Question for cat people

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2015
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It's been about 20 years since I lost my first "officially mine" fur baby to old age. The cat I have now is about 9 years old, so not quite halfway to the age the other one got to. Anyhow, she eats the same brand I fed the other cats over the years, but I don't remember the others having so much dander or shedding so much. I know there are sprays and such to make the dander less of an allergy issue now and I'm wondering if anyone has one they would recommend? Would be helpful if it's not scented. It's not easy to bathe her as frequently as needed.

Thanks! :)
I personally buy Blue Buffalo brand. It is expensive but the guy eats less of it. He is about 13 and I was on the road with him for 9 months. Make sure you buy a harness for him that he is not able to slip out of also.
Sorry I don't know of these sprays. I'm happy my cats have taken to the harnesses so I can start to brush them outside while I wear a mask. Mine are doing their Spring shedding of their winter coat.

On allergy testing I'm not allergic to cats but to dogs and horses. Now I've never been around a dog that really bothers my allergies or asthma. Cat dander does seem to when other things are in the air that also bother me. Like a cumulative effect.

I'm interested in these sprays and if they work. Never tried giving a cat a bath. My cats have all their claws and while they cuddle with me and know I feed them, they don't trust or like me enough to give them a bath without a fight.

I started making my own wipe solution for bathing, modeled after homemade baby wipes and recipes I found online. I wonder if it would work on the cats? I'll have to research if the products are OK for cats. This might be interesting. I'll update later if it helps any as I'm in the throws of Spring allergy season and it's been bad.
gypsychic said:
I'm interested in these sprays and if they work. Never tried giving a cat a bath. My cats have all their claws and while they cuddle with me and know I feed them, they don't trust or like me enough to give them a bath without a fight.

I started making my own wipe solution for bathing, modeled after homemade baby wipes and recipes I found online. I wonder if it would work on the cats? I'll have to research if the products are OK for cats. This might be interesting. I'll update later if it helps any as I'm in the throws of Spring allergy season and it's been bad.

My cat was a feral kitten when I got her. The first baths were dangerous!!!! Even with 4 paws of claws I can hold her down for baths and nail trims now and haven't been scratched from it for years. I showed her I was the boss when it came to that---only that. LOL

Oh yeah, it's been one of those seasons for sure. I'll see what I can find on the wipes stuff too. I know the pet dander sprays exist, I just haven't tried them yet because it had never been necessary before.

I may have to document when I get her a harness. That ought to be hilarious to watch!!!! :p
Changing to a better food made my cat stop having skin problems.

My cat walked like a duck for months with the harness.
anewbiewannabe said:
I may have to document when I get her a harness. That ought to be hilarious to watch!!!! :p

One took to it no problem. He was fine after about 5 mins. The other one was hilarious to watch. He wouldn't jump and sort of slinked around like his back legs didn't work anymore. He is used to it now but it took a lot of coaxing, positive reinforcement and time. Wish I had video of the way he walked during his adjustment. It was funny.
Thanks, GotSmart. I don't know that she has skin problems as opposed to just spring molt, but when I can afford a better food I plan to try it out. I'm the one with the skin problems----itching from the flying fur. LOL
There is a mitt that has silicone like nubs ;Walmart carrys them.Kitty thinks your just stoking their fur but it collects the loose fur.Their is also a product called a Furminator you can find online at Ebay or Amazon BUT it is very expensive so I get the knock off one and it works just as well.(there are many knock offs just look for one with good reviews).It removes the loose fur and also the undercoat very well.All 4 of mine have very thick long coats ,sometimes with all the excess fur at times I get a furcoat too!
Oops forgot about harnesses.Mine didn't pout much.They know the routine when it's travel time the harnesses go on and leashes also anytime they are outside.My oldest one (13 yrs old) however has mastered the art of slipping her harness at night when we are sleeping in the van.Currently trying a different style on her,wish me luck! :)
gramakittycat said:
There is a mitt that has silicone like nubs ;Walmart carrys them.Kitty thinks your just stoking their fur but it collects the loose fur.Their is also a product called a Furminator you can find online at Ebay or Amazon BUT it is very expensive so I get the knock off one and it works just as well.(there are many knock offs just look for one with good reviews).It removes the loose fur and also the undercoat very well.All 4 of mine have very thick long coats ,sometimes with all the excess fur at times I get a furcoat too!

