Stereo Typing

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what are you allegedly guilty of?
<br />&nbsp;Oh,&nbsp; I dont know guys, &nbsp;but the general&nbsp; theem&nbsp; is&nbsp; we&nbsp; are&nbsp; the underbelly&nbsp; of&nbsp; culture ,&nbsp;outlaws on the run,&nbsp;Something&nbsp; is&nbsp; "wrong" with us , like&nbsp; most&nbsp; view&nbsp; biker gangs ...&nbsp;&nbsp;That&nbsp; type of&nbsp; stereotyping .&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;Trouble is,&nbsp; the ones&nbsp; who&nbsp; are actually&nbsp; outlaws&nbsp;&nbsp;and&nbsp; sick-o-s, running from the law,&nbsp; Are&nbsp; doing&nbsp; this too.&nbsp;But&nbsp; this is&nbsp; not to&nbsp; say some&nbsp; House&nbsp; dwellers&nbsp; are not&nbsp;as " guility"&nbsp;well .&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;I&nbsp; Guess wanted to try to make the&nbsp;<strong>distinction</strong>&nbsp; of&nbsp; who&nbsp; IS actually&nbsp; homeless and who is not .&nbsp;&nbsp;Its&nbsp; all about&nbsp; frame of mind .&nbsp; I have&nbsp; never&nbsp; been&nbsp; turned down&nbsp; at&nbsp; any&nbsp; park&nbsp; to&nbsp; camp&nbsp; for&nbsp; a&nbsp; week&nbsp; or 2 .&nbsp; And&nbsp; when&nbsp; I get&nbsp; outfitted to&nbsp; off grid , It&nbsp; wont matter&nbsp;. I&nbsp; will&nbsp; be&nbsp; deep in&nbsp; the woods&nbsp; solo&nbsp;when&nbsp; I'm&nbsp; not&nbsp; at&nbsp; work to&nbsp; save on&nbsp; camping&nbsp; fees. <br />&nbsp; which&nbsp; are&nbsp; not&nbsp; much . &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Seraphim said:
I'm with Jack on this ... what are you allegedly guilty of? You can't change what people think. In what way are you physically being discriminated against? Which of your rights are being violated? I really don't get your point.<br /><br />As for segregation - that's kind of the reason I'm hitting the mobile life style. I want to segregate myself from as much of the crowd as possible. Segregation is rather inherent in the lifestyle, I think.
<br /><br />Being rightfully accused of being&nbsp;worthless trash as opposed to being wrongfully accused of being worthless trash appears to be the key issue.&nbsp;A bumper sticker declaring "I'm not worthless trash like regular street people" might serve to clarify matters.<br /><br />In fact there might even be a market there.&nbsp; The regular street people might want them for their shopping carts and whatnot.
<p>A few years ago I recall watching an interview on television. I can't recall who&nbsp;was being interviewed. When&nbsp;the reporter asked him if he cared about what others thought of him he replied, (I'll paraphase), "The only opinion that matters is my own. If I cared what everyone else thought of me, I'd never get out of bed in the morning."<br /><br />He was absolutely correct! Don't&nbsp;be too concerned about what others&nbsp;think of you. You should be trying to be the best person you can be. If we start to measure ourselves against&nbsp;what others thought of us we wouldn't&nbsp;get too far in this world.<br /><br />When it comes right down to it, the ONLY opinion&nbsp;that matters is YOURS!&nbsp;Life is too short to start worrying about others think of you.<br /><br />Just a thought!</p>
the.punk.hippie said:
Area51 said:
<p>&nbsp;I&nbsp; Guess wanted to try to make the&nbsp;<strong>distinction</strong>&nbsp; of&nbsp; who&nbsp; IS actually&nbsp; homeless and who is not .
<br /><br /><br />Why?</p>
Why, indeed?&nbsp; If you've got a van or an RV or a livable car, hey--you're not homeless, are you?
&nbsp;Why ?&nbsp; For land locked house&nbsp; dwellers&nbsp; who&nbsp; are looking&nbsp; for&nbsp; varafication&nbsp; On &nbsp;their&nbsp; choises .&nbsp; As&nbsp; times get worse ,&nbsp;fed up people&nbsp; will&nbsp; be&nbsp; wandering&nbsp; through&nbsp; these&nbsp; sites ,&nbsp; Maybe&nbsp; it&nbsp; will&nbsp; help&nbsp; them ...? &nbsp;
It's been said numerous times before. Van dwellers and full timers may be houseless, but they're certainly not homeless. That's the distinction, if one feels a distinction is necessary.
