Txjbird & Queenie on a Safari in a Safari

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jimindenver said:

You make me realize just how lucky I was to have things work out the way they d id for me. Decades of build up that would have had needed sorted, packed, sold or given away. I spent months going through a relatively small portion of our house and it was exhausting. Actually being in this lifestyle makes me realize how little of it I needed or ever used. Even the stuff I brought and now packs the trailer/truck, much of it is just stuff I didn't want to let go of or is what if I wanted/needed it. All it does is get in the way of the things I use day to day. Slowly I am going back through it all and asking myself " honestly now, you have been out here for a while. Have I used it? Is there a chance I'll use it?" I am resorting the already sorted. lol

One of the reasons I didn't even try to buy a larger vehicle like a 3/4 or 1 ton trk or van is that I'd want to fill 'em up and a little {big} trailer too.   Empty spaces make me extremely nervous :D

Jewellann, I hear you about family and friends. We moved back to our hometown after a year and a half in FL, and you'd think we were invisible. My niece had her baby up in Chicago and we sent a ton of presents, drove up to visit and meet the baby, and never even got invited to the christening (we are a tiny family and I only have the one niece). We know no one will offer to help, even though we do, we are on on own.

I told my honey the other day "I sure wish, just once, I could have a friend like me", and I'm not saying that to brag, I offer my time, and most people just won't.

Sure glad you got some stuff done and your new neighbors showed up to help!!
Txjaybird said:
What type/size tires are you looking at?


one of the previous owners of this van 'improved' it with shiny chrome 17" wheels, and I had sort of shrugged and ordered tires to fit (225/65/17) but then I noticed the 2 Goodyear Wranglers I originally bought for my ranger had a higher load capacity then the fancy 17s, and decided I'm gonna go back to the factory spec'd 15 inch wheels instead, once I have money to spend
I would say WE are dragging our butts this AM in getting started except one of us is doing her Ostrich Act.  She'll start moving when she sees my town clothes going on.......or maybe not......today I'm wearing a PJ short set & fip flops.  Hey anybody doesn't like it doesn't have to look :)   The Word Of The Day Is COMFORTABLE :D

Comfortable is good
i went from jeans to chinos for comfort reasons, at work
You can pick your friends but not your family ..........
And that's a good thing !

We're your family now , so I guess I'm one of your brothers.

(That shoots down the can't pick your family comment)
rvpopeye said:
You can pick your friends but not your family ..........
And that's a good thing !

We're your family now , so I guess I'm one of your brothers.

(That shoots down the can't pick your family comment)

:) This reminds me of a little sign I had once.    The difference in Inlaws and Outlaws.........Outlaws are wanted :D   
        I'm gonna have to watch for that sign as I sort/purge.

I had a neighbor come over today and she and I got about 50% of my stuff sorted out. Without a doubt I will miss a few things but material things aren't that much to me.

Glad things are moving for you Jewellann.

:huh:   I feel like I've been beat with a ball bat.  I hurt in places I didn't know I had!  Made some more progress getting rid of things....several sacks of clothes from 3T to 3X to Judy, a neighbor.  Also a big throw rug, wicker stool, shutters, a humongous table lamp, sewing patterns & something else....I fergit.     Other stuff set aside for family.  There was a Jeep + a truck and trailer 2 units down from me for the 2nd day, moving out.  I heard someone say Miss...Miss?  When I turned to see who he was talking to....it was me!!!!  I'd a kissed him if'en I coulda caught him :D  Anyways he gave me 3 really nice lamps, so 2 going to sister, 1 for me to replace one that  recently shorted out.

After my empty boxes were put up and trash hauled to the dumpster I followed Judy to her storage facility and we unloaded the back of her SUV, totes + plus what items I'd passed her way today.
I have got to learn to take and email or post pics.  Like today when Queenie was eating butterscotch pudding out of a plastic spoon, or taking a nap in a chair she has outgrown with 1 hip suspended in mid-air....she really likes that folding lawnchair :)  I was too busy and there was too much traffic at the storage today to let Queenie have anything except 2 short "freedom" runs.  Those little short legs just churning away and that junk in her trunk swaying from side to side.  She always brings a smile to everyone's face.  She has about a 3hr headstart on Naptime, I'm gonna try and catch up.

High winds today.......took over 30min. to get my shade awning suspended from the overhead door and secured across the Safari........and then the $%^^&*&^%$ thing split in 3 places   :mad: 

Hope everyone had a pleasant weekend.

P.S .   There are ZERO tie down points anywhere on this Safari.  That's one of the reasons it takes me so long to hang tarps/shades etc.   SO I'm open to suggestions about where and how to have some big/medium eyebolts or something similar installed....they're also needed to clip Queenie to without leaving a window down and tying her off to a interior grab bar.    Thanks, TJB
Gunny said:
I had a neighbor come over today and she and I got about 50% of my stuff sorted out. Without a doubt I will miss a few things but material things aren't that much to me.

Glad things are moving for you Jewellann.


:) It's nice to have help when you need it. :)

When or are you going to be moving into your T.T.?

How's your mouser doing?

Finally I seem to be making headway.  March is 1/2 over and I want to drag this Aliner to TX by early May.

Shooting for the first of April. I can stay a couple of more weeks if needed but I find myself running out of patience too often late, which has always been one of my faults. It's time for some solitude.

Gunny said:
Shooting for the first of April. I can stay a couple of more weeks if needed but I find myself running out of patience too often late, which has always been one of my faults. It's time for some solitude.


For years I've often said "Patience may be a virtue however not one of mine".  Now I add "You've been warned".  Maybe my Son is right.......the older I get the meaner I get.  I'll think on it..............naw that ain't right :D

:) Today will be the 4th day in a row that Q & I are going to do the storage unit thing.........if she will get out from under the covers.  You'd think it was Q that's doing all the lifting/sorting dragging.  My immedate goal is to have one 10x20 unit empty before 4/06/17 as that is when the rent is due on them.

