Txjbird & Queenie on a Safari in a Safari

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Art,  Oh I have thought about that.  My stuff is jumbled up, mainly because they have 5 different insp. a year and by law only need to give 48hrs written notice........So I throw things in boxes and totes and haul it to storage.  If I could be left alone for 6mos I would've been out of hear 2 or 3 yrs ago.  I was O.K. until the apt mgn retired about 3 yrs ago.  They didn't replace her and 2 yrs ago 2 ladies left after working 18 to 30 + years here .  They were replaced by 2 of the lazyest rude females I've ever seen who do not know 1/2 what the tenants do about running the joint.  I contacted a Legal Aide lawyer a few years back.  My real estate knowledge is linked to TX and also "adverse possession" laws for historical purposes.  He sent me a book on the fairly new AL Landlord Tenant laws that had been passed.  Until then there were no standardized laws here.  Each town and county could pass and enforce their own laws.  He said if I studied it I might know more of tenants rights here than most layers he knew. 

 I just have to muddle thru.  Now since everything is compooterized  there is a national data base for any type of Govt. assisted housing and if you do not move out according to Hoyle you can't get help anywhere in the system until you Make it Right with the last place.  At some time I may need public housing again...I ain't getting any younger or healthier. :-/

Jewellann, take pictures of the 'Inspectors' getting their names and position. Anything they find wrong take a picture and ask what is needed. If your phone has video recording even better.

Don't let yourself be bullied. It's what the impotent city worker wants, to be powerful.

When they come they come in pairs it's  always 2 of "them" {housing employees } and 1 tenant.  Or an "independent" inspector and a Housing employee.  I've learned to ask the "independent" do you see anything here that does not "comply with HUD standards".  Usually the only comment is the amount of personal belongings I have or my apt is " Cluttered " it's always passed except one time right after the manager retired.  That next inspection went really bad.  I hadn't changed and my apt hadn't changed.  I have learned to take some control of the situation using Q as a way to limit their  movements through my apt. I used to hold her in my arms.  Now I put her in my bedroom behind a doggy gate.  That way I can stand in the hallway and see what's going on in the LR and kitchen.  This is a very invasive situation as far as I'm concerned.  They will look in your closets and cabinets even dresser drawers if they want to.  I've been questioned about why I have bags of salad crotons on the dining table if I don't use them every day.  Also about the number of DVD's and books I have.  Comments made about "well your Mother has this or that in her apt"".  Indicating I should furnish my home like  my mothers.  To me it's a definite home invasion.  

 Now I'm all pissed off  and upset again!  All I want is to be left alone.  If we were living in expensive town homes or nicer apts. we would not be subjected to this type of treatment.  It's as if because we are short of cash we are short of common sense also.  I think if we had been given 2wks notice as we were when I first moved here I would have gone to Family Services and sought legal help to have a cease and desist served on the Housing Authority.  It is an absolute miracle I haven't lost it during one of these inspections.  

Sorry Jewellann, That sounds like a nightmare I sure would never want to go thru.

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HUD housing here is like that, too, the woman who runs the complex is a petty tyrant, often enforcing her own rules on tenants as though they were actual HUD rules
'no wearing PJs outside'
she even enters apartments using her key without knocking
'you can't be nekkid or even shirtless in your apt' on and on, and the tenants put up with it because they don't know better, they have no other choice, and the HUD rep is her friend
Things were better back in Austin on section 8
Thanks god I don't live there

I'm not going to lie and say that when my rigs did not have a potty and shower that it wasn't different even in parks with potties and showers. I prefer using my own facilities even if I have to pay to heat the water on cloudy days and occasionally pull the valve handles to empty the tanks. That said, all three of the parks I have stayed in had bathrooms and two had showers. Many of the people there used those facilities even though they had bigger rigs with much nicer bathrooms on full hook ups. In many ways you would not know them from campers with tents or pop ups if you didn't see their rigs.
Gunny said:
I bought a book trying to get a handle on solar so I don't have to bother JiminDenver with questions but the more I read the less clear it gets.


Now listen up young man. My phone may not always be on to receive the questions instantly but I am always happy to answer. One thing I can tell you is no matter how many questions asked, books or forums read, some clarity simply will not happen until you have a system up and running so that you can see it work with your own two eyes. Even after I had a system running at home for months, testing it with different loads under varying conditions, I didn't believe it was going to take care of me even though what I had read and experienced said otherwise. It took real world use to convince me and I was within the first trip out. So ask away but be prepared to have questions asked back. I know what it takes to run a TV all day, what it takes to keep your rig happy and even what it takes to run a air conditioner. I also know you will not be truly happy until you see it happen for yourself.
You be told , now launch that ship !!Arrrrrrggggggghhhhhh
I've been back and forth to my Mom's this a.m.  My Sis and I were talking and it seems that I overlooked a statement in the inspection notification letter   "as part of our yearly quarterly inspections".

So I wonder if this is in addition to the following inspections.

#1  check serials #s on stove and frig to make sure they are the same ones we had last year.

#2  check interior filters on AC/Heating to make sure we clean them.

#3 bug/rodent check "all units must receive some form of treatment" I let them in the backdoor into the             kitchen and stand with Q in the hall with a doggy gate between us and them.

#4 random spot inspection by HUD, we sit 2 days waiting to hear the knock on the door.

#5 inspection by independent inspector that checks to see if we are compliant with HUD guidelines. 

