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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
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I know Im new here and I dont know if this has been done before, but I thought it would be good if everyone who wants to participate can tell where they are and maybe where they will be. Who knows maybe some of us are nearby each other and dont know it. I think it would be cool to meet some of you. ESPECIALLY THE LADIES. HA HA.<br />&nbsp; I will go first. Right now I am in puyallup wa. Thats near seattle. I will be here the rest of the summer working then I will be heading south to arizona around mid september. Im thinking the quartzsite area but that is open for debate. Im going to find a nice place in the desert to boondock. Maybe some of you are planning something similar. OK your turn.
My&nbsp;license&nbsp;says Long Island ,N.Y. And when I get my van I'll tell you more about it. I hear its a nice place to live.
I'm in Nowhere, Ohio for now and hopefully someplace else by 1st of September. Aha !
I've been based out of Albany, Oregon for the summer as the barbecue competitions go most weekends around the NW, and anytime someone wants my opinion on anything, much less barbecue, I'm there!!<br />It's tough, unrewarding work, but someone has to do it, and fortunately the season's going to be over long before the RTR.<br />&nbsp;We bear our burdens as we can....
In the monsoons in the SW desert.<br /><br />VanGirl
Hi Vangirl. Are you there long term? Im planning on spending the winter somewhere down there. Im thinking quartzsite but not sure yet.
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Aboard a UFO, hovering over SC.</strong></span><br /><br />
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<div id="content-header" style="z-index: 7520;">&nbsp;<div id="content-header" style="z-index: 7520;"><h1 class="title">Sportsman's Paradise</h1></div></div>
Alaska is a nice place to wander, but I can't...I'm stuck working!<br />Rae
Yes, VanGirl will be in the southwest for a very long time. I built in the mountains of New Mexico and I'm a vandweller in the heat of the Arizona sun. But I love it. My air conditioner and generator work well :)
lol i deleted my other post because it was ridiculous.. I'm from The north west suburbs of chicago. i saw wave was from the area too. anyone else?
Austin, TX until October. I've got some stuff I've got to sort through then. From there... nooooo idea. I want to go exploring but I don't know where to start. Maybe somewhere along the coast?
ha ha gump, again i'm right there with ya.. once i get my vehicle .. i have NOoooo idea where I'm going to go first.. i have family in Texas. and friends from the internet(some i've met some i haven't) ALL over the country... and they're all teling me to come see them.. SO i was thinking of doing an "American tour." I live off of i-90 outside of Chicago. so i was thinking of just heading east. down&nbsp; i90. all the way to i-95 , taking i95 south to i-10 in Florida.. then hitting i-10 to California. then I'd take i-15 to Las Vegas . then hitting i-70 in Utah, to i-76 in denver then i-80 to iowa and i-88 to basically back home &gt;.&gt; i guess that's kind of&nbsp; a "Dream circle" Of mine to travel.. though i am SCARED TO DEATH of the idea of traveling alone through the mountains. especially at night. LOL. i'd have to find out the best routes if there are better ones.. or "safer ones" i dont want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere by myself with no cell signal or internet access.. anyway.. yeah so thats just one idea of mine for trip..but it would probably take me a year to complete it if not longer because&nbsp; id stay many places along that trip more than likely
Till then i was thinking of trying to do smaller trips.. and maybe with other people . so I'm not alone just to get a feel for it.. i wrote a "Test run" post about it.