Brand new here, and here is a Hello!<br /><br />I have been toying the idea to get an RV. What do I get and why?<br /><br />5th wheel - I originally thought, a 5th wheel. Then I could keep upgrading the truck as the years go by and still have the RV. And still have a vehicle available to drive around once camp is set up.<br /><br />motorhome - i kind of nixed this one because I tend to hang onto stuff a long time. If the motor or tranny goes out then the whole RV is scrap price. However, wife and others and animals could all spread out while traveling down the road. A car would have to be towed along to be able to scoot into town.<br /><br />trailer - i am not too keen on these simply because that makes your rig so much longer<br /><br />But then I got to second guessing my decision. Going down the road, my wife, dogs and everybody else would be riding in the truck. Dogs, etc. would be in the truck.<br /><br />What feedback do you guys have?