. But I might , just might without even half trying hard, be able to bore HDR into moving over to the dark side. Because the quickest and surest way way to get someone to move on away is to bore them to tears and I am fully loaded for bear with  subject matter ammunition. I mean never ever ask someone how their health is, especially an older woman.
What a terrifying threat !!!!! :s
He could end up in therapy. :dodgy:
"Stinkin' Badge" confirmed ! Abort , abort ........cancel launch code alpha. :p

I figured you just buy him beer......
Buy him a beer? I bought a couple of beers a few years back, I think they are still in the fridge in the workshop up in Seattle. He is welcome to one of them if they are still even there. My friend's son might have gotten to them in desperation.

Told you I don't want to be awarded no stinkin badges, I just want to steal them if I find them lying around YARC camp. More fun to go lost treasure hunting than to earn treasure by hard work.
Oh,,,, I see how you are !
All badges revoked with no chance of parole.
Any you steal will self destruct

Haaaah just kidding.

You really don't get to decide....skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh kuh

T W O h s,,,,MD.
The  dogs and cats are staying busy out there so maybe if there were some badges lying around they have already burried them. Or the mice tookem. For sure there is no badge earning activity happening out there this year unless it is for earning some girl scout badges for cooking and fiber art activities. 

I think the men might be doing a bunch of yarning and tale spinning, could be some badge worthy results among them. But there is no one there authorized to give out badges.
I actually still have my prized one that Cammalu hand crafted for me!
"I actually still have my prized one that Cammalu hand crafted for me!"

Me too. it's a prized possession.

I of course possess "The One Badge To Rule Them All" , you may all be suitably unimpressed now .
OOh you mean I am allowed to make my own stinkin badges? No problem,  I have tools for that.
They were all forged in monkey fire by an elven princess.

But if you think you can make your own go for it !
All I do is decide worthiness of the offending party.
All my awards are stuck inside my poor recently departed laptop .
And Badgernator has been consumed in his quest for that perfect specimen.
(I'm not sure just what kind of specimen...)
You should however add your "Official Stinkin' Badge Award"" to your tag line as required by article 71 of the "Aint Rught" rules....
Well , not actually rules ,,,,more like "guidelines".

T W O h s,,,,MD.
Ah, made by Elven princesses.  No I am certain they themselves do not make any of the badges
They bespoke everything, they don't actually make things. As it happens I am one of the artisans they hire to do custom work for them. such as this enchanted forest music room where they go for a musical evening when they get bored in the big castle.  I am not a liberty to disclose its location or which Elven princess I made the cottage in the woods for. There are strict non disclosure clauses in their contracts.
acorn door.jpg
Monkey fire is just their name for butane torch fuel, don't let them bedazzle you with their misleading information they have no idea of the real names of supplies so they just make up clever names to amuse each other with. I travel with canisters of monkey fire and those magic flame throwers used to forge the metal materials. Also tiny hammers and anvils for the shaping of badges and such like. There are many Maki- magic making tools and materials inside my tiny little caravan and horse powered steed that pulls it. Of  course it just ain't right that I should travel with such things...but I do it anyway.


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Nice try !
That's not elven , you're referring to fairies !
Fairies are tinkly and cute.
Elven princesses are beautiful but terrifying when they're mad.
Invoke that and even TWO can not save you....
Besides , the badges you seek are far more than all that.

I'm not trying to discourage you from making one .
But don't invoke the wrath of the elves,,,,not a good idea at all , nuh uuuuh

T W O h s,,,,MD.
Silly person, fairies are not ground dwelling creatures, they have wings and like their dwellings up high for convience, safey and the view out. . I build homes for them disguised as fancy birdhouses.

It is a good thing someone in the YARC avtually understands them. You have been watching too many Lord of the Ring Movies. They did not even discuss fairies in the books or movies.
Ok , tell us exactly where you saw those fairies and maybe after we find them....... the elves' horses will find them tasty.

I'm calling in and have my order changed to include a factory installed notch. Congratulations. :thumbsup:

T W O h s,,,,MD.
I am heading over to YARC camp this morning. Sso be forwarned to keep your badges and other such things well secured.  this is your only warning. Of course I am only interested in the little shiny or sparkly stuff such as a packrat or crow might pickup.Things of real value hold little interest for me other than the dogs and cats.
Haha Maki. Will be sure to hide all the shiny things here! I’m looking on my table but the only thing shiny is a nail clipper.
John was out there gaudring your camp. Pretending to fly a kite or some such thing while I ws pretending to work up high on B&c's roof. But of coutprse that job was just an excuse to get up on a roof so I could spot more treasure without being obvious about it. well that and getting paid for being up there to spy on YARC camp.of course there really not much of anything going on there  to watch except for the naked people running around and they are not doing anything interesting. still waiting to see them jump on the trampoline.

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