The Rat Race

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Organic is not easy, lots to learn. I know because I work with these kind of farms, we just got our biochar certified. But there is money in it for sure....

I think I would travel north in the spring/almost summer and see if I could rent a garden plot and grow food to eat and dehydrate. Look up high density gardening and square foot gardening. Learn to make compost tea and biochar and see what happens. You might see if you can trade food for the rental plot.

Just an idea....

Konaexpress said:
Organic is not easy, lots to learn. I know because I work with these kind of farms, we just got our biochar certified. But there is money in it for sure....

I think I would travel north in the spring/almost summer and see if I could rent a garden plot and grow food to eat and dehydrate. Look up high density gardening and square foot gardening. Learn to make compost tea and biochar and see what happens. You might see if you can trade food for the rental plot.

Just an idea....


As a kid we raised chickens.  About 2,000 to 3,000 of them.

We also had about an acre of garden.  Organic?  Whats that?   :s

When we got bugs we fed them to the chickens.  My father was too cheap to spend money on chemicals to dump in the ground.  That is what the manure was for.  We had regular customers from as far away as Santa Cruz. (150 miles) 

I learned how to can (Preserve) things the government says not to.  (Sauce containing meat)  

I was never as healthy as when I lived on the farm.


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You will be free from the rat race completely when your six feet under and pushing up the daisies. Before that happens you will just have to suck it up and get by the best you can.
There are over six billion people polluting this planet now and I would say 99% do not care what they do to this planet.
There is a man made plastic island in the pacific that will soon become a continent that is killing the seal life and most governments do not give a damn. without the oceans we can not survive period.
There is a reason why they are producing GMO seeds and food, they wont tell you the real reason, but it is because very soon there is not going to be enough food to feed everybody on this planet. And once that threshold is reached the real fun is going to start.
Patd4u2 said:
You will be free from the rat race completely when your six feet under and pushing up the daisies. Before that happens you will just have to suck it up and get by the best you can.
There are over six billion people polluting this planet now and I would say 99% do not care what they do to this planet.
There is a man made plastic island in the pacific that will soon become a continent that is killing the seal life and most governments do not give a damn. without the oceans we can not survive period.
There is a reason why they are producing GMO seeds and food, they wont tell you the real reason, but it is because very soon there is not going to be enough food to feed everybody on this planet. And once that threshold is reached the real fun is going to start.

There would be a lot more food on the planet if we stop feeding it to cows.
Patd4u2 said:
You will be free from the rat race completely when your six feet under and pushing up the daisies. Before that happens you will just have to suck it up and get by the best you can.
There are over six billion people polluting this planet now and I would say 99% do not care what they do to this planet.
There is a man made plastic island in the pacific that will soon become a continent that is killing the seal life and most governments do not give a damn. without the oceans we can not survive period.
There is a reason why they are producing GMO seeds and food, they wont tell you the real reason, but it is because very soon there is not going to be enough food to feed everybody on this planet. And once that threshold is reached the real fun is going to start.

In the end, the only ones who win the rat race will be the rats.
again with the misinformation. most cows are in the US are raised on grass that grows naturally on land that is not suitable for other types of agriculture. now if you want to talk about wasting food how about the methanol subsidies? that takes food off the market and puts it in your gas tank. highdesertranger
flying kurbmaster said:
only two if's...very doable, it is amazing how little land you need to grow a lot of stuff, I was reading about this guy in Quebec in the eastern townships along the Vermont border that is growing $150,000.00  worth of organic vegetables, on 2 1/12 acres, his profit margin is 45% not bad and he gets three months off during the winter months and that is not a temperate climate.
Yes, very doable. It's a crime that we have starving people on this planet. 
Patd4u2 said:
You will be free from the rat race completely when your six feet under and pushing up the daisies. Before that happens you will just have to suck it up and get by the best you can.
Not true, saying that is like saying you'll never be free.
There are over six billion people polluting this planet now and I would say 99% do not care what they do to this planet.
Six billion people "polluting" a little to a lot. I believe we have the technology for everybody to live like Americans and not trash the planet. Take a look at the energy, metals and chemicals that it takes to manufacture the computers and phones we are reading this thread on. Too bad 99% of electronics aren't made in America where we don't accept fields of leeching, photodegrading, and oxidizing electronic bits. We're doing our part to use/consume less resources and energy.