Why raise a stink when there's nothing to smell?<br />Rae
Area51 said:
&nbsp;Why ?&nbsp; For land locked house&nbsp; dwellers&nbsp; who&nbsp; are looking&nbsp; for&nbsp; varafication&nbsp; On &nbsp;their&nbsp; choises .&nbsp; As&nbsp; times get worse ,&nbsp;fed up people&nbsp; will&nbsp; be&nbsp; wandering&nbsp; through&nbsp; these&nbsp; sites ,&nbsp; Maybe&nbsp; it&nbsp; will&nbsp; help&nbsp; them ...? &nbsp;
<br /><br />A guy I grew up with was president of a bank in Colorado during the 1980s, had a good family, fine home, and one day just vanished.&nbsp; The family searched for years and finally located him living under a bridge in Seattle.<br /><h2 class="entry-title"><a title="Permalink to Could you choose to live on the&nbsp;street?" href="" rel="bookmark">Could you choose to live on the&nbsp;street?</a><br /><br /><span style="font-size: small;">He refused to return, to come back when approached by family members.&nbsp; Said he'd 'had enough'.&nbsp; Last I heard of him, from his brother, another bank president in Grants, New Mexico, he was still there.<br /><br />Whatever Stephen Schumpert might have been living there on the street, I'd venture the guess he wasn't 'worthless trash' by any standard I'd be willing to acknowledge.<br /><br />I don't know why he made the decision to cast it all aside and go live under a bridge, but the lifestyle he chose and his determination to choose it didn't put him in any way&nbsp;vulnerable to accurate portrayal as 'worthless trash' by people who'd judge him without walking a mile in his shoes.&nbsp; <br /></span></h2>
Now it seems the truly homeless are being stereotyped: I live in my van but I'm not one of them...

I know that's what's being intended, but that's how it is coming off to me. Why is this distinction so important to you?
Now I know I've lost it.&nbsp; <br /><br />I saw the title of this thread and immediately thought it was a complaint by some poor slob trying to sleep, whose van was parked in between others who were busy posting on the forums.<br /><br />Stereo - typing.<br /><br />I told you I'd lost it.&nbsp; Toast.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />I think Mr. Clemens said it best.&nbsp; As usual.
Angeli said:
Now I know I've lost it.&nbsp; <br /><br />I saw the title of this thread and immediately thought it was a complaint by some poor slob trying to sleep, whose van was parked in between others who were busy posting on the forums.<br /><br />Stereo - typing.<br /><br />I told you I'd lost it.&nbsp; Toast.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />I think Mr. Clemens said it best.&nbsp; As usual.
Poor old Sam Clemens, constantly being stereotyped as someone saying things best.&nbsp; Along with those poor old forum posters getting stereotyped by the stereotype of poor slobs trying to sleep.
OK, Jack.<br /><br />Now you've really done it.&nbsp; I just lost 3 of my 5 remaining brain cells.&nbsp; Thanks a lot.
Angeli said:
OK, Jack.<br /><br />Now you've really done it.&nbsp; I just lost 3 of my 5 remaining brain cells.&nbsp; Thanks a lot.
Angeli: The blessing is that a person doesn't need brain cells if he can just hone himself down to live precisely inside a stereotype.&nbsp; All he's gotta do is buy the stereotype instruction manual and hammer himself down inside it until there's a perfect fit.<br /><br />
Hmmmm..... I guess that means that I gotta find my model number if I'm gonna get the manual.&nbsp; Now where did they put that thangg........&nbsp; Oh My God!
Angeli said:
Hmmmm..... I guess that means that I gotta find my model number if I'm gonna get the manual.&nbsp; Now where did they put that thangg........&nbsp; Oh My God!
