What made you happy today?

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Cooler and wet weather should help the fires around here.

Cooler temps makes me happy.
A very good friend has cancer. After chemo and radiation they did a scan. She was contacted via email of all things. She was told the cancer did not respond to treatment. She was given less than three months. We spent days looking at clinical trials. Something, anything. She still has children at home. It has been just awful. So..... she goes to pick up all her scans and medical information to apply to clinical trials. Ends up the doctor misread the word usual as unusual on the report. Her cancer is half the size it was. She won't be dead by Christmas. She has a year or more and time to get additional treatment. Unbelievable joy! Life is about perspective. Last week she thought she had no chance, now she has some time and with additional treatment the doctor said it could be years!

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Our campfire turned into a party last night that got abit rowdy. Had a fun time last night but what made me happy today was someone else cleaned up the barf(not mine) and a huge ass turd(again not mine)(I hope) behind a tree in camp. It was that kind of party...

EDIT: Blanch had not posted their feel good post when I went to post mine. I feel like a cad posting mine right after that post. Sorry about that Blanch and I hope all the best for your friend.
Blanch - that is fantastic! Very happy for your friend and for you.
Thanks, but it is not a competition. What makes us happy is different on different days.......


So here is a cheeky reply to, perhaps, make us all smile.

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/\/\That is really funny. Oh gawd, I can't stop imagining this and peoples reaction! Lol. /\/\
wheels said:
Wow !
...  I mean, like, WoW !

And he emailed his response.

Medical care here is rather awful ( the poor north coast of California). You are lucky in this area to actually have a doctor. No doctors here are taking new patients unless you are on Medi-Cal and go to an Open Door clinic staffed primarily by Nurse Practitioners.

But again, perspective is good. After five days of "you'll be dead by Christmas" the answer of " you may die in a year or a few with treatment" sounded so good. We went out and had a "I'm not dying dinner" to celebrate. And we ordered and ate everything!

I think my happiness is found in tiny places, the ledges of my life, where I escaped unharmed or hung on and didn't jump. She was working on finding an appropriate trial and an appropriate way to commit suicide rather than hang on to the bitter painful end. And now she is smiling bigger than I have ever seen her smile. And I am smiling.

And the world is ok.

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Blanch said:
And he emailed his response.
>>> yah, what a rude, insensitive, so and so.  actually, worse than that... if she had ...

Medical care here is rather awful ( the poor north coast of California). You are lucky in this area to actually have a doctor. No doctors here are taking new patients unless you are on Medi-Cal and go to an Open Door clinic staffed primarily by Nurse Practitioners.
>>> California is known far and wide for being a nanny state. Many others are Far worse.
>>> I don't know that I would have any problem with a NP...  Over the years, they see, and learn, lotsa stuff.
My primary physician is a PACman !  Yah, he's a Physician's Assistant - Certified. And I do like him quite a bit.
When I first met him, I asked, and he explained his qualifications quite well, and I was happy enough.
Basically, he skipped out on what he considered to be tedium, to go straight to work as an intern as doctors do.
Today, he performs all functions of an MD, yet must be 'under' some other Doctor, who has the bigger picture up on the office wall.  
He's young and intelligent, computer literate (so gets all the med updates), and does not hesitate sending me to a specialist if needed.
Our treatment today has been determined by the legislature & corporate concerns, anyway.  With few exceptions.

And the world is ok.
>>> Well, no, it is not.  Never has been, and never will be.
It's dog eat dog out there, famine, war, pestilence and death.
I'm happy today, as most others, to see a new day with it's new challenge.
What am I gonna do to help fix it !

What a wonderful thing you have done for those children, mitigating their Mother's anguish when she got that tragic news.
Each day brings different opportunities to help someone. It's great you were there for that one !
Tomorrow may be a more difficult challenge, or one that can be taken easily in stride.
Can't hardly wait to see what it is...
Best,  wheels
Blanch said:
A very good friend.......... Last week she thought she had no chance, now she has some time and with additional treatment the doctor said it could be years! 

Happy....... about Blanch's friend. 
Wabbit said:
Our campfire turned into a party last night that got abit rowdy. Had a fun time last night but what made me happy today was someone else cleaned up the barf(not mine) and a huge ass turd(again not mine)(I hope) behind a tree in camp. It was that kind of party...

That Wabbit know's how to throw a good party. 
Blanch said:
 What makes us happy is different on different days.......
Blanch's post about the "helium blowup dolls" ( That's a great title for a Band? ) It made me think of Led Zeppelin's " Stairway to Heaven " song.

Finding this great Thread. Thank's Queen.

May it " Live Long and Prosper "


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Not today, but last night.
Awaiting blissful sleep, in the last twilight of consciousness, there happened to be 3 owls within 50 feet, deciding to have a hoot of a conversation. This was the second night in a row. The closest couldn't have been more than 15 ft away. For about an hour, from 9 - 10 pm, they were hooting to their hearts content. Would have loved to be able to see them. But I lied still, content in just listening to their banter.
At peace and harmony with nature.
Blanch wrote
"I think my happiness is found in tiny places, the ledges of my life, where I escaped unharmed or hung on and didn't jump.
And the world is ok. "

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I want to remember those words.
Thank you for them.
You make a difference, and your friend is fortunate to have you in her corner
May you both find peace.
My Dad went through a similar experience and did get treatment out of state (here with me), but he used his "extra time" to go back to his home in NM. It was a time of great peace for him to decide to let nature take its course there. I think of that kind of self-awareness and courage and think, I might be able to be a van-dweller if that's what I really want to do. Thanks for the story.
I went a visited a friend today and we sat in the hot tub, shared a joint and caught up on 5 years as though it were only last week. Today was a good day!
Comforting words from my daughter on what would have been her brother's 57 birthday. He left us two years ago. RIP Dear Boy. I am happy you are at peace.
My Walmart lot here has that most precious of all things--an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. A full hour of pigging out on sushi, calamari, and frog legs.

Ahhhhhhhh. That made me happy.

Happy today?  New house batteries.  New calipers.  New friends.  New hope for a trip west.  Ah, life is good today.   :)
My best friend and his wife came up to see my house in Maine, happened to be their 6th anniversary of which I was the best man. So we all went and got lunch at the local pub, it was a fun day as I don't see them very often now that we're all older and everyone is wrapped up in their own lives.
"Waking up..to Folger's in my cup"


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