Txjbird & Queenie on a Safari in a Safari

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Jewellann, you do more before 8am than I do all week! You won't know what to do with all your free time once you're roaming.
Jewellann, when you're ready to start planning your adventure on the map, head on over to freecampsites.net and use their trip planner.

You can tell it you don't want any of those interstate highways and toll roads. It will show you a route between where you're at and where you're going. AND you can tell it how far off the route you're willing to go to find free camping each night.

All you have to do is figure out how far you're wanting to drive each day to get there.
seems you're making good progress, your alarm clock might need adjusting though :D
Txjaybird said:
You may need to start wearing your tin foil hat to bed.  I swear they can read our minds at times.


It's like you have ESP or somtin.

Yesterday was a bad day as I hit the Grand Canyon for the second day in a row and that was too much. It was low key for the rest of the day and even though I took the little monster out twice pretty late, (can't do em both on one walk, that's cheating) He did a Peepee dance on my head at 4:30 am. Normally I'd stay up as that is just a little early but this time I tossed him back in bed and told him he had a choice of laying back down or going to his kennel. That got me another three hours before he reminded me it was time for him to go back out, eat and that I needed to plug in the truck.

Now where did I put the tin foil?
:) Yesterday........ Left the van at the shop and walked along Main St. checking out a few thrift stores.  Back at the shop and rear door opens with 1 hand and rear of van raised another in., maybe it'll quit dragging bottom around town.

Later just before dark Q and I went to the storage so she could run free for a little bit.  Then the truck stop and grocery store, came home and the rear door will not lock with key or clicker.  CRAP!!  Back to shop now!  I need to be at the storage with Q finishing this storage unit and starting on the next 1. 

 This is soooo aggravating!   Grrrrrrrrrrr, that's what Q sez to situations she doesn't like.....I think I'll start growling at 'em too.......that or start jumping up and down and talkin' 'bout folk's Mama's and the horses they rode in on.......gotta add a few comments on inbreeding also  :mad:

Jewellann and the Q who is still under the covers.
Tow steps forward and one step back is still progress !!
...hopefully it just needs some fine tuning.
I feel like they're working their way toward having to do some work for free, Jewellann! Keep track of the mishaps ;-)
Saturday Q and I started putting things back into 2 storage units early.  She was panting and I was rapidly becoming what Mama used to call "somewhat dewy".  Left Q at home and picked up a friend at 4pm for quick walk thru new crafters/antique/whatever mall.  Early supper at Waffle House, then to her place and then the ER til 12am Sunday , she's in a "orthopedic shoe" shot full of pain meds at her place.  I'm having a 3am bo-low-nee samwich.  If Q wakes me before 7am I'm gonna put her in a box and UPS her to Max The Wonder Puppy   :D Ya'll help me track ol' Jim.....Puhleeese!  I know he'll feed her good, she likes Mexican food........No Onions or Peppers.....Also baby limas and ham with buttered cornbread on the side...not mushed up in her beans.      Ya hear me Jim?  Gotta go,my cold samwich is warming up.


P.S.  The rear door started locking/unlocking today...go figure.     TJB
Jim........guess I'll keep her....for now, she let me sleep in until 8am    :D  

:)  9am Tues.   Washed and hung up 4 lines of clothes, walked both dogs, visited with Mom [next apt. building}, pimento cheese on stale white bread for breakfast...........now just meds, pack ice chest and Q's and my gotta take with tote bag and finaly go to storage unit.    Whoopee  :huh:

Safari at shop on Monday, rear doors supposed to work/lock now.  Lighting system short still being traced....one wire at a time.  I callled GMC dealership to see if there was another way to find the short, service manager said no, just 1 wire at a time.  Fixing the wiring is part of the repair pkg. in partial trade on the Ranger.  It's a 2 man shop, the owner was away off and on for a month sitting with his Mom in FL until she passed away.  As long as the Safari is driveable I'm willing to wait while there is some progress testing/tracing the wires.

On Friday i will become a vendor at a Antiques and More mall about 5 miles from me.  A 10x10 is $100 monthly, no lease and no deposit.  I have a booth near the entrance and service desk.  They get 10% of my sales and it's open 6 days a week.  This means no loading and unloading at the flea mkt., no sitting in the hot sun. 4 weekends at the flea mkt. =$96 plus gas and eats and shopping of course!

By Thurs the van will be loaded with shelves and items to sell.  This way I can keep working on down sizing + make some $$$ I hope.  I've spent the last 6wks sorting and giving things away,  This will continue with my best friend and family members.

Wish me luck :D


Not to be mean but we all know you are a soft touch, so I think you had better let Queenie do the haggling. :p
:) The good and the bad  :s

:) The Good.........Just about 3:30pm  I opened and sorted thru the last box in #45 storage unit.  There are some lg bags of clothes and linens left to go thru however all totes, boxes and most of the bags have been gone thru.  I started loading today & the van has about 2ft of clear floor space running from rear side of front passenger seat to the front of the Rear seat left.  By Thursday nite I want the van loaded using all the space for stuff to sell except for 2 folding tables and a pop together plastic shelf unit.

  My sister is going out of town so I will stay close to home for my Mom on Wed.  With my Brother on A.M./lunch run duty & I'll be here for nap time/afternoon and supper time/bed time.

:s The bad.......I believe I am the S.E. Senoir Queen of Spoon Skating........also the inventor.   It works like this..........1st you drop a large tablespoon on a tile floor...then you wander around forgetting its there.  Moving quickly you step over your four legged friend placing that foot on the spoon while raising the other almost completely off the floor at the same time and away you go.  I'm glad my child bearing days are over.....I may need to see a "groinocologist" anyways.  Am I too old for .........well whatever you call that jumping competition where you leap from one spot to the other.....i just don't tuck and roll as well as I used to.  :D

Keep that up girl, and you will be a broke neck.  

Remember the words of that great philosopher, Bullwinkle J. Moose.  "Just watch where you're going"
Q and I have had a ruff few days.  Mama duty wore me out! 

#1   Yesterday while out and about at THREE different businesses things were not as they should have been and I was a total wreck by 3pm.  At Office max I asked for help with copies....Queenie could do a better job...........I asked that their mistakes be shreded there, instead they were dropped in a locked bin...by mistake.  No one on site has a key,  after the customer service repeated his little script for the 3rd time I asked him to "Please stop, I get it, I still want my documents and please stop repeating yourself I AM NOT STUPID ...talking louder and slower does not change the facts.  He changed his speech to there is no way it can be opened in this store.  His eyes kinda glazed over when I responded " The guy with the right chainsaw can open it".  Store manager got involved  and started telling me what I'd heard 3 times already and I couldn't get a word in edge wise........I walked away and left her running
#2  Got to the Antiques mall with half a load....."my" spot was full.......The owner forgot to tell his wife it was spoken for and I would be there no later than Friday to pay and move in.  I ended up the fourth spot back from the counter instead of the second.

#3   How many ways can McDonalds screw up 2 Big Macks.......the answer is 3. 

 I guess I need to learn to just pull up my big girl panties and walk away.  If I know for a fact I am right and I not only will not get whatever it is I need/want plus someone who is wrong is left with the impression that once again they ruled it just makes me crazy/er.

Safari and Aliner both still need work

Q & I are off to the storage   :rolleyes:  A womans work is NEVER DONE!

You need to remember the words of the late Moe Howard of 3 Stooges fame......"I'm surrounded by idiots!"