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Apr 27, 2016
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Hi Cindy here.  I am trying to let go of home and live out of vehicle but have so many fears. Will I find other safe people to camp by? Can I handle being alone on the road? How will I shop in hot weather with two small dogs?  
But... I really want to get up to sunshine and freedom! Thanks for any feedback. I am in Duluth, MN.

Cindy  :p
Welcome to the CRVL forums Cindy!  Your fears and questions have been felt and asked by many of us but yes. it is safe out here on the road and you will find friends. Woman traveling alone have different questions than men so you may want to read through the "Girls  Room"
 Also check out "Traveling with Pets"

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome aboard the CRVL forums Cindy!
Being worried isn't required , being aware is all you need for safety.
It's actually not as bad out there as you might think.
There are LOTS of single women out here doing this .
Maybe you can find some that will travel caravan style with you till you get more comfortable!
rvwandering said:
Welcome to the CRVL forums Cindy! Your fears and questions have been felt and asked by many of us but yes. it is safe out here on the road and you will find friends. Woman traveling alone have different questions than men so you may want to read through the "Girls Room"
Also check out "Traveling with Pets"

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.

Thank you for the vote of confidence. I know it is better once your doing it!
rvpopeye said:
Welcome aboard the CRVL forums Cindy!
Being worried isn't required , being aware is all you need for safety.
It's actually not as bad out there as you might think.
There are LOTS of single women out here doing this .
Maybe you can find some that will travel caravan style with you till you get more comfortable!

Yes I have thought of hanging by someone without bothering them! Lol Thanks for the links.
Welcome, Welcome Cindy!

1. Yes
2. Yes, you've got us :)
3. That's a tougher one to accomplish
Thanks Phillip,

I am glad people are friendly out there in the van world. I only have a car but really trying to do it even with a car. Nissan Versa hatchback. Small!

Among the tribe will be found those that boondock in a prius!
I'd offer to camp with you Cindy but by the time I am able to get out there you'll be a seasoned veteran! :)
Good advice to start gently.
My first adventure was with someone, and we stayed at pay campgrounds, and worked too hard at everything.
The second trip I did solo, and paid to stay at campgrounds, often driving out of my way to find one.
Now I rarely pay to camp, and enjoy myself far more whether alone or with others.

I travel with an old dog, and adjust my shopping to the cooler hours, try to find shade to park in, soak her and her bed, with cool water, or postpone.

It is well worth working through the fears and worry- the reward is in experiencing strengths you were unaware of.
Hi Cindy!

  I also have two little dogs (AND one big...tsk tsk). Not sure how THAT'S gonna play out.

You'll find SO MUCH info on here it'll keep you so busy you may not ever actually GO anywhere.. lol JK.

I like the suggestion of camping out and trial runs, and this is what I WAS gonna do, but BOB came up w/the whole RTR Flagstaff thing.. grrr.. NOW I'm rushing madly to get it together.  Still not sure if I'm gonna make it.

 It's a great forum!  Welcome.
Hi Cindy......welcome!

When I first discovered the van dwelling lifestyle about seven months ago, I also had a million questions and fears. After being apart of this tribe since then, I've learned so much as everyone here is so helpful and encouraging. Most of my fears are gone and now I am still trying to put this all together and I can't wait to begin this adventure.

Just keep reading, learning, asking questions and it will all work out for you.

Maybe we'll bump into each other on the road someday soon. :)