Txjbird & Queenie on a Safari in a Safari

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:)  After 2 days of sitting in the apt. to wait for a knock on the door telling me that once again I'm required to let unwanted strangers in my home  to "inspect it" I'm free to leave.  So tomorrow it's lab work, tire pricing, pick up Queenie and off to storage we go...progress on down sizing has been slow lately.

This is what I need to get Safari and Aliner ready to roll.  Wiring short repaired on van and wiring installed on it to tow + brake controller.  New tires on TT, they are 10ys old.  At lest new rear tires on van, move rear ones forward as front ones are worn and also need frnt. end alignment.

I now have a definite destination for our first long ramble.  A few years ago I had been offered my oldest friends home in SD at a very resonable price.......even started sending some money each mo., several months later they called and said they needed to send my money back because the furnance had quit and there was a major freeze and thaw and water pipes and other damage to deal with. I recently spoke with them and was going up to look at and possibly buy it as a home base for summers and travel south in the cool/cold weather.  Fate intervened and now they need to move back into it.

So Queenie and I hope to go up there and help them sort/git rid of things and do some painting and cleaning when the weather up there is warm enough for repairs to start on the house.  This oughta be fun.....if you're watching it.....I'm in my 60s and tore up from the floor up,  she's mid 80's with some health issues, & he's in his early 90s with some heart problems.  Queenie is the quickest one of us on the move however layz and doesn't follow directions well  :D  I luv my Fat Possum!

I do wish I'd bought a TT with a bathroom and self-contained or at least with a shower as I'll probably spend some time in/on rented lots and I'm a little bashful about gettting nekkid outdoors with people around.
So much to do with so little time and $$$ but we'll make it.......we always do :) 

So you're saying you aren't going to stop by and help me sort crap out? I am crushed, crushed I tell you. Be safe..

Gunny said:
So you're saying you aren't going to stop by and help me sort crap out? I am crushed, crushed I tell you. Be safe..


Don't start crying yet.  If I read the DOT code on my van's tires right.......DOT 4TAJYP 6 V  = 10ys old ?  is that right?  If so I have 4 + doughnut on the van + 3 on the Aliner that need to be replaced.  Bad tires trump 1,500 miles to SD + Solar for Now.

Now I see why people use Go Fund  Me's.    Somedays it's just not worth getting out of bed.  I've noticed lately that things in my life change so rapidly for either good or bad that if I just suck it up, take a deep breath and wait a while, it too shall pass.

I will go to Texas to see my 94 yr. old Aunt Mary in Temple and then wander right to your door if I can find it.  I also plan on going to Grapevine as that was my first home after my son was born in '72.  I haven't been back since the late '80s.  I also have a nephew in Wacko TX I need to find.

If I can make good progress down sizing and hopefully sell stuff MAYBE I'll be able to do Tires ......Texas.... Show me State......SD   No rent or storage or elec = $850mo freed up to live as I please & not to please others.


Getting ready for a possible HUD inspection really showed me how much unnecessary stuff I have.  I still have 3 closets I didn't even open......one is huge used for a monster pantry and storage.  I think it will be alot simpler not having a "What if List" just a "IF it doesn't fit in/on Aliner or Safari I don't need IT" list.  I have a niece coming for my freezer when it's empty and maybe before then for anything else she needs/wants that I'm not keeping.  4 neighbor ladies for clothes/books & whatever.

As soon as I can get the van ready to roll I'm loading it with my vintage/collectables + more $$ items and then go to Sadies flea mkt. on nice weekends.

That's My Story and I'm Sticking To IT!  Q sez Ruff!


P.S. ArtW you better watch out as the Q and I will be close to your neck of the woods.  Nice van by the way!  Now I'm Done  :D
Well Jewellann you just let me know when you'll be around, and we can meet up at my job in I'm a workin, or my place if I'm a not :)
Typical DOT tire mfg code (from my car) They will usually only be on one side of tire.

DOT (PJ6L) (KK1R) (3611)

The first two groups after DOT are brand and where mfg and the last group 3611 is the date code.
36th week of 2011
( some codes are only three digits 367 would be 36th week of 2007 or 037 would be 3rd week of 2007)Hopefully they haven't changed this since I learned how to read them......

A couple of links to get more info



Jewellann - I love reading your posts, you are one funny lady!! Give my namesake some ear scratches from me.
Queen said:
Jewellann - I love reading your posts, you are one funny lady!!  Give my namesake some ear scratches from me.

:) Thanks.  We've had a very rough day.  I accidently nudged her with my foot earlier...she just raised her her head and gave me the What the hell is it now look...layed right back down and closed her eyes.  She did wake up to eat 1/2 the meat from an Arbys sandwich and down she went.  Me being stressed out wears her out something awful.  Oh well tomorrows another day,  please.

I hope things work out for you guys in FL.  I remember when ya'll moved down there and also went back north.

ArtW said:
Well Jewellann you just let me know when you'll be around, and we can meet up at my job in I'm a workin, or my place if I'm a not :)

:D Okey Dokey Pokey......... Did you manhandle that table outa your van?

