RV dreaming in S.C.

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Sep 20, 2018
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Hi everyone, I have been wanting to join the ranks of a RV dweller. I think I have watched everyone of Bobs video's along with any video on the subject. I have watched the videos on traveling with pets but none have even come close to my dilemma. I have the usual dogs but my other passion is my Bearded Dragons and my two snakes. I am disabled and live on a fixed income. My dream is to find a class c with bunk beds that I can turn into my reptile area.  :rolleyes: I am saving for my RV but money being short, it seems like forever. I'm really exited to start my new life but trying to figure out a plan for my critters to be included is stumping me. I have the idea in my head but executing it I know will be a challenge. 
  I hope there might be others out there who travel with there reptiles. 
  This is almost a must for me. My life is not what Id like it to be. I'm in a very stressful situation. everyday I wake up to stress. I don't want to say to much but if anyone has advice for me, re-homing my animals is not a option, Please feel free to advise away. 
  I don't know were to turn. The man Im with, if he saw this post, well lets just say it would not be good. Thank the 
good Lord he has no clue of my plan to escape. thank you for letting me vent. I have no one to talk to. I just re read what I wrote, I sound like a nut but Im really not. alone in S.C. dragonmom361
Welcome Dragonmom to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

Hi dragonmom

I haven't seen reptiles in RV's in videos but I have seen birds, and surely reptiles need the same size or less.

If it was me, I would have smallish cages inside my rig, and perhaps a large collapsible cage I could put outside when I'm stationary. This plan could make your necessary rig size smaller.

You can make this work. Figure out how much you can spend on a rig, and you will find a way to fit in a few cages in whatever that buys. It doesn't have to be a big rig. I have faith in you. You can get out.
How exciting. You will have the beginnings of traveling zoo. You might have to do some climate control for the reptiles, and have a back up power source to keep them warm, or cooler as needed. I think you may find some help here with all that. I have a parrot. He is getting better at not screaming when I am driving. As you likely know, not all animals can travel without getting sick. Like seasickness, not everyone gets it, but the ones that do get really sick. What is the main thing about the open road that appeals to you?
find that class c and do a bit of converting

at one campground we were at the people had like 4-5 BIG Iguana with them....on leashes :) and I asked how hard it was for travel and they said easy. Treat them the same in the rv as in a home. So just do that, set up their environments like at home and roll along and enjoy your pets traveling with you.

best of luck!!
I would guess with reptiles you would have to watch temperature extremes on both ends. highdesertranger
I wish you luck finding a better life and a way to leave your stressful situation.

You sound a little desperate, but don't lose hope or faith.

You are strong enough to realize you need to leave, and you are planning your escape. There may be bumps and setbacks along the way, but keep moving forward. You have seen the light at the end of the tunnel.

Where there is a will there is a way. You can do it!

If you have a price point for an RV then you have a huge network of eyes here that can keep them pealed for a deal.

I think those little dragons are so cute!
Your issue will be keeping the herps cool enough during the summer. That is very much harder to do than keeping them warm in winter.

You will need a good AC system, and that will cost you in the multi-thousand $$$ range.
lenny flank said:
Your issue will be keeping the herps cool enough during the summer. That is very much harder to do than keeping them warm in winter.


It also depends on where they stay.

OP if you don't mind staying in an RV park so that you can keep temps regulated you and they will be much happier.  I'm a solar nut quickly developing into a solar whore but there are definitely limitations when you are on a fixed income as I am.  Just so I can use a fridge in my van up here in the PNW I've got 600 watts of solar and I need more.  There are a lot of variables; weather, location, sun exposure, etc.  

You can use a window air conditioner on solar(if you have enough solar) but you cannot use a heater so if you weren't in an rv park it will be hard to do either and keep the environment healthy for your reptiles.  A non-vented heating appliance will create a lot of moisture inside which might make it too humid.  If something was to go wrong you'd need a back up quickly so they don't become ill.  

If you are out in no mans land somewhere recovering financially from a breakdown(a situation I find myself in frequently) and something were to happen like your furnace or a/c went out it could become disastrous very quickly.

I have enough stress as it is living this lifestyle and it's been very difficult at times.  I don't think the hard realities are talked about enough so I was caught by surprise when I got out here and wasn't handling it well.  Earlier in life when I was faced with a similar situation I found homes for my iguanas.  I couldn't take care of them because I wasn't able to take care of me.