Progress on the Safari & Aliner is at a stand still.  Both still need sets of tires and the wiring for towing to be completed.  I need some tiedown points added to the  Safari.  Now I have to clip Q to the hand assist grab bars and also tie off the shade cloth to the front doors and then I cant open the doors.  Any suggestions about what to use and installation will be appreciated.

  I'm taking advantage of sunny/mild days to hang a shade awning to work under at the storage units.  Rain in the forecast for the week-end at that point I'll return to sorting/packing inside the Apt.

Q + Queenie aka Fat Possum, a 13lb Chihuahua with Attitude :D  just in case there is someone new takin' this little  "Trying To Get Out Of Dodge" adventure with us.

Sounds like good progress and a good plan to be done before more money comes due.

As far as tying down the pup, can you just click the passenger seat belt closed and clip her onto that? She doesn't weight much so adding a fixed tie down seems like extra $ and work.
Suzy takes naps when work is being done, too, apparently watching people work tires chihuahuas out
Buddy otoh, lives underfoot when work is being done :D
Max is always underfoot and I use a carrier in the car or he would be climbing all over me.
:D I touched the back wall Today  :D   So What?  I've cleared a path of 2  1/2ft to 3ft wide and and 20ft deep back to the rear wall of a 10x20 unit, also  the rear left corner about a 4x6 space.   Today I gave away about 2x more than I kept  :D YIPPEE  :D

Q has a new man friend..........I took her to the office with me so I could use the indoors outhouse  ;)      Don who works there had his last big dog pass away not too long ago. He has been sweet talking Q and she will even "let" him hand feed her little bites of treats without him losing any finger tips.  Today when I came out of the restroom she was SITTING IN HIS LAP!!!

She is 7yrs old and the only other male that can handle her has known her since she was 3wks old and has her litter mate Rat Dawg.  She and Rat Dawg used to take naps with Miss Polly, Bob's Mama until she passed away last year. Q still goes to her bedroom first thing when we go to Bob's.

We are off again to the "War On Stuff" tomorrow.  We napped from about 5pm to 9pm then brought in 4 sacks of clothes to try on and sort.   Washing 2 to 4 loads [small] and hanging them on shower curtain rods with the fan on 'em. and hang out some in early AM. on the clothesline.

Among the things that motivate me are how quickly I see some others making progress on downsizing.  One of my prime motivators is YogiDog,  when she sez she's leaving she don't mess around.  I think she's on her 2nd western loop from MI and I have barely been to FL and I'm only about 25mls from the AL/FL line.  Another is Buster My Service Dog even with a busted shoulder/arm? He's going faster than I.  Jim in Denver you are the only person I know other than myself that when you are done YOU ARE DONE and can put a big house and former life in a TT and haul ass.  I once left SD in Feb. after selling a good sized house and most of my wordly goods.  I had a full size Bronco, a 14ft T.T., and a untrained attack cat named Dammit.  I put so much in my son's Cavalier he said "just stop or I will not be able to cross a RR track without losing my muffler".

I've found that as I've aged I'm not so quick to say " screw it,  I'm so done here, see ya" as I've been known to do occassionly.
Washer stopped so back to work.....yuck!

Jewellann and Q, who's laying on top of a pile of clothes so they don't get away before they are washed.   She is such a big help :angel:
Queen said:
Sounds like good progress and a good plan to be done before more money comes due.
As far as tying down the pup, can you just click the passenger seat belt closed and clip her onto that?  She doesn't weight much so adding a fixed tie down seems like extra $ and work.

Right now I use a D ring clipped to a 12ft leash's hand loop then passed around thru the passenger window and clipped back to it's self.  Besides Queenie I also need some way to secure a pop up awning to the van so it can't twist or "walk" off in a mild wind.  Right now I'm setting aside light weight things that I know I can load/unload without hurting myself to sell at Sadie's Flea Mkt in Dothan.  I enjoy selling and I can make $$$ at very little set up cost.  A space in "the field" is either $6 or $8 a day.  I  always get 2 because I want people to be able to wander thru and stop to visit and browse.

I'm just so used to having pickups and flatbed trailers with plenty of places to secure things.  This Safari is making me crazy/er.  Fiber glass or plastic everywhere I look.  Seems like I have to go over bumpers or running boards to reach any metal to clip or bungee something to.  My mechanic told me that on the front and rear bumpers there is only center metal sections with these "Grand Efects" fiberglass over bumpers that go from one side to the other across the whole width of the van. I need to talk to the owner of a paint& body shop about the bumpers off a GMC  van he has.  I've been unable to catch up with him so far.  Are you guys back in FL?

Jewellann...I'm guessing your van doesn't have the luggage rack on top? If not, maybe it has the inserts to install one. Maybe the body shop guy has some and might install for a reasonable fee. Or a wrecking yard that has a set. Should work for tie off if you could come up with something like that.

I have a drip rail on my van and can probably use small C clamps for a tarp. Your Safari doesn't have that though does it?
Dennis said:
Jewellann...I'm guessing your van doesn't have the luggage rack on top?  If not, maybe it has the inserts to install one. Maybe the body shop guy has some and might install for a reasonable fee. Or a wrecking yard that has a set.   Should work for tie off if you could come up with something like that.  

I have a drip rail on my van and can probably use small C clamps for a tarp.  Your Safari doesn't have that though does it?

The hightop on my van is high in the middle and then there is a drop down on each side.  There is no flat area that I can see to attach things to.  I'll figure something out however I'm still open to suggestions.  I noticed there is a "lip" where the hightop sits/attaches on the van.