Txjaybird said:
:) Thanks.  We've had a very rough day.  I accidently nudged her with my foot earlier...she just raised her her head and gave me the What the hell is it now look...layed right back down and closed her eyes.  She did wake up to eat 1/2 the meat from an Arbys sandwich and down she went.  Me being stressed out wears her out something awful.  Oh well tomorrows another day,  please.

I hope things work out for you guys in FL.  I remember when ya'll moved down there and also went back north.


I remember our younger border collie would get so worried if we were upset, we learned to argue with a smile on our faces so we didn't upset Skippy!

Thanks, it was good to come home for a while and realize that it's not so much "home" as we remembered.  We'll go to FL for a while and if that doesn't work, pout the condo back on the market and roam around a while.
This Friday was what I call a "Lost Day".  These are the days that for various reasons what I'd planned to do gets lost in everthing else that has to be done.   By the time I reached a storage unit at 11am I was already feeling bad to the point I just lowered the big overhead door and came home :s

Today is a better day I hope :) a new neighbor is coming to the storage around 11am to noon to see if she wants anything I'm turning loose of and the Mission truck will be there between 1;30PM TO 3pm unless I've called and cancelled it.

It's a little chilly here however I've been to Mom's and walked her dog made sure she had her Am pills, muffins & fresh ice water.  Now I'm waiting for the washer to Quit.  Then it's just hang out clothes. take a shower, pack the ice chest load it and Queenie in the Safari and my "work" day can begin.   Damn I'm glad I'm re-tired :D

Wish me     Happy Progress......Puhleese!

Go kick some butt today, Jewellann!!!

You make me realize just how lucky I was to have things work out the way they did for me. Decades of build up that would have had needed sorted, packed, sold or given away. I spent months going through a relatively small portion of our house and it was exhausting. Actually being in this lifestyle makes me realize how little of it I needed or ever used. Even the stuff I brought and now packs the trailer/truck, much of it is just stuff I didn't want to let go of or is what if I wanted/needed it. All it does is get in the way of the things I use day to day. Slowly I am going back through it all and asking myself " honestly now, you have been out here for a while. Have I used it? Is there a chance I'll use it?" I am resorting the already sorted. lol
Jewellann: I did figure out how it comes out, haven't evicted it yet
I suspect there's a fairly thick sub-floor it fits into, can't believe they recessed the 'real' floor like that
I canceled the tires I ordered, and haven't done any stripping out yet, I got time
You're getting it done , no matter how slow it seems to be going.
Climbing a mountain takes lots of small steps...
:) WHOOPEE!  Unless I'm totally wiped out and just spend a day or 3 in bed I stay pretty busy.  Then I look back and wonder exactly what it was that kept me so busy.  Today I worked in mainly 1 storage unit and sorted out a area apx. 3ftW x6ft D x 61/2ft Tall.  I had to stand on my tippy toes to reach the top boxes.  I started at 8am and at 11am 2 of my newer neighbor ladies called and said "We are here at the Gate".   So they loaded up the back of a full sized SUV and took it to their storage then came back and helped move boxes so I could sort some more & we loaded them up again and away they went :)  Deb came back with a big Iced t and burger for me so we sat under the tarp I'd rigged for shade and visited and then I went back to work handing Deb whatever she wanted out of my "I don't want this........do you?.....box"......after box after box.  She even helped put empty boxes up for tomorrow.     So for  todays "Thank God and Greyhound it's Gone" total........2 1/2 suv loads to new neighbors..........sack-o-books to cashier at the truck stop........3 boxes to the Mission store. 

  While at the store I found a copy of The Vinegar Book that I think someone just mentioned here?

 To me the irony of today is that I have family and friends and neighbors that I've know for a while who know I'm struggling with this crap and could use a little help or even a word of encouragement now and then.  With the exceptiion of one old friend who will help with whatever whenever I need or ask for help I'm on my own.  It was 2 new neighbors who came today.  Usually it's just Queenie and I hauling/sorting/packing & hauling away.  I'd told Deb and Judy where and when I was going to the storage today and if they came by about 1pm they could take/have whatever I was getting rid of and welcome to it.  I never expected them to come 2hrs early and pitch right in to help.

My only child recently informed me to not expect any help from them.  I was told  "You got yourself into this "mess" and you can get yourself out".   Another family member has had space in one of my units for over 2yrs.  

I guess I'm done bitchin' and moaning for today...........maybe.

Thank You to everyone for your words of kindness and encouragement  :D  I think my that family thinks that as long as I'm busy downsizing I'll lose focus on the goal I'm working towards........in their dreams.

ArtW said:
Jewellann: I did figure out how it comes out, haven't evicted it yet
I suspect there's a fairly thick sub-floor it fits into, can't believe they recessed the 'real' floor like that
I canceled the tires I ordered, and haven't done any stripping out yet, I got time

What type/size tires are you looking at?