Thanks gramakittycat. :) I knew about the gloves but never knew anyone who had tried them so didn't risk throwing the money away. As it is I brush her every time she gets a drink of water. It's probably always been this bad in Spring, but remembering that wasn't high on my list---I'd rather forget! :p

I joke that I'm going to run away to the circus and be the bearded lady from all the fur. hehe

Good luck with the harness escape artist and finding a harness that works. We had an awesome cat when I was young that was an outdoor cat at home in the country but would travel with us and walk well on a leash for trips. The other cats never did get trained to leash so I'm thinking I'm in for some fun. :rolleyes:
GotSmart said:

If you go to pet stores and look for this type (with your cat) you will find one that fits and it will not be able to back out of.

Awesome! Thanks GotSmart! :) Getting a harness is on my list. It's hard for me to type right now from laughing at what taking my cat to a store would be like! ROFL Do they have rooms to try stuff on? Oh, the funnies in my mind!!! :p The nearest pet store is over an hour away so I think I better work on getting her used to short trips in the car first. :rolleyes:
Feed stores, farm supply centers and even a tractor dealership had them in stock in my travels.  

When needing to use the rest room, I would look at what different places stock for future needs. 

My cat has managed to hide two of them on me so when you take it off put it on a hook.


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Sigh; appreciate the idea but my oldest one got out of hers during the night and I would find it laying out on the floor in plain site the next morning LOL. The other 3 never did "escape" theirs .I'm considering a "night cam" for the next trip so I can see how she does it coz she's not telling..LOL! Never a dull Moment! :)
For what it's worth; put 4 drops of olive oil in their food morning and night. It greatly reduces the dander and makes their coats very silky. A flea comb is really good to comb their fur with as it gets most of the loose hair (and fleas).. You want to comb them outside due the huge amount of hair you'll be removing from their coats.
anewbiewannabe said:
Anyhow, she eats the same brand I fed the other cats over the years, but I don't remember the others having so much dander or shedding so much.

I don't know about dander but shedding can be genetic. My cats both ate the same food, but Clara(of course the white one) was a heavy shedder year around, Tawny was a very light shedder.
anewbiewannabe said:
Thanks, GotSmart.  I don't know that she has skin problems as opposed to just spring molt, but when I can afford a better food I plan to try it out.  I'm the one with the skin problems----itching from the flying fur. LOL

I use a few frops of fish oil in her food for as long as it takes.  Makes ner hair shiny as well.  Dander does not come back as often
" I know there are sprays and such to make the dander less of an allergy issue now and I'm wondering if anyone has one they would recommend?"

I read that there are three main things that cause animals to set off allergies in people.  The first is plant pollen that the pet picks up on his coat outdoors and brings back into the house.  But if your cat is a housecat, the problem tends to be either the dander, or the saliva on the haircoat from the cat's grooming.  

One product that a few people I know have liked is the wipe-on AllerPet Cat Dander Remover, which is available at Amazon for $15 (but not at Petsmart or PetCo).  Several people have used this and say it's the only way they can have the cat in the house.  [They also have a dog version.]

Nature's Miracle has a spray-type Dander Remover & Coat Deodorizer Spray ($5 at Petsmart / uses natural enzymes), which I don't know about, but I do know that one of their other products, an odor neutralizer (removes urine & poop odors that may cause repeats of bad behavior) seems to work very well.
I wipe my cats down with any old brand of baby wipes

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