What made you happy today?

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The 20+ MPH wind stopped blowing. Yay, I can cook outside!
LOL, gunny. I have found that the easiest way to get a neighbor to leave you alone is to lend them money. On the rare occasion where they might have the nerve to ask for more, it makes it easy to turn them down. You can just say, "you haven't paid me back the last loan I gave you" and then you can start into a long winded explanation of the difference between a loan and a gift. Eventually, they will get bored and leave.
Slynne, that's what my speech is to my older kids.

Got the roof leak fixed (I hope). Cleaned out the back of the truck and gained another 2 square feet. Decided to delay my return to Massachusetts for a week and head back down to Florida to help my best friend from my teen years celebrate his house closing - he's been inspired to give road life a try. A quick stop in Atlanta for a visit with my sister in law and I'll be in Lake City within 4 hours. Can't Wait.

Oh, and saw some bear scat about 100 yards from my camp - hoping to see one before I leave.
My recovery from Lyme took a huge leap forward the last couple of weeks. Seems just when I think I may have reached the point it's gotten as good as it's going to get my body surprises me with big improvements. I'm already better than I ever thought i'd be. So everything I gain back at this point is just a bonus. Longer walks with the dog, more hours spent working on the house, all in all just feeling really good about life's outlook today. For as bad as things got, life's treated me well when all things are taking into consideration. I consider myself very fortunate.
got my chainsawing done right before it started raining again
I get to go camping even with a broken femur. My nephew will have to almost hoist me in but I get to go. It's not the big longgggggg trip I planned by now but it's about an hour or so away on a lake. I can lie in bed in the camper as easy as lying in the house. Whooweeee

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A hammock.... good idea!

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At the right mounting height should be easy in&out with a helper.

But no falling out!
Got the dock most of the way in. There are a couple of more sections to go but we will do that when the water is warmer. This is the first year that my siblings and I have done it. My dad has always done it by himself!!! Sheesh. He is 76 years old so I cant see how. When asked he said that wisdom beats brawn. Oh well, I cant complain, my siblings did most of the heavy lifting while I fetched tools and such. I am happy it is mostly done!  And happy that my dad is still available for advice.



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Pleasant PM's from friends I haven't met, solid advice about a reunion and the humor of the 'you ain't right' club.

A three hour nap (good luck on sleep tonight) and a nice quiet dinner.

slynne said:
Got the dock most of the way in. There are a couple of more sections to go but we will do that when the water is warmer. This is the first year that my siblings and I have done it. 

I could have wrote your post myself!   I remember the first year me and my brother took over dock duties from my Dad and Grandfather.  Eventually the dock needed to be replaced and so I built this one.  I designed it so I could put it in myself and it requires no tools, everything interlocks.  This is about 14 years old now.

My dad and grandfather are now gone and we were going to sell the summer home as it has too many owners which means there are too many cooks in the kitchen, making decisions.  But my cousin came forward and said she'd sell her house and move in to this one.

So I am extremely HAPPY it gets to stay in the family after all.


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Nice dock slynne, do you live on a lake? How nice.

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Reading some nice stuff posted by my internet buddies here, missed you folks.
Queen! Good to see you back!

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Waking up warm and dry.
Hot coffee with cream and sugar.
A huge list of things to do that when done means I can finally cut the shackles and leave.
The sun is shining. I have food. I have fuel in the rig. I have two offers to buy stuff that I'm selling.

Time to go grab this day the horns and make my dreams come true.