What made me happy today was being approved for an apartment rental.
I know, counter-intuitive given our collective preference to live a mobile lifestyle, right? For sure it's a bittersweet moment of transition. When I had money a plenty to go where I wanted to go, when I wanted to go, it was probably the best experience of freedom I've ever had. When I was counting spare change from the van floor and dumping it into the Coinstar machines to buy rice and beans for that last 7-10 days of the month before I got paid again, sometimes having to ask family or friends for a little money to get through to my next paycheck, well... it was near the worst experience of non-freedom I've ever had.
Truth be told, I never had money a plenty. I had months with fewer demands on my money, and a few months with heavy demands where I needed to ask others for help. Overall, my van-dwelling experience over the past year could be summed up as 'when it's good, it's good, but when it ain't, it's awful.' I had way more 'awful' than 'good'. And that comes down to me: I wan't prepared for the stresses of living in a van, with a dog, on disability income, with mental health issues that only became more challenging due to the stresses, which then completed the feedback loop for another go-'round.
The overall trend was that I was spiraling downward. Just enough yummy moments to keep me trying my best, but still trending downward. I mean, it's hard for me to reframe, "I live in a Walmart parking lot, eating rice and beans 25 to 33 percent of the time" as 'freedom'. Again, that's not a lifestyle comment; that's a 'me' comment. I wasn't prepared: not financially, and not emotionally.
Will I try mobile living again? I probably will. I'm not keen on trying to predict the future. But, for now, I have a year to reflect on my experience. At least now, I don't have to worry about being homeless if my van breaks down. I bought it used with 212k miles and it's up to 254k miles. Numerous mechanical problems along the way helped me to know my vehicle better and, frankly, I think it's on its last legs. If I do decide to go mobile again, I'm going to need a bigger financial cushion. I'm also going to need a more reliable vehicle before I'm committed to living in it. Time will tell but for now, I'm going to take a break, lick my wounds, and try to learn well the lessons I need to integrate.
To everyone who's been here for me, whether just as a friendly comment or in times of mechanical crisis... Thank you! You're part of the reason I was able to endure as long as I did without tumbling off the deep end. I'll probably lurk for a while, learning what I can, and watering the seed of a dream to live free again, only under better conditions.