Txjbird & Queenie on a Safari in a Safari

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I wanna camp every weekend until I go full time!!! But, the house won't empty itself! I'm also terribly spur of the moment, so if I get bored while sorting and decluttering, I might just fill the cooler, grab the dog and head out!! No plans for the 4th, but the fireflies are numerous, everywhere and free :-D

I had a hammer and an axe at hand during my solo camping trip. I have a gun but I wasn't sure how scared I might get and become trigger happy thus shooting my foot or my dog so I am leaving it at home until I'm very comfortable being alone. I threw the ax at the renaissance festival and I think I could do some harm!!
Happy "39th" Birthday Mrs. Benny.   Oh, I mean Txjaybird  :D
Happy Birthday, Jewellann!! 39, hahahahaha!!!!!
AbuelaLoca said:
I had a hammer and an axe at hand during my solo camping trip.  I threw the ax at the renaissance festival and I think I could do some harm!!
I've been accused by a family member of having  a "negative violence prone outlook" on life.  The reason? Beginning at my front door and through out my apt. including by my bed there are various everyday items that can be used for self-defense. 

 Now the machete by the bed might be considered a little overboard by some folks.  However if it was  me faced with a overweight lady with her bleached blonde hair standing on end while wielding a machete and  giving a berserker yell running at me I'd look for the nearest exit....quickly.  Hammers, screwdrivers and 2in wide flat steel pry bars abound in my vehicle and around the house.

The axe made me think of my brother.  He always wears a knife in a sheath and carries a hachet or axe in his 4x4.  Sometimes he has to work a double shift and will take a nap in his truck on his breaks. The parking area is unsecured and there are no other open business's near by at night.  A few months ago someone sent the new girl out to wake him as a joke.  She ran back inside saying  "you wake him!  He has a axe in the seat beside him!".  Thankfully she looked in the window before waking him  :D 

A can of wasp/hornet spray shoots out a long way.... don't be down wind from where you aim it  :huh: 

Have a good 4th.


                           WHEN I TURNED 60 I STARTED COUNTING BACKWARDS


HE ASKED ME HOW WILL HE EXPLAIN MY AGE TO SOMEONE,  MY RESPONSE WAS "Why are you talking to SOMEONE about my age anyways"  Hey I'm the Mama and I rule my world  :p That's my story etc.......

Have a good 4th...heat index here today supposed to hit 110 and then rain.  

Who sings the song with the the line "she doesn't get dirty...she gets swampy'....gotta go google it for this B Day's song, it's gonna get SWAMPY up in here.  Q and I are having a AC=68 & movie marathon day.

Jewellann and Q.....who is having a nap already
That paragraph about the machete leaves quite the mental image........................
I noticed you don't currently have an avatar ! :p ?
Happy Happy young lady!

I never put much value in weapons. Then again anything short of a gun means you have to be close enough for my to touch you before you can touch me. at that point you would become my weapon as I bounced you off of cars, post or trees. I figure a pissed off giant busting out of a trailer holding a 8 ft African spear should get most anyone's attention.
Happy happy, Jewell

Ive been 21 for the past I-cant-do-the-math years.

Lately I think I am regressing to 12.  


Keep us updated.
jimindenver said:
Happy Happy young lady!    THANK YOU   :)

 I figure a pissed off giant busting out of a trailer holding a 8 ft African spear should get most anyone's attention.    
 SHOW OFF   :D   Probably won't work if there's a little white fuzzy puppy in his other hand.....leave Max inside  LOL

RobndaHood said:
Happy Birthday Jewellann.

THANK YOU.   HOW ARE THINGS IN daHOOD?  We have a new night time wanderer.  Neighbor who knows this guy warned my Sis and I as we are often coming  home or going to the store etc. after dark.    Neighbor  Sez "He ain't wrapped real tight".  Not the only night walker thru here.....new one might need to watch out his ownself. 
  Ain't life grand   :D  Also,  Thanks for the JFK post.

GotSmart said:
Happy happy, Jewell

I've been 21 for the past I-cant-do-the-math years.

:)  Thanks for B'day wishes.

Now you should sit down iffen you ain't already....I think we might be kin  :-/  My mom left home at 16ys old and was 21 for 5ys until she turned 22.  I was 16 & tending bar and needed to be 18 to be in the joint.  So I was 18ys old for 3ys until I turned 19.  Luckily for the females in my family when we're young we can pass for older and as we age we often look 10 to 15 years younger.  As far as I'm concerned it's just #s.  
Someday's I'm 100ys when I 1st wake up :huh:

I can't believe it's JULY already and so damn HOT.  Hopefully by mid month I'll be able to take a short shake down run with the Safari and Aliner up to Lake Eufala which is in both AL and GA.  I'll go in the middle of the week so if there are any problems I'll be within towing range of my mechanic and less than a hour from a friend with a pickup and tools that I can call on if needed.  I need to open up the Aliner and get a roll of reflextic out and use it in the Safari on the rear and side windows.  I thought Q and I would cook before we got back to the apt. yesterday and we were only gone about an hour.  I think my longer trips will have to be put off until the fall.

When does it cool off in your part of MO?   I've seen snow as early as Sept. in s.e. SD. and no snow for years & years in the Dallas/central TX regions.  

If it's not 110 outside Q and I may make a break for the storage units and Aliner shortly.  We have about 2hr of daylight left.

Txjaybird said:
:)  Thanks for B'day wishes.

When does it cool off in your part of MO?
   I've seen snow as early as Sept. in s.e. SD. and no snow for years & years in the Dallas/central TX regions.  

If it's not 110 outside Q and I may make a break for the storage units and Aliner shortly.  We have about 2hr of daylight left.


Its going to be hot here, until it is not. 

September is whan the average goes below 80. 

Just let me know~~~
HOT!    HOT!   HOT!  

Not much progress.. Q andI  have spent about 2hrs the past few days late in the evening at the storage units.  mainly grabbing linens/clothes to bring home and sort/wash.

This week stilling hoping to finish wiring Safari to tow Aliner.  Also so oil change and new air filter....wonder it runs as good as it does.  Then realignment if needed.

Then the Aliner will be set back up and I'll start loading non perishables + tools= etc.

Wish us luck.
