Wasp Spray for Self Defense

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A sad truth is that if someone has the drop on you,it doesn't much matter what you have.For an escalating situation,If you can't leave,I think I would want me some firepower.
You know what else is illegal to use for self defense? A hammer. A hammer is for construction type activities. You are probably committing a felony in much the same way one would use wasp spray for self defense.

Shooting a gun in the city limits is illegal. Except for when you use it to defend yourself. Same with hammers, wasp spray, or other household items.

In a lethal self defense situation I will use whatever I have at my disposal to defend myself. If it is wrapping a crowbar around someone's head, then so be it. If all I have is wasp spray, then that's what I'm using.  I will MacGyver him/her to a stop with the best of my ability no matter what a label says.

Those labels need to be applied in context. You aren't going to be convicted for justifiably using wasp spray to defend yourself. Will the prosecutor try to use that against you? You bet. In Glacier National Park this summer a man shot a Grizzly in self defense. The Feds arrested him and charged him with discharging a firearm in a National Park. (You can carry a gun in a National Park, but shooting it is illegal. Just like being inside city limits.) Yes, he had a huge legal bill, but the charges were eventually dropped. Why? Because he used his gun in a legal and justified manner. Just like defending oneself with a gun within city limits. I could see the prosecutorial powers of the Federal government attacking a victim who had used wasp spray.

No matter what you use to defend yourself to prevent yourself from being a victim, rest assured you will likely be victimized in a court of law.
People arguing over whether or not it is illegal to use wasp spray for self defense seem to be missing the whole point of my original post.  Which was:


Wasp spray = illegal to spray on humans. Could be ruled as Cruel & Unusual Punishment in a court of law...which may also be the case with Bear Spray, used in self defense vs. human attacker(s)....even if it's the same shit used in regular pepper spray. The outcome would depend on how much money you have to spend on good lawyers. Raped in prison or raped in attorney's fees or both. There will be some raping going on either way.

I've sprayed 3 big cans of Wasp/Hornet spray into a hornet's nest one day, just one after the other. It was kind of windy too. I wore no eye protection and some of that spray floated into my face, pretty often. I was afraid of it in the beginning, but it caused ZERO irritation so I didn't bother with any protection for the whole 3 cans. I'm sure it's not great for my health to suck it into my lungs or to get it on my eyes, but no way would I dare do the same with pepper spray or OC spray. Just a little residue, floating in the air is good enough to cause hacking, eyes watering like crazy, etc.
Rather than allow someone to assault, perhaps kill me, I will use any means at my disposal to prevent it.

Edited by moderator rather than delete. Mod.
I totally agree and have posted such earlier in this thread. :D
Hey! Back in the day I use to carry an empty film canister with regular pepper in it. It gave me an edge and time to get in a few punches. Course I was in school and in a whole lot better physical condition. Thing was it was not illegal. Also those were different times you actually fought and didn't carry weapons and try and kill everyone.
I've been told by world traveling bikers that you can carry a flare pistol legally everywhere. I don't know if it's true but I think that sure would stop just about anything.
Hard to argue with the flare pistol issue.   I can't think of anything more distracting than having a burning flare installed into one's body...
No, flare guns are not immune to the laws.

NJ (and other states I assume) consider a flare gun a firearm. In NJ, you need a permit to purchase a flare gun.

While CA does not consider it a firearm, it is still illegal to carry it concealed or loaded on your person

Currently the Washington state "universal background check" law requires background checks for flare guns, nail guns, etc. (poorly written law includes ANY projectile launching 'gun' the politicians are still trying to figure out how to dig out of that hole).

I my biggest argument against such a stunt, is your 1 single shot of a non-lethal device (likely to bounce right off a bad guy after a slight burn)... you will then have one really ticked off bad guy and no more weapon.
You can buy certain flare guns and then buy a kit to turn it into a gun that fires .45 Colt round or .410 shotgun shell. You can't carry it assembled if you don't have a concealed weapons permit though. But in a life or death situation, you'd have to weight the choices if it's really a life or death vs. felony charges. Who knows.
geeze,and all these years i've been using brake/carb cleaner to kill wasps an a sks for protection,i need to start thinking out of the box

btw,soapy water kills bees
Van-Tramp said:
No, flare guns are not immune to the laws.

