Txjbird & Queenie on a Safari in a Safari

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I think designating certain foods to certain times of day is rather odd
I feel the same way about designating certain times of the day as being appropriate for sleeping and others not
:( I shoulda just stayed in bed.  Someone musta pee'd in the nurses wheaties this morning. Cuz if we were kin one of us would have left the Dr's ofice at a run and I don't run......at all.  I'll just say whatever put that tone in her voice when she was speaking to me I hope doesnt happen again on the day I go there.  I got out of there and I'm allowed to go back so I guess I done good....Maybe.

When to Jim Whaley tires for a THIRD opinion on whither or not I need a $400 suspension repair on the Safari.  I trust my mechanic however anyone can make a mistake.........this time it was Firestone.  When I took it in this a.m. I was very explicit in what I wanted...........check to see if I did need a frnt end alignment & also check the shocks and suspension and steering systems.  I stated that I was on a fixed income and today I just wanted to know if/what I needed to repair.  The lady said if I didn't mind waiting she'd have someone check and there would be no charge.  So I waited and waited .  It went in the shop and it came out of the shop.  I had 2 resons to wait for a alignment    #1 I have a estimate from another shop that will do the alignment for $49.95........  #2 I wanted to wait until we are finished raising the Safari so it will not drag bottom so often especially when towing.

I have a real countryfied accent, like I came to town on a mule drawn wagon of taters and maters for sale.  That's O.K. farming is part of my heritage. 

 Anyways my accent must be worse than I thought because as I walked to the counter the guy said " I'ts all ready to go, it DID need an alignment".  The end of this tale is that he personally will check and realign the Safari if it needs it when we are done with all the work on it.  I really thought his eyes were going to cross when I asked him to note that on my re-seat and sign it.  I just said he might not be there when I come back.
It's late however Q and I are going to the storage for a few hrs., then back to bring in and fold 4 lines of laundry before the dew falls and then back to Rite Aid.

I am making progress...........I know I'm old as dirt.........just did'nt know I'm slow as molasses too :)

Jewellann and the Queen
LOL... Isn't the shop in TX? Don't they have the same accent? I love to get around southerners because I adopt that accent that I love so much!! I shoulda been a southern belle!!
AbuelaLoca said:
LOL... Isn't the shop in TX? Don't they have the same accent? I love to get around southerners because I adopt that accent that I love so much!! I shoulda been a southern belle!!

I have such a hard time not saying "y'all" when I hear it all the time... but it sounds fake as hell coming out of my Midwestern/East Coast mouth.  So I still say "you all" or "all of you".
AbuelaLoca said:
LOL... Isn't the shop in TX? Don't they have the same accent? I love to get around southerners because I adopt that accent that I love so much!! I shoulda been a southern belle!!

The shop is here near Ft Rucker AL.  I didn't know Texans had a accent until I spent 2yrs here in AL in my early 30's.  When I went back to Texas I could here my southern accent and could barely understand my ownself.  I met Marilyn and Waldo in TX and we are still friends 30yrs later.  They were born and raised in SD. Marilyn tell's folks that when we first met it was 2 weeks before she could understand a word I said.   :D  I returned to AL for 1yr to re-establish contact with my birth Mom and a 1/2 sister who was raised with me when we were young children.  I've been here 7yrs...........I may have moss in places where I didn't even know I have places   :huh:  It's time to be a rollin' stone  ;)

AbuelaLoca said:
LOL... Isn't the shop in TX? Don't they have the same accent? I love to get around southerners because I adopt that accent that I love so much!! I shoulda been a southern belle!!

i do this with any accent, stick me in a group of Scots or Irish with brogues I start sounding like them, same for Brits, etc
Oddly, folks from out of state used to comment on my own lack of accent lol
I have done that^^^since forever.
If I don't they look at me funny and can't understand what I say !
:angel: Well I've lazed around the apt for 2 days now just washing loads of clothes and hanging them outside.  Washing dishes etc. Also DRs apt and arguing with the pharmacy.  Cooked 2 pot roasts with whole taters, carrots and onions and celery today and took lunch to my Mom, Sis and Bro., and a neighbor lady and Queenie too of course. So now that I'm all "rested" up I hope to start making some more progress in clearing out my oldest storage unit, it's getting close.  I plan to go early in the am, no later than 8am...I better take my 2am nap now. :)

Jewellann and Q, who has been napping about 2hrs already
I grew up hearing about working from "can" meaning first light to "can't" meaning until you can't see to work.  Today I came to a different understanding of that term.  Can is when I can finally get there even if it's 2hrs later than I planned.  Can't is when I can't move without back pain no matter what I'm doing..........can't stand the heat another minute........can't stop stumbling because the step down to the driveway from the unit slants too much and I'm having trouble picking up my feet. 

 So after 6hrs I figured I better stop before I fell over.  I've had some bad falls & been lucky enough so far to not break any bones.  That's a flat out miracle in it's self as 2 of the falls left me flat out in the road and the last 1 laid out in a parking lot.  The last was the worst because it's was just before daylight and I had a sharp knife in one hand and Queenie on a 15ft leash in the other.  I managed to throw the knife away and yell "Run Queenie Run" before I hit the concrete.  Poor Queenie, I'm always dropping stuff so when I start stumbling around or feel my hands letting go of things  I always yell "Run Queenie Run" and away she goes with no looking back.

I sorted thru a lot of things today setting aside stuff for family members, stuff for the flea market, and some things to keep.  The 2 prizes of the day was when I found my Black and Decker jig saw that I'd forgotten I even have   :D   also the vintage lined Waverly drapes that will become curtains for the Aliner as soon as I have something to sew them up with.  No happy dancing today, Q is such a party pooper & I'd probably have fallen right over if even one of my feets was raised more than 3 or 4 inches off the ground   :s

Hopefully this is the week the shorts in the Safari lighting system are fixed and the rear doors are fixed where I can open them after someone intercoursed them up trying to break in.  While I was still in grade school someone raided our big chest freezer in the garage.  The garage was steel and Papa placed a metal plate on the ground across the doorway attaching it to the garage.  We were warned at night to stay away from the garage as it was "turned on" since Papa "electrified" it.  The stealing stopped. Today some folk would think that Papa was in the wrong in trying to protect our food supplies.  I thought of this because I REALLY HATE PEOPLE MESSING WITH MY STUFF...........Sometimes it seems to me that right just ain't right anymore.

The Singer and supplies are still here with Yo-Name on it...................I'll drag it with me when I finally get to leave and meet-up with you "SomewhereovertheRainbow".................doug
:rolleyes: I often mislay things.....keys....glasses......wallet & etc.  Today is Thurs.?    I seem to have mislaid Monday....somewhere.  Tues was a good day.   A good friend who belongs to Queenie's litter mate, Ratt Dawg,  stopped by .  He and Queenie supervised my hanging up the clothes while they lounged in the shade. Queenie stayed home for nap time.  After a trip to Lowes and then La Bamba's for tacos, guacamole & iced tea for lunch we went to my storage.  There I managed to send him home with a bronze chandelier/glass gobes and a vintage table lamp,  I think some more odds & ends....I truly don't remember.

Wednesday the Safari went in for a overnighter at the shop.  The report is AC will now freeze you out, shorts in lighting system repaired, new rear door handle/lock should be installed and I'll have wheels again this afterrnoon.  Whoopee!

Today I'll order 2x 100watt panels and a controller form Renogy and 3 trailer tires from Road Mart....Progress!!!

After the TT tires are on all that's left for Van & TT to be road worthy is tow TT to the shop and the Safari will be lighted and rigged to tow and the final lift done to the rear.  I still think the Safari is going to need further lifting....but what do I know i'm just a girl........a vera old girl   ;)

Friday we'll be back at the salt mine....err...storage units.  If the week-end weather looks good and I feel up to it Queenie and i may sell stuff at the flea market on Sat., maybe Sun. too.

:huh: Yesterday Queenie woke me at 3am tellin' me nap time was over. By 8:30am I had 2 loads of laundry hanging out, been to my Mom's twice, walked both dogs and helped her with her a.m. activites, been to WalMart, also Firestone as 1 of my new tires was way to low, Then left the Safari at the shop. I fell aslep later and woke up at 5:15pm....they close at 5pm.  Sister took me by there and at least Squatty was locked inside.  Today I called at 4:15pm and it was ready  :D   Not really  :mad:  It does have a shiney new rear door handle........would be even nicer if the doors would open       :-/ *&^%$##^&*(  :-/   My mechanic had to leave early so I didn't speak with him.  Squatty and I came home.

Today I ordered 3 trailer tires from Road Mart.  I also have a quote good for 30 days from Renogy for a 200watt starter kit with a  PWM controller. The sales rep is emailing me that quote in case I don't reach him when I order.  I was ready to order today however I need to wait as the rear van door issues were not on our barter list so will be a cash money deal.

Now it's Miller.....no wait...... it's diet DR. Pepper time and a cold ham sandwich with Fritos.  Maybe I can finish watching the last season of Sons of Anarchy!

Busy couple of days :). Enjoy your sandwich and Dr P
Let me know when you are ready to hit the road.   :D
Jewellann, did the brake controller work for you?

It was so nice once Max started sleeping through the night. :)
Gunny said:
Jewellann, did the brake controller work for you?


The question has come up on whither or not the Aliner even has brakes.  The owners manual is one of those that sez things like "on some models this may be optional equipment" for various items.  When I take it in for the new tires I'm having the underneath given a good going over including the frame.  If it has brakes I'll have them checked along with the wheel bearings.   I intend to take the controller to both my mechanic and the tire store to find out what each will charge to put it on.  

The Aliner has a after market heavy duty axle that the previous owners had installed,  I can't remember the mfg. name right now, I think it's on the paper work inside the Aliner.  I believe it's a "Drexle" which I may have mis-spelled. 

 I'll be sure and let you know what I find out.  I hope you are doing O.K. and I'm looking forward to meeting you and some other TX members if you all aren't off gallivantin' when & if I ever get back to my home state.

GotSmart said:
Let me know when you are ready to hit the road.   :D

:) I certainly will.  I need to find my Road Atlas.  I've been looking at Google Maps.  I don't particularly want to go the quickest route as it looks like a lot of "big store boughten Hiways" to me.  I was thinking about running NW out of AL thru upper MS and skirting Memphis.  I get tired of running the same roads all the time.  I've been N & S from AL to KY several times is the last 8yrs.  When I moved from SD to KY I ran south into MO then across to Tell City IN crossing the Ohio River into KY at Cannelton IN. I haven't needed my Altas for a few years now.

I hope you and Tigger are recuperating from his walk on the wild side.

jimindenver said:
It was so nice once Max started sleeping through the night. :)

You may need to start wearing your tin foil hat to bed.  I swear they can read our minds at times.

 Just now I noticed my tablet's charge is way low.  It's always plugged in.   Queenie WAS sleeping across the foot of the bed. My back has been really hurting today so I've used my heating pad a lot. Thinking I was safe from the heating pad bandit I scooted down and leaned over to check the plug and BAM a 13lb weight fell across the heating pad.  I swear she was doing her "fat possum" imitation all along just waiting for her chance/turn on the heating pad.  When I use it for leg cramps she has to have her share of it too :)