<br /><br />And it's likely to be badly translated into three languages!
josephusminimus said, " Angeli: The blessing is that a person doesn't need brain cells if he can just hone himself down to live precisely inside a stereotype.&nbsp; All he's gotta do is buy the stereotype instruction manual and hammer himself down inside it until there's a perfect fit."<br /><br />I don't fit in either world very well. I live in a van about 90% of the time but I have a mortgage too. The bad new is my kids think what I do is normal; all-the-while my wife assures them it isn't! She keeps trying to get me to stay home and get a local job; I keep telling her, "This is the way it is; come join me!" <br />She shudders at the very thought of being without a house; sticks &amp; bricks that is.<br />She loves me for who I am and loves the stories of adventure. My kids are learning to think outside the box; which scares hell out of their mother who would have me jump in the box with her if she could. At least that is what she claims. Sometimes I wonder if she doesn't cling to the glancing acquaintance of "recklessness", as she calls it, I bring to the table.<br />She tries to get me to church; I decline. I just tell her if there is a place in heaven for gents like me; I'll find it hanging onto her skirt!<br />She is a wonderful soul to put up with me.<br />I am neither here nor there; I think it's called purgatory or something !!! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Seraphim said:
Now it seems the truly homeless are being stereotyped: I live in my van but I'm not one of them... I know that's what's being intended, but that's how it is coming off to me. Why is this distinction so important to you?
</p><p>&nbsp; I posted it&nbsp; for postarity. <br />&nbsp;Truly&nbsp; its&nbsp; not&nbsp; for me . As&nbsp;I&nbsp; said,&nbsp; I&nbsp; personally&nbsp; could care&nbsp; less&nbsp;how anyone "see"&nbsp; me , Thats&nbsp;not&nbsp; my&nbsp;worry&nbsp;anymore,&nbsp; I&nbsp;gave that&nbsp;crap&nbsp;up. But&nbsp;I&nbsp;will&nbsp; be&nbsp;treated&nbsp;right , or&nbsp;they&nbsp;are going to&nbsp;hear&nbsp;about it. I have&nbsp; rolled over&nbsp;too many&nbsp;times in my life&nbsp;and just&nbsp;took it, Mostly&nbsp;out of&nbsp;fear&nbsp;I&nbsp; would&nbsp;loose&nbsp;something if&nbsp;I spoke out.,&nbsp; Not anymore. What&nbsp;I have,&nbsp;no one&nbsp; can take&nbsp;away, Unless&nbsp;I&nbsp;brake the law, and I have no intentions of&nbsp;doing&nbsp; that.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I&nbsp; saw some&nbsp; vids&nbsp;&nbsp;that&nbsp; down played&nbsp;us&nbsp;kinda hard,&nbsp; Others&nbsp; looking&nbsp; for&nbsp; , or&nbsp; forced into a better&nbsp;life , (that&nbsp; dont know it yet),&nbsp;&nbsp; will&nbsp; be&nbsp; here, and&nbsp; will&nbsp; most likely&nbsp; have&nbsp;seen&nbsp;vids, and it&nbsp;clouded&nbsp;their&nbsp;judgement. (&nbsp;" I'll be homeless") &nbsp;I hope&nbsp; they&nbsp; see&nbsp; the message I posted&nbsp; and it gives them&nbsp; hope&nbsp;&nbsp;so&nbsp; they&nbsp; can make&nbsp; the distinction themselves&nbsp;about&nbsp; what&nbsp; Home is,&nbsp; and&nbsp; who&nbsp; is&nbsp; actually&nbsp; homeless,&nbsp; even&nbsp; though&nbsp; they&nbsp; have&nbsp; 4 walls&nbsp; and a roof&nbsp; over their head and will Always be paying&nbsp; for it, and get&nbsp; Nothing in&nbsp; return for their money except&nbsp; the privlage to&nbsp;sit there&nbsp; and look&nbsp; at&nbsp; it&nbsp;, and worry&nbsp; about it ,&nbsp;because&nbsp; they&nbsp; dont have the money&nbsp;to&nbsp;do&nbsp;anything else now. Are&nbsp; they&nbsp;at&nbsp; home, or in a prison ?&nbsp;When&nbsp; we&nbsp; pay&nbsp; for&nbsp; something&nbsp;&nbsp;we get an instant return. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
the.punk.hippie said:
So you're judging them harshly for living in a house &amp; having a mortgage, yet you're upset/mad/concerned because they're judging us for not doing the same?<br /><br /><br />uhhhh....<br /><br />Pot, you missed a call while you were out. &nbsp;It was kettle. &nbsp;But he left a message. &nbsp;"Black"
<br /><br />Great post! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />