Stereo Typing

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<p>Been&nbsp;watching&nbsp;a Lot of vids&nbsp;on our&nbsp;life&nbsp;style. Whats really&nbsp; discourging is&nbsp;we&nbsp; are&nbsp;stereo typed&nbsp;as&nbsp;being "Homeless" vagrants ,&nbsp; Hobos and such&nbsp; by the&nbsp;rich&nbsp; land locked&nbsp;nose&nbsp;thumbers. &nbsp;&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Homeless&nbsp;Is NOT&nbsp;what we are.&nbsp; Truth is We&nbsp; are the&nbsp;exact oppisite , We pay&nbsp;tax's on&nbsp;every dime we make and everything&nbsp;we&nbsp;buy, Tags , Insurance&nbsp; Gas tax , and&nbsp; everything&nbsp; else.&nbsp; Our&nbsp; homes&nbsp; just&nbsp; happen to have&nbsp; wheels.&nbsp; And&nbsp; that&nbsp; affords US&nbsp; the luxery&nbsp;to&nbsp; take&nbsp; our&nbsp; homes&nbsp; where ever we&nbsp;want to&nbsp;be , at&nbsp;Any time&nbsp;we&nbsp; choose.&nbsp; But For&nbsp; Proclaming&nbsp; our&nbsp; freedom&nbsp; we&nbsp; are considered&nbsp; "homeless" Worthless&nbsp; Trash.&nbsp;Fact is&nbsp; we take&nbsp; care of our homes and&nbsp; surroundings&nbsp; a lot&nbsp; better&nbsp; than&nbsp; MOST&nbsp; land locked&nbsp; snobbs&nbsp; do. Truth is&nbsp; we&nbsp; respect others Better&nbsp; than&nbsp; land locked&nbsp; snobbs do&nbsp;.&nbsp;&nbsp; We dont get&nbsp; into&nbsp; the "king of&nbsp; the hood"&nbsp; battles,&nbsp; and peering&nbsp; through&nbsp; the&nbsp; windows at night&nbsp;&nbsp; to&nbsp; see&nbsp; who&nbsp; comes&nbsp; and goes&nbsp;&nbsp; across the&nbsp; street&nbsp; just&nbsp; for&nbsp;some petty&nbsp;dirt&nbsp;to&nbsp;spread&nbsp;gossop with.&nbsp; Or&nbsp; degrade&nbsp; someone&nbsp; because&nbsp; their&nbsp; yard&nbsp;does not enlist&nbsp; the&nbsp;service of a "pro" lawn care&nbsp; service. What&nbsp; a petty&nbsp; backwards&nbsp; life&nbsp; they&nbsp; lead . How&nbsp; Un productive, and how&nbsp;shallow.&nbsp;And&nbsp; to&nbsp; think&nbsp;&nbsp; you&nbsp;can have&nbsp; all this&nbsp; for&nbsp; a thousand dollars a month&nbsp; in&nbsp; a backwards&nbsp; mortage&nbsp; that&nbsp;&nbsp;you&nbsp; will&nbsp; never&nbsp;recover your money&nbsp;from. Then, if you survive it long&nbsp;enough,&nbsp; will&nbsp; most likely&nbsp;get&nbsp;a RV&nbsp; and&nbsp; travel&nbsp; in your "golden years"&nbsp; ...ANYWAY! Right&nbsp; along&nbsp; side&nbsp;US&nbsp; the "homeless" on&nbsp; the&nbsp; freeway&nbsp; to&nbsp; enjoy&nbsp; the&nbsp; wonders&nbsp; you&nbsp; have&nbsp; been&nbsp;cheating&nbsp; your self&nbsp; out of&nbsp; ALL these years, just&nbsp;so&nbsp;you&nbsp;could&nbsp;be&nbsp;a&nbsp;snob.&nbsp;&nbsp;How&nbsp; Ironic&nbsp; this is . <br />&nbsp; Home is&nbsp; where&nbsp; the heart is. If you&nbsp; have&nbsp; No&nbsp; heart , then&nbsp; you&nbsp; are&nbsp;truly homeless&nbsp; anywhere you go. Our Chosen, By&nbsp; fate&nbsp; or &nbsp;Planed,&nbsp;&nbsp;life style,&nbsp; inspires us,&nbsp;&nbsp;We&nbsp; see&nbsp;&nbsp;what&nbsp; you&nbsp; have&nbsp; missed. We&nbsp; see&nbsp; the pitfalls&nbsp; and&nbsp; we&nbsp; choose&nbsp; Not&nbsp; to&nbsp; re-live them or&nbsp;, get&nbsp;cornered&nbsp;in them, with&nbsp; no&nbsp; way&nbsp; out. I&nbsp; cant&nbsp; think of&nbsp; a worse&nbsp; hell to live&nbsp;through&nbsp; that&nbsp; to&nbsp; live&nbsp; some where you&nbsp;wind up&nbsp; hating being&nbsp; basicly&nbsp; a prisioner&nbsp;in&nbsp; a jail&nbsp; with&nbsp;bars&nbsp; shaped&nbsp; like dollar&nbsp; signs.