NJ (and other states I assume) consider a flare gun a firearm. In NJ, you need a permit to purchase a flare gun.

While CA does not consider it a firearm, it is still illegal to carry it concealed or loaded on your person

Currently the Washington state "universal background check" law requires background checks for flare guns, nail guns, etc. (poorly written law includes ANY projectile launching 'gun' the politicians are still trying to figure out how to dig out of that hole).

I my biggest argument against such a stunt, is your 1 single shot of a non-lethal device (likely to bounce right off a bad guy after a slight burn)... you will then have one really ticked off bad guy and no more weapon.

In NJ one can go into any Wall Mart or marine store and buy a orange 12 gauge flair gun with shells. How you use it could bring big problems.
MK7 said:
... But in a life or death situation, you'd have to weight the choices if it's really a life or death vs. felony charges.

At that point, why not just carry the proper tool for the job, like a real gun.
Van-Tramp said:
At that point, why not just carry the proper tool for the job, like a real gun.

Well it's not that simple.

If you're in a State or City that doesn't allow concealed weapons permit, then if you carry a hidden gun, it could be a felony. A felony on your record would mean....NEVER being able to own a gun, ever again. Not to mention possible jail time, tens of thousands in legal fees, etc.

But carrying a flare gun with this bullet insert, unattached and bullet unloaded, seems to be legal in such states...except the ones that even ban bullets or certain calibers of bullets.

I've been carrying 1-2 guns, everyday,  and religiously for over 15 years now, whenever it's legal, that I feel naked w/o it. Only a handful of incidents where I had to wield it, especially when I dealt with $5000-10000 in cash per day sometimes with my business. But I never brought my guns into Cities, such as Wash DC, where it's illegal and risk catching felonies.  My point being, if I carried a gun illegally, everyday for 15 years....my chances of getting caught with it, while not using it, just increases exponentially....ie. getting pulled over for traffic stops, etc.  Too great of a risk.

Now in the ULTRA rare cases that you were carrying this flare gun and had to load a shotgun shell in it to use....well, that could be life or death....or not....but you'd have to decide. Afterward, there are options....ie. GTFO.....or wait for the cops and hope you get a break, which is possible, even if the flare gun became an illegal gun now and used..ie. to shoot a charging mountain lion or something.
Gary68 said:
an a sks for protection,i need to start thinking out of the box

Good Lord, I hope nobody lives near you for miles and miles away when you feel the need to shoot someone with your SKS. That's just irresponsible if you can afford a handgun and hollowpoint bullets.
Van-Tramp said:
No, flare guns...

I my biggest argument against such a stunt, is your 1 single shot of a non-lethal device (likely to bounce right off a bad guy after a slight burn)... you will then have one really ticked off bad guy and no more weapon.

I watched a video of a drunk dude messing around with a flare gun. He pointed it to his head and accidentally/negligently shot himself in the temple. The video was abruptly cut leaving the viewer to wonder what happened. It was very dramatic! Awful, really, the way it was edited. Since this was YouTube, I knew the guy didn't kill himself. With a bit of searching I found the whole video.

He took a point blank shot to the head. The video didn't give any aftermath, but he seemed to be relatively fine. Probably mostly deaf in one or both ears and probably had some burns, but I couldn't see anything else wrong with him. While that was only one example I've seen of someone being shot in the head with a flare gun, it certainly didn't demonstrate that it was an effective tool for self defense.
MK7 said:
Good Lord, I hope nobody lives near you for miles and miles away when you feel the need to shoot someone with your SKS. That's just irresponsible if you can afford a handgun and hollowpoint bullets.

??? 7.62 is a short to medium at best round,now my neighbors cannon that would be a long range weapon,and i never liked pistols,in a war situation sure a couple as back ups but definitely not my primary