There is a man made plastic island in the pacific that will soon become a continent that is killing the seal life and most governments do not give a damn. without the oceans we can not survive period.
Most governments would like to do something but the elites don't want the oceans cleaned up. Instead they want us paying carbon taxes and packed in Orwellian megacities as modern day serfs.

There is a reason why they are producing GMO seeds and food, they wont tell you the real reason, but it is because very soon there is not going to be enough food to feed everybody on this planet. And once that threshold is reached the real fun is going to start.
GMOs, like all the other global elite agendas; is about control. If GMOs are so good and safe why do they fear organic farmers and health food stores? Control the food, control the people.

highdesertranger said:
... now if you want to talk about wasting food how about the methanol subsidies?  that takes food off the market and puts it in your gas tank.  highdesertranger
This is why I believe wood gasification is the best post-oil energy source. If we don't get our overunity tech, we will need woodgas fired powerplants that ideally circulate waste heat to urban cores, generate power & town gas (woodgas was used as natural gas before natural gas was discovered). We will have to electrify rail lines and get buses and trucks running on wood & other biomass.

We have a duty as first worlders to build all the third world contries up, get them to the level where they have food and fuel. Using Maslow Hierachy of Needs; with the largest and most fundamental level at the bottom, and the need for self actualization at the top.
debit.servus said:
Yes, very doable. It's a crime that we have starving people on this planet. 
Not true, saying that is like saying you'll never be free.
Six billion people "polluting" a little to a lot. I believe we have the technology for everybody to live like Americans and not trash the planet. Take a look at the energy, metals and chemicals that it takes to manufacture the computers and phones we are reading this thread on. Too bad 99% of electronics aren't made in America where we don't accept fields of leeching, photodegrading, and oxidizing electronic bits. We're doing our part to use/consume less resources and energy.

Most governments would like to do something but the elites don't want the oceans cleaned up. Instead they want us paying carbon taxes and packed in Orwellian megacities as modern day serfs.

GMOs, like all the other global elite agendas; is about control. If GMOs are so good and safe why do they fear organic farmers and health food stores?  Control the food, control the people.

This is why I believe wood gasification is the best post-oil energy source. If we don't get our overunity tech, we will need woodgas fired powerplants that ideally circulate waste heat to urban cores, generate power & town gas (woodgas was used as natural gas before natural gas was discovered). We will have to electrify rail lines and get buses and trucks running on wood & other biomass.

We have a duty as first worlders to build all the third world contries up, get them to the level where they have food and fuel. Using Maslow Hierachy of Needs; with the largest and most fundamental level at the bottom, and the need for self actualization at the top.

"We have a duty as first worlders to build all the third world contries up, get them to the level where they have food and fuel."

And who is going to pay for all that? The American tax payers? It is not our duty to give these other countries anything.  I want our tax dollars going to help Americans.
highdesertranger said:
again with the misinformation.  most cows are in the US are raised on grass that grows naturally on land that is not suitable for other types of agriculture.  now if you want to talk about wasting food how about the methanol subsidies?  that takes food off the market and puts it in your gas tank.  highdesertranger

misinformation?? You think? :s  90% of all soybean grown goes to feed cattle. In 1965 only 6% of Mexican wheat was fed to cattle in 1990 it was over 50% now it is likely a lot more. Since 1950 up to 1990 meat consumption tripled and feed consumption has quadrupled, still rising, the Amazon is being bulldozed to grow cows( and coffee don't get me started  :dodgy: ). Use of grain for feed surpassed human consumption in 1964 and has been rising ever since. In a year, it takes one acre of arable land to produce 250 lbs of beef, on that same acre you can produce 250,000 lbs of tomatoes. The obesity rate in America has grown at exactly the same rate as meat consumption, the human and medical cost, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, life expectancy, along with quality of life. Vegetarians get 40% less cancers, live 6 to 15 years longer. The single biggest simplest thing anyone can do to improve their health and the health of the planet is become a vegetarian. Your choice, you can either build a fence at the top of the cliff or park an ambulance at the bottom. :)  I am not making this stuff up the information is out there for all to find, easy enough, despite the propaganda that the meat marketing boards, cattlemen's associations, and milk producers of America try to pile on top of it with there big money campaigns, along with the fast food chains trying to sell you  healthier burger by adding a thin slice of tomatoe .
We are heading toward getting this thread closed. No more on the evil corporations or arguing about agriculture. Those posts will be deleted.
flying kurbmaster said:
There would be a lot more food on the planet if we stop feeding it to cows.

