Stoping for Florida Agricultural Inspection Stations

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2014
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What I learned about Florida Agricultural Inspection Stations. My wife Jean and I stayed at several places over the last week. In our travels we were going by one of these inspection stations and the sign said something to the effect all trucks and specifically cargo vans must stop. I was following another van and it did not stop so I didn't stop either and no one came after me.

Yesterday morning when we left our camp it was super thick fog. I must have passed another station without seeing it. We pulled into a McDonalds drive through and just as I was getting ready to order the officer (I didn't know he was behind me as my mirrors had fogged over) tapped on the passenger window. He informed me of not stopping at the station. I asked him if he wanted me to go back but he just started the questions. Don't remember all the questions but one was like "do you really sleep in here?" The whole time this was going on holding up the line of everyone wanting to order.

We did not get a ticket. He said in the future just pull through and let them know it's a conversion. My van is white and looks commercial by the way.
They have the same here in California. It is all a farse. While you *may be* required to stop (that is debatable), you are NOT required to answer the questions they have (5th Amendment).

It is called Freedom of Movement (a basic human right) and protected by the constitution.
...the Supreme Court recognized freedom of movement as a fundamental Constitutional right... the Court defined freedom of movement as "right of free ingress into other States, and egress from them.
If they are stopping you, then they are violating your constitutional rights.

If the sign asks for commercial vehicles to stop, an you are not registered as a commercial vehicle, don't stop. If they want to waste their time chasing you down, so be it, you still did nothing wrong and there is nothing they can ticket you for.
California usually stops all vehicles coming in to the state, but recently I've just had to stop, not even answer questions. (Trucks are handles sepeartly.) When there is a scare about an insect they will question everyone.
It is always best to piss-off a law enforcement agent.
ccbreder said:
It is always best to piss-off a law enforcement agent.

I assume you are being sarcastic, so I will as well...
It is always best to give up your rights to anyone with a badge because they say so.

Any *good* LEO knows his/her place and my rights and will not attempt to violate them. I have no problems pissing-off (and educating) poorly trained or egotistic LEOs. Do not forget, they are the servants, not the masters.
The LAST thing you want to do is give anyone with a badge in the State of Florida any lip.

There is no income tax in Florida and fines are how the state is funded.

Having local knowledge goes a long way when you ain’t from around here.

No catch and release in the justice system in Florida so you could be in the can for quite some time before the ACLU lawyer makes an appearance.
Mr.LooRead said:
The LAST thing you want to do is give anyone with a badge in the State of Florida any lip.

There is no income tax in Florida and fines are how the state is funded.

Having local knowledge goes a long way when you ain’t from around here.

No catch and release in the justice system in Florida so you could be in the can for quite some time before the ACLU lawyer makes an appearance.

No offense guys, but Im happy I do not live in fear of my local PD. I always amazed how many people are.

As I've said before, anyone who wishes to arrest me in violation of my rights, I welcome it. The settlement after I file suit will support my van-life for many years. It happens all the time guys, bad cop violates rights and the tax payers end up paying the settlement bill... happens all the time.
Absolutely with VT on that.

For me I also believe that the street is not the place to take up an argument with the LEO. I have had discussions with them that played out well and I was on my way with no citation etc. I have also been stopped when I shouldn't have been and almost instantly knew there was going to be no changing this LEO's mind. I was gonna get cited and that was that. I took it up in court, and won.
I've been question about weather I was using drugs or not. I have blatantly said YES and drove home! I feel it's all in how you handle yourself.

They don't have to bust you, it's there call.
I have found politeness and empathy have payed off every time I have been stopped or questioned. Just a man with a job, and he may be worried about home life or the trickle down shit, and you are last.
the kalifornia ag inspection stations are getting out of control. just like everything else in the state. now instead of just asking about ag they are going after everything. recently they inspected me, they said they were looking for weeds, not the kind you smoke, they had mirrors on sticks looking up underneath my truck, I mean really. another station they asked if I had any fire wood, this was during a burn ban, no fires of any kind. I asked the nice lady why would I have fire wood if I can't have a fire. she got all huffy and said she could search my vehicle for fire wood I said go ahead and if she found any could we have a camp fire. she got all huffy again and told me I could not transport firewood because it might have bugs. highdesertranger
gsfish said:
I talked to some people that traveled with a well worn Bible on the dashboard with the hope that it might have a calming effect on any LEO that they might need to interact with. Can anyone 'testify' to the merits of this ploy?


No, it won't make any difference. The "Bible Belt" basically no longer exists. Too many transplants down heah...... ;)
The possibility of a agriculture pest is justification for those road blocks. I wounder if they are searching for firewood but found something else illegal, could they use the evidence? But in my experience, they just ask and depend on your willingness to save California Agriculture. Not like Walt saved the orange groves.
highdesertranger said:
the kalifornia ag inspection stations are getting out of control. just like everything else in the state. now instead of just asking about ag they are going after everything. recently they inspected me, they said they were looking for weeds, not the kind you smoke, they had mirrors on sticks looking up underneath my truck, I mean really. another station they asked if I had any fire wood, this was during a burn ban, no fires of any kind. I asked the nice lady why would I have fire wood if I can't have a fire. she got all huffy and said she could search my vehicle for fire wood I said go ahead and if she found any could we have a camp fire. she got all huffy again and told me I could not transport firewood because it might have bugs. highdesertranger

They were looking for mud and any vegetation that may been stuck on your vehicle from going off road while out camping. They look for anything that might have bugs even mud will catch their attention and they will have you go back and thoroughly wash your vehicle.
It does seem intrusive until you've got an invasive species ravaging your land, then you wish you has been more strict.

I don't know it for sure, but they may be looking for Spruce Bark Beetles coming on from Colorado. If you've seen the horrible destruction they did there, you'd be tearing cars apart also.

Invasive species can be incredibly destructive. I don't blame them at all for wanting to stop them
I cross the FL stations constantly and yes all vans must stop. They usually wave you through, sometimes come to chat... " Hey , yea we're camping" see you later, zero issues.

Store bought fruit & veg is inspected anyhow. ( little stickers). Road side stand no.
gsfish said:
I talked to some people that traveled with a well worn Bible on the dashboard with the hope that it might have a calming effect on any LEO that they might need to interact with. Can anyone 'testify' to the merits of this ploy?


People, like drug mules, use DARE stickers and bibles to appear like regular folks. Some even take someone's kids along on drug runs.
I just rolled through the CA checkpoint on I80 last week... with CO plates.. on a muddy jeep... and were not stopped. Doesn't seem that the bark beetles are the issue there.

Not that the I80 checkpoint matters in the slightest, only a few miles south of that checkpoint an you can take hwy 50 or hwy 88 over the Sierras and not have any checkpoint at all (my regular route). Trucks regularly use both to haul over sized loads of hay from NV to CA ranchers (purchased by the CA ranchers/farmers themselves). The I80 checkpoint is all BS and not doing a thing to prevent invasive species in California.

The apple in my packed lunch has no bugs, the hay hauled in (bought by Californian farmers) carries millions.
fyi the bark beetle is already in ca, also nv, az, and or. in fact it's probably in all the western states. but these I know for sure. like van tramp said these stations are a joke there are many, many roads around them. invasive species are all over, from weeds to birds, to hogs, and even horses, hell we can even throw humans in the mix the most dangerous of all. highdesertranger