highdesertranger said:
if I got a ticket for going 55 in a 55 zone I would fight it in court.
let the officer explain that in court for all to hear.
I would also make sure I got that line in the court record, "so you want me to break the law". highdesertranger
The next situation was Different, except for the FACT that LEO's too often say "
I don't care. Go fight it in court"
When one (of innumerable neighborhood) child Molesters tried to annihilate me
caught on video in our relatively-quiet 25 mph neighborhood road flying at over 45 mph, --- LEO wrote him a ticket for
way over a $1000 :
1. NO license, (the State cancelled it because non-compliant, non-registering sex-Offender)
2. Stolen truck (thus no registration, NO tabs, & no insurance).
3. Speeding (at about twice the Limit).
4. Causing potentially fatal accident.
5. further property damages
6. Failing to be concerned with victims survival...
Because "I need to find band-aids for my knee"
7. Lying to the LEO where he was headed (getting more illegal drugs)
NEXT the LEO (with me as the victim in obvious shock) wrote ........... me a $135 Ticket too. -- i managed to ask
why ???
his answer:
"Since he got such a huge ticket,
it only seems FAIR to write you 1 too. -----
I don't care, you can fight it in court."
The neighbor with the CAMERA, plus some others actually
heard the LEO say that to me, in his front-yard (where after careening... thru
2 other neighbor's yards, the van with me still in it, came to STOP, no less a foot from his front door).
Daily News reports... police-Misbehaviors, to down-right murders; - but until something
insane happens to you too,
I could not believe the POLICE act so despicable, & neither could the neighbors...................... We were all in shock after that.
Next after I heard there's now a "prosecutor" in Traffic-courts, going to Contest it seemed futile; having heard the Police & Courts act as "buddies".
Fortunately, I have an Attorney who represented me the previous 2 times, I fell victim to other criminals; &
he said: "Your ticket should Never have been written in the 1st. place. And we will see to it that it will not stand."
on the day of court, weeks later, I stood yet still shook like a leaf. - And then, with the huge room so silent... you could hear a hair fall,
as the Prosecutor heard ... what went down by the LEO, he YELLED VERY LOUD "
HE SAID WHAT !!!!" &
then when the Judge heard that, he said "
**wonderfully... SAFE & Beautiful... weekend**
Every one.