&nbsp; Jail&nbsp; is&nbsp; not&nbsp; a home, so&nbsp;I guess&nbsp; your actually&nbsp; homeless too when&nbsp; you&nbsp; really&nbsp; look&nbsp; at&nbsp; it.&nbsp; IS&nbsp; the home&nbsp; bought&nbsp; and paid&nbsp; for? No ? &nbsp;Then&nbsp; its&nbsp; someones&nbsp; elses&nbsp; home , Your&nbsp; just&nbsp; renting it .&nbsp; Your&nbsp; actually&nbsp; Homeless too. If you&nbsp; dont&nbsp; pay the&nbsp; overpriced&nbsp; taxes on it,&nbsp; guess&nbsp; what,&nbsp;Your&nbsp; Homeless &nbsp;AND&nbsp; come to&nbsp; realize&nbsp; you&nbsp; never&nbsp; even&nbsp; really own it&nbsp;&nbsp;anyway, &nbsp;Even&nbsp; after its&nbsp; "bought and paid for"&nbsp;! Hows&nbsp;&nbsp;that&nbsp; for&nbsp; a slap in the face wake up&nbsp; call&nbsp;&nbsp;for you. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; The&nbsp; Human&nbsp; spirit&nbsp;&nbsp;is&nbsp;geneticly nomadic&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; start.&nbsp; When&nbsp; you go&nbsp; against&nbsp;&nbsp; that&nbsp;fact , there is a price to pay.&nbsp;&nbsp; We&nbsp; are&nbsp; driven&nbsp; to&nbsp; travel .&nbsp; We&nbsp; follow our instencts and&nbsp; flourish&nbsp;with&nbsp;&nbsp;free, unclouded minds. Our&nbsp;homes go&nbsp;with us, that&nbsp; no one&nbsp;can take away, ever, for any reason.&nbsp;&nbsp; It&nbsp; is&nbsp; a&nbsp; security we&nbsp;have&nbsp;like no other.&nbsp; Homeless&nbsp;we&nbsp;are&nbsp;not&nbsp; ! We&nbsp; are&nbsp; more&nbsp; AT HOME and in touch&nbsp; with ourselves and&nbsp; the&nbsp; realities&nbsp;of&nbsp;this&nbsp;world&nbsp;than&nbsp;you land locked&nbsp;snobs&nbsp;&nbsp;will&nbsp; ever ever&nbsp;know!<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;I&nbsp; would&nbsp; much&nbsp; rather be&nbsp; considered&nbsp; "homeless" which&nbsp;is&nbsp;a complete &nbsp;mith,&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp; truly&nbsp;OWN everything&nbsp;&nbsp;I have,&nbsp;Including&nbsp; my&nbsp; Home with wheels,&nbsp;<br />Than&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp; considered&nbsp; a land locked &nbsp; "home owner'&nbsp; which&nbsp; IS a MITH! because&nbsp; you&nbsp;NEVER EVER&nbsp; truly&nbsp; own it . You&nbsp; are&nbsp;ones who are really&nbsp;Homeless,&nbsp; not&nbsp; us&nbsp;! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
I agree with you there. I am seeing lots of videos and films made and the underlying attitude is making fun of those who chose this lifestyle and living off the grid. You can almost see the rolling of eyes and hear the sarcasm in their voices.&nbsp;<br /><br />It is sad because it seems because they do not understand it they mock the people they interview. Even so much as to try to make them seem unintelligent to the viewers.&nbsp;<br /><br />I know there are more and more news regarding dwelling in vehicles now and in some way I am glad they look down upon it. As long as they are rolling there eyes to this way of life, the more I can do it freely. Just think if everyone decided to do this. Laws would kill us all.&nbsp;<br /><br />HuggZ
Stereotyping is human nature - it makes it easy to categorize people. Not a lot of thought or effort required. Allows people to feel better about themselves and their own opinions. It's a sign of ignorance and laziness.
