Txjbird & Queenie on a Safari in a Safari

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Yeah, I forgot your Safari had a high top. Might take some head scratching. Hmm...
Maybe a set of of 40# pull magnets with hooks, attached on the side just below your roof. Might hold a 13 lb Queenie and even a tarp. Not sure in what wind though.
:huh:  My Lesson of The Week was.........When you are older than dirt and have a bad back there are certain things you shouldn't do.  Climbin' up on a stack of rugs that are laying on the top of 2 stacked large wicker arm chairs and then lifting loaded boxes while turned sideways while you're up there because you just have to get to that certain box is STUUUUUPID!!   :blush: Lesson learned   :blush:

So I've been mostly at home for 2 days. Went to the storage today and found some water standing  and a 44in X 30in wet spot on the floor of a different unit than the 1 I've been working in for a week.  Luckily I had plastic totes with boxes on top so nothing got wet.  I swept out the standing water and just had to leave it because I wasn't up to lifting boxes and dragging totes today.  Looked like water had blown in under the door as nothing on top was even damp.

Hopefully more progress this week.  Sister and I are moving her things back to her house.  I'll continue to try and finish emptying this 1 unit by the April 6 and start on the next one.. Also this coming week The Safari should get the tires, front end alignment and the new wireing to take care of the shorts in headlights/turn signals/dash lights.  The following week I'm shooting for Aliner tires, bearings checked/re-packed if needed.  While the Aliner is folded down I will measure the roof for solar panels and take it to the shop where the Safari will be finally be completly wired and rigged for towing.  I'm still concerned about it "squating" in the rear.  Hopefully larger tires and final adjustments to the helper springs will take care of that.

When the Safari is at the shop there is no going to the storage units to work. It seems like I'm being pulled apart needing to be in 3 places at once.   Good thing I'm a tuff old Broad ;)   11pm now...it's Wal-greens, Wal-mart and McDonalds time.  Q and I have cabin fever so a shopping we will go!

Jewellann and Queenie, who now has 5 cats to feed.
Txjaybird said:
:) WHOOPEE!  Unless I'm totally wiped out and just spend a day or 3 in bed I stay pretty busy.  Then I look back and wonder exactly what it was that kept me so busy.  
That sums my life up right now.  I go non stop all day working on the house, then the next morning I'm like what the heck did I do yesterday and why'd I feel like I worked all day and nothing got done!
jimindenver said:

You make me realize just how lucky I was to have things work out the way they did for me. Decades of build up that would have had needed sorted, packed, sold or given away. I spent months going through a relatively small portion of our house and it was exhausting. Actually being in this lifestyle makes me realize how little of it I needed or ever used.

I think this is the only part of myself I don't like.  I have all this stuff I feel like I need or will need and getting rid of it is like giving away an old friend or family member.  Yet I've already got rid of everything I owned twice to travel and never missed a single thing.  Then I get another  house and just start filling it up.  Tools, furniture, etc etc.  I do love having a shop, but take the 400 different tools in there and I bet I only use a dozen with any regularity, similar to people with lots of clothes who just wear the same things.  

Plus when I do travel, I've always traveled pretty light, never felt ill equipped.  Seems humans are hardwired to have an attachment to stuff, I wonder where it stems from?
Gunny said:
Jewellann, you need an equalizer hitch to eliminate the squatting, a sway bar built in is a good idea, take from someone who learned the hard way.

Something like this;


watch a couple of you tube videos about them and don't ignore it. I found out the hard way.


:) I will definttely look into that type of hitch.  i ran that style when using 19ft to 35ft TT.  i used a regular bumper hitch an d reciever hitch on the Ranger and pulled 4 different trailers with it.  i just bought a new class III reciever and had it put on the Safari first thing.  i'll keep a eye on craigs list however since the Aliner empty weight is 995lbs and i'll watch my weight using the van as the main hauler of heavy stuff.  i'll certainly check out the hitch situation.

Take it EZ

Every Road Leads Home said:
I think this is the only part of myself I don't like.  I have all this stuff I feel like I need or will need and getting rid of it is like giving away an old friend or family member.  Yet I've already got rid of everything I owned twice to travel and never missed a single thing.  Then I get another  house and just start filling it up.  Tools, furniture, etc etc.  I do love having a shop, but take the 400 different tools in there and I bet I only use a dozen with any regularity, similar to people with lots of clothes who just wear the same things.  

Plus when I do travel, I've always traveled pretty light, never felt ill equipped.  Seems humans are hardwired to have an attachment to stuff, I wonder where it stems from?

I think it goes back to the "Hunter/Gatherer" stage of human development.  I was raised by folks born in 1900 & 1902.   plantation and farming folk.  The families went thru wars. the dust bowls, the depression, & loss of family money. I was raised to get what you can when you can and save what you can for hard times ahead.  That's why I just bought 3 X 12 rolls Scott tissue at $5.99 per 12pk at Wal-greens with a rewards card sale good thru next Sat.  I'LL go back at least once more this week & sharing with Mom.

TP is one thing, at least you know you'll be flushing it all! :cool:

But filling up expensive B&M space with "stuff" mostly also expensive is a difficult habit to break, very frustrating for me too.
It is a hard habit to break even out here on the road. It doesn't take long before you realize just how limited your space is and that keeping something just to keep it can mean not having room for something you need. Keeping something because you might use it someday takes up room that is needed for things you actually will use or have a much better probability of using.

