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Apr 8, 2021
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Hello Everyone, 
My name is Dominique. I am a 45 year recently divorced female who has been living in Las Vegas since 2008. I am originally from Monte Carlo Monaco.I have been taking control of my health. I have lost 103 pounds since the beginning of November 2020 on the Keto Diet, then in March Juicing for 30 days. I was married 10 years, and the last 2 years I was miserable. I found myself gaining weight using ice cream, and candy for comfort. My gaining weight made me realize that it was time to get control of my life in all areas.. weight, and living. Ive  religiously watched many for years telling their stories on You Tube, and thought .. I would love to live this life that appears so freeing. For myself, my ex and I sold everything and split everything equally. Didnt realize how much I had accumulated until having to sell it all in the divorce.. Ive downsized a great deal. I went from a 1.2 million dollar home to a Townhouse. With my parents passing away from Covid, Ive spent alot of money dealing with their debts, etc. The only reason Im saying this is because.. I have finally realized THINGS doesnt make me happy anymore. Enjoying my life is more important. It seems like if you live in Las Vegas, and are in the Circle of the Wealthy, your constantly trying to show you have money. Most pretend they do. Ive seen people go into debt, and lose everything  trying to prove they are somebody to the wealthy crowd here. Im actually sick of it. Im ready to get off the hamster wheel. Ive realized  value as a human being isnt in what you have. I have spent most of my adult life being self employed working to live a nice life. Ive noticed though after watching Bob Wells, Campervan Kevin, Pandamonium, Carolyns RV Life, and many others that life is short. I dont want to be tied down any longer. I want to LIVE. Perhaps many of you feel the same way as I do, or your life was  similar to mine, and thats what made you choose to leave the rat race behind. It seemed like a viscious little circle.. work, pay bills, pay your car payments, insurance, mortgage, bills, and then its time to do it all again. Im an Artist. Most all of my work that Ive done has been through referals. My paintings are in the homes of many Celebrities, and high end hotels. Ive lived a good life. Now I want to paint as a Hobby,travel, explore, meet new people, and enjoy my life. I felt tied down being married. I was always  on the road traveling to paint for new clients Murals in their homes or large pieces of art. My now ex hated me never being home. I see now that maybe marriage wasnt for me because Ive always been a free spirit. If I feel the urge to get in my car and go.. I do it. It has really made me review my life since I recently lost my parents to Covid. You seem to think they will always be there, and suddenly life smacks you in the face. Now its too late to go back and change things, spend more quality time with my family. Now nothing is keeping me here in Las Vegas. I keep invisioning myself on the road traveling, and meeting new people. HERES TO A FRESH NEW START. Im now in the process of downsizing, and preparing for turning a new page in my life on the road full time by the summer. I hope that our paths cross along the way. Im truly looking forward to it. Hopefully you didnt get bored reading, it was heart felt. Until then, Dominique....Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum  :)

This may be just what you need now.  I have a couple of links below in the signature lines that will make traveling more safe, comfortable, and convenient for you when you choose the rig you feel will serve you best.  A French Easel could be a handy addition to it depending on the type of art you wish to create.

I'd offer you to look thru the Van Conversion site below and take a look at the "my own story" page.
We all go about going on the road in our own way and there is no "one right way" to do it.  Some want an eccentric one of a kind rig while others a factory fresh RV with all the eloquence available.  But as you learned in Vegas, and Vance Packard mentioned in his book, "The Status Seekers" ....there are two kinds of wealthy,  those who are and those who are trying to appear to be so.  The nice thing about this way of life is being wealthier with less where more comes from having less.

All the best !
Time to head out Dominique. Sounds like you will need a bit of space for your craft. Any idea what kind of rig you’d like to have? I suggest you rent a few different ones if you are able to before you make that decision. Many of us have cycled through all kinds of rigs before we settle on one.
regarding: "With my parents passing away from Covid, Ive spent alot of money dealing with their debts," Unless you are a cosigner on the debts or executor of their estate, you have no legal obligation to pay their debts, which otherwise are limited to the assets in their estate. Creditors oftentimes try to guilt family into paying estate debts. Condolences on your loss. New friends on the road will help with that
Welcome to the group and congrats on your new life!!! 
I have been traveling full time in my rig for about 8 months now and absolutely love it!
Safe travels, hope to meet you along the way  :thumbsup:

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