It does seem that the vast majority of the stories I've read, saw on "youtube", etc. seem to have one prevailing theme. They&nbsp;tend to mention that we are "homeless" if we don't live in a "normal" building. I've only seen a few stories where the writer actually&nbsp;mention that the person who's living in his/her vehicle is doing so by choice. Where is it written that many of us who choose to live the "gypsy" lifestyle" are enjoying a&nbsp;life of freedom that many can only&nbsp;hope to live. We are living a dream that many can only hope to achieve.<br /><br />Living the mobile life offers many options that people who&nbsp;live in "normal" buildings cannot even begin to understand. We know that we are free to travel, free to live off the grid, visit many of the sites in this great land in which we live. People who live in normal building are limited as to what they experience the majority of the time. We are living a reality that only the few dare to try to live. We are doing it on a daily basis.<br /><br />We&nbsp;march to the beat of a different drummer. May it never change!&nbsp;
To play the devil's advocate - ever notice how people who live in sticks and bricks get stereotyped as people 'who can't even begin to understand' or who are 'limited in what they experience'... lol<br /><br />The sword cuts both ways. As someone who has lived the 'normal' lifestyle, successfully and enjoyably, I, too, sometimes get annoyed at the stereotypical classifications from others who do not live as I do.<br /><br />I too feel the pull of the road, but will not demean those who don't.
Maybe the problem's in the underlying assumptions of the premise, the tripwires a person allows himself to use while measuring whether someone else is 'worthless', 'trash', etc.&nbsp; Some people are living under bridges, in cars, etc, because they're forced to be there, while some are there because they deliberately chose it as a lifestyle.<br /><br />The moral high ground and measure of whether it's quality people in that car, van, tent, or it's worthless trash in there probably won't be found by asking them whether they're doing it by choice.
Also to play devil' advocate, many people out there who live in houses do so for their children. When a child is young they need a stable lifestyle, and the life we have chosen for ourselves is not that. Once those children are coming close to adulthood then the parents start considering other lifestyles for themselves. This is one of the reasons why many of us are older before we get here.&nbsp;<br /><br />Owning a home is a form of mental security, but a false security. Many people have lost their home and then discover this truth. Fear drives them to strive to make more money so that they don't lose that sense of security.&nbsp;Their stereotyping us is their way of dealing with this fear because they do not know how else to handle their fear.<br /><br />Also, the people who are reporting these stories cannot understand why we would choose to live this lifestyle, because they are only talking to those of us who live in the cities. If they went out to Shaver Lake and talked with the crowd there and showed everyone the scenery would suddenly understand why we chose this life style.