On the RV forums I have seen full timers take up the policy of getting something means that you have to get rid of something. They are either full or over weight and without discipline it causes issues.
:) Yesterday [Monday] Sis and I loaded her SUV up twice at my storage unit & we had Brother waiting at their place to unload and stack the 1st run while she returned for the 2nd.  I managed to move things around for better access and only fell down once,  outside and managed to land on a stack of broken down boxes,  of course I banged my head on the bumper of my van.  Luckily I'm hard headed and it was a light hit.  I guess the old bat driving by had her head so far up her butt she didn't see me go down....or just didn't care......whatever......she didn't stop.......it's OK I Hexed her good and proper :rolleyes:  and then Q & I went home......That was enough for 1 day.

Today Tues.  Sis went on her own for the last of her stuff and I didn't feel so hot so took it EZ at apt and did laundry.  

Thurs. my niece is coming and I intend to load her up with furn./books/canned goods/clothes/linens and decorative items + whatever else she sees that she wants that I'm getting rid of.

  My Wed. will be sorting/packing for Thurs.

Hoping to get Safari in shop for wiring and then another shop to check out tire size & order the Cooper LT/ATs that will fit.

Next week I hope to get tires on everything,  bearings done on TT and alignment on van, pics and measurements for solar and a DRs appt that I've rescheduled 3 times.        And sleep Damn I'm tired and Q's just snoring away.  She's lazy  :D

jimindenver said:
You had better watch it girl. Bumpers cost money you know. :p

:D Yah, now you've done it!  You can run but you can't hide!!  I'll just lust look for a 6+ft Viking with a little white mini-dog, dragin' a  honking long trailer with a solar elec utility company on top by a SUV with another solar elec.co. on top of it, in the desert, cooking outside with solar ovens.    

  You will never be on the down low will Ya? 
Makes you wish you had a white van and cargo trailer? :D

Jewellann and Queenie
After reading about all the work you are going through, all the injuries you've managed to sustain doing it, I've got to ask:

Would it really be the end of the world if you just walked away and let the storage place auction them off as abandoned units?
Optimistic Paranoid said:
After reading about all the work you are going through, all the injuries you've managed to sustain doing it, I've got to ask:

Would it really be the end of the world if you just walked away and let the storage place auction them off as abandoned units? 
That's a valid question and the answer is no it would not be the end of the world.  

I do have certain items stored that I need  and will use.  Also keepsakes from my deceased parents and 2 best friends. 

 By the end of this week I will have passed on to 14 people including 6 family members in 3 households and 5 neighbors, friends and aquaintances good useable household items, clothing, linen/curtains, books & cannned goods.  They are all either retired & drawing various types of SS benefits or working in truckstops/conveinence stores or in sales of some sort.  Every item they have recieved equals funds they can keep in their pockets to pay for other stuff like rent, gasoline, kids shoes, meds etc.

I have spoken to the owners of the storage facilities and when I am ready I can have a sale at the facility.  I will be the first person they have allowed to do this.  Before that I will again contact certain buyers I know about a total buy out.  First I need to get what I want and what I want to give to others out of the way.  Lastly there is the Mission store and Goodwill who will send trucks if I decided to just pack up what I don't want and tell'em come and get it.

Also this is where I store the Aliner in a 15x20 covered 3 sided unit with elec for $73 a month.  All of their facilities offer way more security than anyone else in town.  There is a waiting list for their RV/Boat/Vehicle spaces.

This is a lot of work and at somepoint I may "Runn Oft" like the little boy in "Oh Brother Where Art Thou"  when he ran a flatbed truck throught the barn doors  :D  But Hey.......It keeps me off the streets  :D

:huh: I woke up around 1am today [Friday] totally disoriented & in the dark.  No TV on, ditto tablet and the bedside lamp was off.   I have no memory of going to bed.  Not as bad as it sounds because I was sitting in bed &  watching a movie while messing around on the internet.  I just don't remember going into "sleep" mode.  Queenie must have thought nap time was over because she woke me up.

It's been a busy week for us.  Every day when I've pulled down those rolling overhead doors at the storage units I close them on less "stuff" than I had that morning.  It's a big relief looking into that unit and seeing the back wall 20ft away.  2 weeks ago I had to pull stuff out of the unit to step into it.

On Thur. morning by the time my niece and sister got there I had several boxes of "go away's" sitting behind my van not counting what I'd already sorted and set aside in the unit for her.  So some AL stuff went on a permanent vacation to FL.  This included dining room chairs, pictures, books, clothes, linens, curtains, household items etc.  There are some things we didn't get to.           Just like Arnold S. " She'll Be Back " double WHOOPEE   :D

Hopefuly I'll make it to the tire shop later today.

  I find that each nite I lay down with a long to do list for the next day.  Then I toss and turn waking myself up thinking it's time to get up and it's only a few hours later.  Now that I can see I'm really making progress on downsizing and reaching my goal of being able to travel at least part time I feel like a great weight has been lifted off of me and I can breathe.  My goal of living and traveling fulltime is one that was supposed to happen in July of 2001.  I'd planned and waited for it for years.  Well life happens and the finances I'd planned for were just not there so I became stuck.  Now I'm unsticking myself. One thing that truly saddens me is that I get absolutely no encouragement or emotional support from my family.  I can deal with this, I have no choice.

Better times are coming.  :) PUHLEEESE  :)

You are really making progress Jewellann!

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Just like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.. You'll be on the road before you know it. Just keep plugging away.