I am going to do my part tonight by killing a couple of pesky cheeseburgers...!

Edit: sorry Bob, I should have read to the end first.
buckwilk said:
Off Grid 24/7 said this   "I've never really understood people who choose to be dropouts, but I guess there are quitters in all aspects of life.  For me, I will continue to contribute as long as I am able, and if I can improve the lives of others, then that will be my legacy and I will be both pleased and proud to have done what I could to leave the world a little better place for those who follow after I am gone."                                  

If you are off grid, isn't that a form of dropping out? (<; Consider this, you may be on a forum that is primarily for folks who want to drop out. I don't see anything wrong with that.

To me dropping out is when you're not contributing to society on a more or less daily basis...

Someone like me can choose an alternative means of housing, but still work regularly, pay taxes, and be an asset to people around them.   Dropouts are a burden on society, whether they recognize it or not, the world depends on it's worker bees to survive, and without them we would be back in the stone ages.
Patd4u2 said:
"We have a duty as first worlders to build all the third world contries up, get them to the level where they have food and fuel."

And who is going to pay for all that? The American tax payers? It is not our duty to give these other countries anything.  I want our tax dollars going to help Americans.

Such an endeavor is about technology not taxpayer money.  Mainly technology that is suppressed in the favor of greed.  Tesla was able to offer free electricity to the world, but greed put a halt to it.

If a person has to spend all of there time and energy just to survive, and have none of it left over to improve either their lives, or the lives of others, then the world becomes stagnant, with no progress.  While I don't believe that all progress is good, or in our best interest, our lives would not be nearly as good without it.

If everybody in the world is presented with the opportunity to better their own lives, and the lives of others, then the whole world prospers.  They don't need hand outs, they need opportunities.  Technology can provide those opportunities without a huge monetary investment.

Lack of opportunity is what keeps those 3rd world countries locked in place.  Given opportunities, they will rise to the occasion to take advantage of them.

Some people believe that world peace and worldwide opportunity go hand in hand.  Worth a try...
Off Grid 24/7 said:
To me dropping out is when you're not contributing to society on a more or less daily basis...

Someone like me can choose an alternative means of housing, but still work regularly, pay taxes, and be an asset to people around them.   Dropouts are a burden on society, whether they recognize it or not, the world depends on it's worker bees to survive, and without them we would be back in the stone ages.


In that thinking you work yourself to death so you are not a burden to others.  :dodgy:

I refuse to accept that line of propaganda.  The .001% can kiss my grits.
OG24/7, work, pay taxes,asset to people around them. I worked all my life, paid taxes all my life, took care of those around me, all my life. I've decided to drop out, not fit the profile, live my life for myself. I'm not a burden to society in any way, other than challenging status quo whenever I can. Dropping out does not mean you become a burden on society, maybe the exact opposite. Dropouts use much less of the earth's resources, most use less from government benefits because they won't conform. I'm not sure if dropout is a code for something else, but I don't consider myself a dropout from anything. The idea that someone who lives their life differently than you is somehow less of a member of society than you is not something I will accept.
I reject the thought that you need to "contribute" to society to not be a drain on it.  I have worked a job of one form or another since I was 12 years old.  Started paying taxes at 14.  

The minute I don't have to anymore I am done.  I would rather work on being the person I want to be and doing the things I love as often as possible.  Being a worker drone is not high on my list of priorities. 

If that is makes you happy, carry on.  Best of luck.  It's not for me.
If society is walking off a cliff, why would anyone want to follow it. My Dad use to say, if so and so jumped in the river, would you? Sometimes the most progressive are those that turned around first.
The graph is far from up-to-date. The influx of refugees in Europe will greatly alter the trend.
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