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cyndi said:
Anybody using Sprint for data and streaming, here, at the RTR?

My freedompop phone uses sprint, and the connection is iffy 3g only, not really good enough for it's voip calls to work.
So with the help of Tony I finally figured who Theadon is and introduced myself. She gave me a hug that she passed on from Salty Sea Witch who couldn't be here. What a great bunch of people we have here! I'm headed out Monday but I've made so many new friends this year and I hope those relationships continue for a life time.
I was sad to leave RTR today, but some home duties called. Had a great time, and it was the kind of break I needed from my very stressful year.

The good news is that I can keep in touch via our forum! I made it to just east of ABQ (to Edgewood Walmart and they have a brand new Denny's here -- great combo for the road weary).
It was nice to meet you Ms. Writer! Sorry that you didn't get a chance to spend more time at the RTR.
Have a safe journey home and I hope this year is less stressful.
Thank you to Doug, aka masterlumber for finding my 13 year old crippled poodle Cricket. He found her a distance from my camper. I guess she was looking for me, I was pretty far away walking with Ivy. His hands were full but she followed him back home. He said the camper door hadn't been shut and it had enough of an opening for her to get out and go walkabouts.


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masterplumber said:
So with the help of Tony I finally figured who Theadon is and introduced myself. She gave me a hug that she passed on from Salty Sea Witch who couldn't be here. What a great bunch of people we have here! I'm headed out Monday but I've made so many new friends this year and I hope those relationships continue for a life time.

Yay! I was just wondering if Pammy aka Theadyn has been giving out my hugs!! LOL

Drangonflyinthesky/Diane, HDR, Bob, WriterMs and more...she has hugs from me for y'all too. I am RTRing by proxy thanks to Theadyn :p

Love you Pammy!! you are awesome :heart:
LowTech said:
We do still want the real thing  ;-)

I am working on it LowTech and I will hug you twice just for having the coolest rigs ever! :cool:
dragonflyinthesky said:
Thank you to Doug, aka masterlumber for finding my 13 year old crippled poodle Cricket. He found her a distance from my camper. I guess she was looking for me, I was pretty far away walking with Ivy. His hands were full but she followed him back home. He said the camper door hadn't been shut and it had enough of an opening for her to get out and go walkabouts.

Cricket is a sweetly. Thanks for including me in your fire circle, I enjoyed the evenings. Going through Yuma today I saw a small vintage trailer like yours that was painted yellow, with a cartoon chicken on the side. It had Lil Chick painted across the back. It made me smile and think of you.  ;)
Well, I finally made it to Quartzsite last night around 1AM. I couldn't remember much about the map to the site, so I just picked a fairly level place along the road that runs parallel to the interstate and went to bed. This morning I drove back closer to town until I could get a good cell signal (my Alaska phone company uses T-mobile and the service is best described as poor in most places that aren't in a big city) and opened up this website to see the map again.

Once I found the location of the RTR I discovered that almost no one waited for my arrival. Ha,ha, I was only a month late. Geez, how did the show go on without me? Lol

Brian and Phil ( I have an awful time remembering names) were still there along with a couple that I didn't meet, but all were preparing to leave. I had a nice little visit with them while my dogs romped with their dogs. With the party over we didn't stay long.

We rolled on over to Wickenburg to move the temporary interior wall back about 10 feet inside of my Twinkie Hotel. I'm on my way next to Florida to watch some car races and have friends flying there to meet up and help me watch who will be needing sleeping quarters. I'll be heading east on Friday to allow time for problems.

I'll just have to wait and meet all of you next year at the RTR.
SaltySeaWitch said:
Yay! I was just wondering if Pammy aka Theadyn has been giving out my hugs!! LOL

Drangonflyinthesky/Diane, HDR, Bob, WriterMs and more...she has hugs from me for y'all too. I am RTRing by proxy thanks to Theadyn :p

Love you Pammy!! you are awesome :heart:

I didn't see this til just now. :D I did try to give out hugs, but alas, I am shy and didn't give out nearly enough to do you justice, chickie. Pammy = fail. haha Guess you'll just have to get yer butt there next year, woot! :)
Fabber McGee said:
Once I found the location of the RTR I discovered that almost no one waited for my arrival. Ha,ha,  I was only a month late. Geez, how did the show go on without me? Lol

We rolled on over to Wickenburg to move the temporary interior wall back about 10 feet inside of my Twinkie Hotel. I'm on my way next to Florida to watch some car races and have friends flying there to meet up and help me watch who will be needing sleeping quarters. I'll be heading east on Friday to allow time for problems.

Too bad you don't have a bit of extra time for the desert as several folks you may know from the forum moved over to Ehrenburg. Hope you'll be able to post some pics of your very "flexible" living space.
Fabber so sad you didn't make it, I want to see your rig it's a work of art. see you next year. highdesertranger
I'll be ramblin' around for a month or so before pointing my nose to the north and following it home. Good chance that I'll have a day or two to spend in Ehrenberg.