I've lived the 'normal' life in many different environments for most of&nbsp; my 21 years and have found certain aspects of it enjoyable. For instance I can't fit 30 animals into my car...if only...and I won't be able to visit my family from across the country. I've also been homeless and not by choice. I know this isn't true for everyone but that period was likely the happiest memories I've had as a kid and my childhood wasn't something terrible. And now, perhaps in part due to my happiness at living a 'homeless' lifestyle I choose to go back to it and live out of a small car and a tent with my two cats and my fiancee. What it comes down to is perspective. We live in a country, in fact a world who's pulled themselves so far out of nature the majority of us can't quite see its beauty beyond the occasional sunset or a few hours of star gazing. Although I can understand where defending your life to others would be frustrating, believe me, I've done it my whole life. I'm about as gay as gay gets and there are quite a few people who 'don't get it' or 'hate it but respect my <em>choice'</em> On occasion I just want to slap these people upside the head. But in reality it's not their fault and they do have the right to their opinion. More often than not though I become frustrated with those who are like me. The people who complain about the homophobes or the lack of gay marriage. They let things like that get to them and it's sad, because that's when they stop enjoying what they do have. I guess this is my long winded way of saying, don't let it get to you. It's your life to enjoy not theirs. In a perfect world everyone would love each other but imperfection is human nature. The next time you come across someone who 'doesn't get it' remember that they were raised that way through media and upbringing. Help them to get it, they likely haven't come across a person like you and haven't heard both sides of the story. It's hard to get the full picture and make an opinion when someone's torn half of it off.&nbsp;
Maybe I'm unique [I doubt it] but I don't give a proverbial fat rat's a$$ what people think. &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
mockturtle<br /><br />You may well be lol. But I've also noticed some people who claim not to care about other's opinions actually do - at least to some degree. I did once. Then I realised the people whose opinions I was concerned about weren't the people I really respected, and shouldn't be the ones whom I should be concerned with.<br /><br />Got any English teaches who can parse that sentence? lol
Fuz/Jack<br /><br />There are always people who have to validate themselves by judging others poorly; to make their own seem better by demeaning others; to assume some non-existant moral high ground to feel righteous. They're not worth the effort it takes to get upset. The worst thing one can do them is laugh at them. People who take themselves too seriously can't stand being laughed at.
Journeyman<br /><br />We did the same. Had a small inexpensive condo for a home base to travel from. Then we took on the responsibilty of an infant from a poor enviroment. All the reasons we bought a condo were the same reasons we sold it, for it was not conducive to a child's upbringing. We bought a house in a neighborhood full of kids and curtailed our own&nbsp;freedom just a bit - willingly and happily. He just graduated college in May, is on his own, and we are free to take to the road again. No stress, no regrets, a very fulfilling and happy time. Now it's time for another phase in the journey - a more mobile one.<br /><br />
Although I agree with the sentiment of laughing it off and ignoring those who feel the need to put people down for no reason other than the joy of doing it. Laughing in their face simply to see their anger is hardly the way to go about the situation. The only real way to deal with such people is to let them say what they feel they need to and move on from it.
I&nbsp; brought&nbsp; ths&nbsp; up&nbsp; because&nbsp;&nbsp; Personally I dont&nbsp; give&nbsp; a&nbsp; rats&nbsp; ass&nbsp; what&nbsp;other people think&nbsp; ether <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />.&nbsp; BUT&nbsp;&nbsp; what&nbsp; this&nbsp; generally&nbsp; does&nbsp; is&nbsp; creates&nbsp; segragation, Discrimination &nbsp;and unequil&nbsp; rights for&nbsp;us and we're&nbsp; guilty&nbsp; until proven inocent. &nbsp;&nbsp; Thats&nbsp;&nbsp; the point . &nbsp;&nbsp;
Being guilty is always more fun it makes for the better adventure! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Area51 said:
I&nbsp; brought&nbsp; ths&nbsp; up&nbsp; because&nbsp;&nbsp; Personally I dont&nbsp; give&nbsp; a&nbsp; rats&nbsp; ass&nbsp; what&nbsp;other people think&nbsp; ether <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />.&nbsp; BUT&nbsp;&nbsp; what&nbsp; this&nbsp; generally&nbsp; does&nbsp; is&nbsp; creates&nbsp; segragation, Discrimination &nbsp;and unequil&nbsp; rights for&nbsp;us and we're&nbsp; guilty&nbsp; until proven inocent. &nbsp;&nbsp; Thats&nbsp;&nbsp; the point . &nbsp;&nbsp;
<br /><br />And we're likely to change that by....??<br /><br />Actually, Bob's great interview, which was recently posted, will help to dispel a lot of bad preconceptions but when I see the way the media in general treat [yes, the word 'media' is plural, 'medium' is singular] news events about which I have some personal knowledge, I have no illusions they will be fair in how they treat vandwellers.