 So now I wonder if I can look forward to 9 instead of 10 home invasions this year?

I have to move and that's all there is to it.  How, where, and when is the question.  There are no campgrounds or RV parks within 20 miles with bathrooms/shower facilities that I know of.  I'll try to figure out something when the current crisis is over.

I know this is currently more of a "Now WTF is wrong with my life, Safari & Aliner"  than "Hey look where Q and I traveled too & what we are doing now are now!"  Captains Log. 

 Thank You one and all for your suggestions and kind words, they really mean a lot.  Poor Queenie, I think my anxiety and depression has her depressed too.   Back to the salt mine but first  BREAKFAST!! :)

I don't know. I think understanding what people have to go through to get on the road is just as important as what we go through as we are on the road. Life isn't always cookies and cupcakes, if seeing what we have been through to get here benefits those coming up, all the better. It takes time to pack up and set up to be on the road, your story shows that. It also shows that just because you have decided to hit the road that you don't get to ignore the rest of your life getting there.
:)    Happy   :)   Happy   :)   Happy    

Just spoke to my friends in SD.  They may need to wait to do the repairs to their home.  I asked her if there was anywhere around up there I can park my trailer.  She sez you "don't need hooks up right"" we had talked about     the Aliner having no wet bathroom I told her elec was all I needed and could work around the other so called "necessities"   She told me that I know their elec was on so just park there  :D  

From my past experience I do know that I do a lot better down sizeing without a lot of "what if  I need this laters" involved  If I can just get the Safari and Aliner road ready while dealing with the storage units and apt. at the same time.  Good thing my inner toughness is still intact even if it's housing has a few cracks in it!

I just spoke to MJ again it sounds like they may start on the house before I'm able to get there.   As soon as I can I'm heading up there and we will all start working on clearing out things they don't need/ use. The last time we painted her kitchen and mine was around early the "90s?

I hollered ROADTRIP and Queenie is all excited!  I'll take her for a drive later today  :)

Now as I sling things in boxes it will be EZ  just go away's and keeps.   I can have a inside sale when the LR is clear enough with only go away's in it.  I hope to sell out completely to a dealer or auction guy I know.

Happy :D  Happy :D Happy :D

:( I will never make the inspection deadline, so I wonder how many days I'll get to become compliant?  I do not have a good history of be compliant with a lot of things :)      7 days in the next town where a friend is in that Pub. Housing.

Cammalu said:
Sorry Jewellann,    That sounds like a nightmare I sure would never want to go thru.

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It is a waking nightmare that even affects my sleeping, however I plan on gitting thru it and leaving here the right way. I am a good tenant.  The constant stream of people in and out of my apt. really gets on my nerves.  I was not informed that the attic acsess in my bedroom was the only one for these four apts.

 I wish you well and a speedy recovery.

11pm Monday
:rolleyes: PROGRESS IS SLOW BUT HAPPENING  My days and nights seem to be running together.  I slept from 10pm Sat. to 12am Sun. then worked on packing/hauling/ from and cleaning apt all night and was at the storage by 6am Mon.  Came back home and crashed around Noon for a 5hr nap.  been dragging around for hrs. from one thing to another. 

 I really resent spending my time and energy on this make ready for inspection  B.S.    I should be sorting everything I lay my hands on in this apt. determining if it's either keep for now, keep for Safari/Aliner setup, give to family and friends, put in flea mkt. stall, or curbside, or donate.  Instead once again it's "throw it in totes and haul to storage" time.  I am so tired and frustrated at this situation   :mad:   It's not the sorting or packing that really POs me.  It's not being able to do it in a organized manner where I will not have to handle everything yet again.  Mainly it's working on someone else's time frame and forced to endure yet another home invasion.  If I'm not here when they come then I'll have 2 unwanted and unwelcome "guests" in my home poking around in my belongings without me keeping an eye on them.  If I work hard and I'm lucky I'll be out of here before the next invasion/inspection 

  :D  Please keep your fingers, eyes, and legs crossed for Q and I to have a happy escape experience.  Like the little boy sez in Oh Brother Where Art Thou  " I'm Gonna RUNN OFT"   :D 

Back to work!!!

Good luck Jewellen. You are making progress just not fast enough to suit you. I can sure understand that. I've been waiting on Camping World for a part for a couple months.

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:D  Finished the apt. about 2pm Tues.  Queenie and I got on the bed to watch a movie and I needed to eat something.  Prom-ta-lee  fell asleep TWICE with a container of pee-men-toe [ damn thing kept "red lining" me ] cheese and some crackers on a plate in my lap.    ARE WE HAVING FUN YET   :D

Well, at least the apt is done
I went by the storage me and jeanne shared yesterday to look for something I seem to have lost moving my stuff out after she died, and the storage owner has locked it up, so that takes care of the stuff I had in there lol
in a way, freeing, I hadn't put a mitt on it in over 2 years, I obviously don't need it
I had no idea you or anyone else had to jump through all those type of hoops to get housing, or continue to get assistance. There is a sense of unfairness in there somewhere.

I know when Dallas suggested drug screening as a part of getting assistance it was met by every ACLU lawyer in Dallas. Housing should be fair and available for everyone without undue restrictions. I can understand an inspection a couple of times a year but hell, not try to find ways to throw someone out, try to find ways to help.

I hope your inspection goes well, smile, be nice even though it irks you and deal with it like I'm sure you have dealt with many things in your life.

Don't let the bastards win.


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