Please don't think of my post as playing Chicken Little.  On the contrary it is very much reality for many out here on fixed incomes.  I allowed myself to be caught up in the color glossy brochure videos and have suffered because of it.  Good luck on your decision making process and the direction you head.
Ok so a few things here for this newbie?

2nd of all when  I use this it doesn't work properly!?

3rd of it auto put someone else's name and reply in here??? Don't get that???  So that makes replying extra difficult!?

So having said that I will try to reply from memory I guess!? And hope there's no more difficulty in forming a reply!!??

So DragonMom?? In SC with the odd pets? Sorry I respect ur choice of pets it's just that ai love the warm blooded ones myself and hate snakes!!! And would in my life kill one if threatened one of my pets or me as has b en the case in the past!? Had to kill many!!! 

However they weren't anyone's pets! 

Sorry having said all this bla bla I really want to say that I support u in trying to do what u r trying to do!!! And understand fear and desperation FAR MORE than anyone knows!!!

While I don't have not like cold blooded pets for myself I do have more than one dog and I to am in a VERY BAD desperate situation!!! And IN NEED OF MIRACLES OF MANY TO GET OUT!!! 

I need and want beyond words to escape where I am and to hit the Rd ASAP with me and my dogs! I wish to Nomad on BLM land etc.... But have never done any NOMADING at all!! Though I DO HAVE A CAMPER AND A TRUCK I do NOT have a camper that I am able to pull!! 

It is far too big and heavy!!! So I am looking to dnsize!!! I have a 38' very heavy camper with 2 slideouts which also add a ton to the weight! I HATE THEM AND WILL NEVER HAVE THEM AGAIN if I am lucky to get this one sold or traded!?

U r in SC where I was before being here! I AM N NC!!! So depending on what part ur in?? If ur close enough maybe we could find some way to help each other???

Mine is set up in a park already! So if someone wanted to they could just leave it here in the park!? 

I AK LOOKING TO TRADE OR SELL? But will also need solar or gens to run my AC for any hot travel! Which is a HUGE thing that is holding me back!!!

It's too bad u don't already have a smaller one etc then maybe we could trade to give u more room??

Also it almost sounds like maybe u r n a possible abusive situation!? Which will make it even more hard or impossible for u to get out!? But don't quit trying!!! Keep trying!!!


I keep praying like hell that God will bring me the long list of donations that I need so that I in turn can also make a huge donation!!??

I mean my camper ain't new but it is huge and nice!? Worn and lived in a bit!? But still nice and good for someone!? I have it for sale for 8500 so that is hopefully close to the worth of it!? Most think so!?

But my point here is this I guess?? I WOULD LOVE TO HELP U!!! AND I WANT TO HELP U!!!! But I also am in desperate need and in a horrible place myself!!?? But if God or someone will help me then I will totally help someone like u!!!

I KNOW that I am not gifted with any good or special way of speaking here and I sure ain't elegant with my words not r they polished or all that but I am disabled with many disabilities... TBI for one!!?? So please forgive my inadequate way of saying what I am trying to say??? And well!? I hope whatever the hell I'm trying to say comes out the rt way!!??



One thing I do know!!! I didn't know that folks just wishing u good luck or good thoughts alone just never helps u get out or move fwd!!! It takes real physical actions!!! 

We can't leave it up to God or some unknown force to help our brothers or sisters in serious life and death trouble!! We have to each try to take some physical action to help each other!!! Otherwise we r alone and alone we fail!!??

Anyways there's my attempt at a kind helpful response!? I hope it is!!! Sorry if it comes across any other way!!??

Sorry about all the misspelled words and such chopped up way of saying things in my other message here!? But hopefully u can read thru the errors and get what I was trying to say? I am having to do this from a smartphone with only one decent hand!? Got both but my left is in bad shape and or pain!?

Tenosenovitis??? However u say that??? Wrist thumb!? Need thumb to type so well there u go!? And auto crap puts in words and extra words that don't make no sense and even less than me so!?

Also since I am needing to dnsize and get rid of a ton of crap if ur anywhere near me in say middle NC well let me know!? I need to give away a lot of stuff!?

Got van that I need to sell or trade also!? It needs some repairs! Truck that runs good!!! But I will have to make repairs to it if I do a long trip or travel far!? But will trade both for a nice big van to live out of or to haul my critters in!?
There is a blue book for RVs perhaps you can look up what your camper is worth. You might try to list it on Craigslist or marketplace as a trade also. Perhaps you can find someone that wants a larger unit than they have

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