And we're likely to change that by....??
<br />&nbsp;When&nbsp; we know&nbsp;&nbsp; we,re&nbsp; getting&nbsp; singled out, and&nbsp; screwed ,&nbsp;&nbsp; make&nbsp; a loud &nbsp;fuss over it when&nbsp; other customers are around.&nbsp; Or in&nbsp; drastic situations&nbsp;, call&nbsp; the cops .&nbsp; Rights,&nbsp; are only&nbsp;&nbsp;YOUR rights&nbsp;,&nbsp; if your&nbsp; willing&nbsp; to stand up and&nbsp;fight&nbsp; for&nbsp; them.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br />&nbsp;Maybe&nbsp; Its&nbsp; Good&nbsp; we bring&nbsp; this subject out in&nbsp; the open, maybe&nbsp; one&nbsp; savy&nbsp; Van dweller&nbsp; wil&nbsp; get&nbsp; a&nbsp; stealth&nbsp; Vid&nbsp; that&nbsp; will&nbsp; go&nbsp; viral of&nbsp; the&nbsp; the&nbsp; way&nbsp; we're&nbsp; treated sometimes.&nbsp; Its&nbsp; Just&nbsp; an&nbsp; awareness&nbsp; we need&nbsp; to&nbsp; look out&nbsp; for. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="quoteText" style="margin: 0px 0px 15px; color: #181818; font-weight: normal; padding: 0px; font-size: 14px; font-family: georgia, serif; line-height: 18px;">&ldquo;Obscurity and a competence&mdash;that is the life that is best worth living.&rdquo;</h1><span style="color: #181818; font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px;">―&nbsp;Samuel Langhorne Clemens<br /></span><span style="color: #181818; font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px;"><br /></span>
Area51 said:
I&nbsp; brought&nbsp; ths&nbsp; up&nbsp; because&nbsp;&nbsp; Personally I dont&nbsp; give&nbsp; a&nbsp; rats&nbsp; ass&nbsp; what&nbsp;other people think&nbsp; ether <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />.&nbsp; BUT&nbsp;&nbsp; what&nbsp; this&nbsp; generally&nbsp; does&nbsp; is&nbsp; creates&nbsp; segragation, Discrimination &nbsp;and unequil&nbsp; rights for&nbsp;us and we're&nbsp; guilty&nbsp; until proven inocent. &nbsp;&nbsp; Thats&nbsp;&nbsp; the point . &nbsp;&nbsp;
<br /><br />There's a question hanging here in my head about what it is 'we' are guilty of until proven innocent.&nbsp; I'm doing my best to fabricate an offense in all this I'm innocent of, but haven't arrived there yet.&nbsp;
I'm with Jack on this ... what are you allegedly guilty of? You can't change what people think. In what way are you physically being discriminated against? Which of your rights are being violated? I really don't get your point.<br /><br />As for segregation - that's kind of the reason I'm hitting the mobile life style. I want to segregate myself from as much of the crowd as possible. Segregation is rather inherent in the lifestyle, I think.