Tweaked My Diet

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Feb 17, 2017
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In general I’ve always ate what would be considered, at least by Murahkan standards, a very healthy diet.

In reality, It is a healthy diet but it’s not a “very healthy” one…….

I haven’t ate red meat for decades unless it’s venison that I’ve shot, eviscerated, butchered & cooked myself, etc. Don’t spend hours looking for “organic” with “sea salt”, etc. Come on, salt is salt, but I limit my salt intake to what’s necessary so this lil item alone eliminates most items in the grocery store and “organic” - isn’t this just 1 word for “cow ****”? 🤷🏻‍♂️

In the last month, I’ve all but quit drinking alcohol, I know, sad but true. 70yrs old now and as much as I love gin, it just ain’t workin for the ole man anymore. I’ve had 7 drinks in the last month and those all came over 2 days a few weex back. After drinking, I don’t sleep good at night cause I gotta get up every couple hours and take my ole man prostate pee. Then I feel run over the next day cause I didn’t sleep good. I’ll still have 1 or 2 once in a while but those days of 3 or 4 every day are gone. Oh well, 55 years worth of hard drinking, yep good times……..

Anyway, my day starts off with a good shot of olive oil mixed with a lil lemon juice. Then it’s time for kawfee. Breakfast is generally a big bowl of cereal, bran oat flakes or oatmeal, sometimes I just mix oatmeal with egg whites and eat it raw; sometimes when I feel like cooking it’s eggs & a seared chicken/turkey breast or maybe a seared salmon fillet.

When cooking I only use a good grade of avocado oil as it doesn’t start smoking till 500ish degrees vs Olive oil which is around 350. Don’t wana smoke up the van, sayin.

General freshy veggies are consumed. Your basic rabbit food. Usual leafy greens; lettuce spinach, carrots, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, peas, BERRIES! blue, black, rasp & straw.

Cottage Cheese! Small curd and no salt krakers.

Still, working on a low fat, low salt dressing I like but I throw something healthy together and suffer the taste till it’s gone.

Peanut Butter a must and a cinnamon pop tart for my junk food fix?

For meat: chicken, turkey breast or salmon fillet, pan seared with avocado oil.

Nuthin fancy pasta……

I keep a good supply of “no salt added” canned vegetables stock piled too along with my fav King Oscar canned skinless, boneless salmon.

Zero sugar ginger ale & Water! Lotsa water!

Every now and then there’s a deviation but that’s pretty much it.

he iz wha he eets
jonny boi,
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There are tons of herbs and veggies that add lots of flavor. We eat red meat and lots of chicken. But mostly very little salt. I do love my sugary stuff and my big ol, body shows it. Only drink once or twice a month if that much but I don't like being drunk so ..... We don't eat much salt because I do know herbs and stuff can add lots of differant flavors.
We did a kidney diet for a while last year but the human body does need a bit of salt to stay healthy and one of the things hubby's doc said was as he was so excessively heavy in calcium he needed to eat salt to get it to go out the way it should. We went home and ate salty things that had been no-no's! Neither of us could hardly eat some of it.
Anyway, look up ways to add flavors like extra garlic and onions and curry or celery. Coriander and cumin.
There's a reason it's called S.A.D. Standard American Diet.

And it is pretty SAD.

But somehow I've made it to 66 and wow did I eat crap food over 40 years of trucking. Living on the road, little exercise, high stress, weird sleeping habits, and eating mostly fast food, junk food, greasy diner food, and snacks and chips and twinkies is one reason truck drivers have a generally poor lifestyle.

Add in smoking and on the job injuries and it's a wonder some of us even make it to old age. Actually many do not.

But after retirement, I eat a bit healthier, now that I can pick and choose better products to consume.

I think it's a testament to the wonderful resilience and design of the human body, to tolerate most of what we can throw at it.

But you're certainly right about the alcohol John, I rarely touch the stuff anymore.
Gotta tweak my tweak………
Forgot to reference fruits with those veggies.
Apples, Peaches mostly but toss in the occasional nectarine.


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