Possible New Shower Idea

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2018
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After watching many Bob (and other) videos on showering, I came up with what may be a new design for my cargo trailer. My goal was something that was located entirely indoors-- so that it could be used in places like parking lots-- and took up absolutely no valuable floor space when not in use. What I did was to rig two plastic swivel-arms (inverted L-shaped 3/4" PVC pipes mounted in conduit hold-downs) against the front wall of the trailer, a little more than shoulder-width apart and about neck-high. These are about 2.5 feet long and pivot out when in use, then fold flat against the wall when not. (Note that I'm not providing exact measurements because these will depend on individual height, width and overall body size.) When I wish to take a shower, I pivot these arms until they stick straight out and use four lightweight plastic clamps (large, strong clothespins might also work) to hold a 95-gallon heavy duty trash bag in place.


This bag is the real key to the system. They're durable, watertight, reusable, and cheap. I'm 5'10" tall and 300 pounds, and the bag is neck high and plenty roomy enough for me to stand inside and scrub. If I'm careful with my water-sprayer-- and I use a pretty powerful one-- I can shower very thoroughly without getting anything else wet. Yes, if the bag ever leaks I'll have a mess. But the same is true of a permanent basin, and so long as I change the bags out now and again I don't expect much in the way of trouble.

Note that the PVC-pipe arms do _not_ support the weight of the used washwater-- the bottom of the bag lies flat on the trailer floor, so one can stand in it easily.

Anyway, I've now showered like this many times in parking lots with perfect privacy and comfort, and when I was done I felt as clean as if I'd used a "real" shower. The biggest issue is disposing of the water, but that's a problem with any shower setup.

Please forgive me for not taking photos-- it probably won't be convenient for me to take any for a few days, and I'm not very good with computers anyway. Besides, I think the description ought to be good enough as is.
Awesome....though since I am such a klutz, it would be prudent to put the bottom of the bag in something that I could still stand in and thus make it easier to dispose of the water after the shower. A large rubber tote or plastic bin, perhaps, that could also be used to store things in when not being used as a shower.
I only use less than two gallons personally, so in my case it stays easily in the bag and is very light and easy to handle.
Rabbit, this is brilliant!

One could easily attach a drain hose with a plastic pipe clamp and drill a hole to let the water out.

The Dire Wolfess
Great idea for the swing out upper bars. Simple, durable and cheap. The bag idea also is complete all in one. A mummified shower. :)

Another suggestion for those who want a secure basin that would be rugged and cost effective (cheap) would be to use a concrete mix basin found at home Depot for about $12. Heavy duty ABS and about 6-8 inches tall, 2*2'.
Or a Rubbermaid tote, but not as rugged .
One could just use a plastic shower curtain liner and a garden sprayer as mentioned and you're good to go for about $25.
I've been thinking a setup where the whole rig's floor is "lipped" and waterproof, with drains positioned for outflow in any direction.

This would work to minimize the splashing, above becomes a just in case backup.

Personally I would not want to do this in a parking lot.
Rabbit said:
-- I can shower very thoroughly without getting anything else wet. Yes, if the bag ever leaks I'll have a mess. But the same is true of a permanent basin,
Rabbit,  You just may be a genius.  Your idea is perfect, except I'd think it best to be standing in the bad which is in an outer tub,  Said tub could be used for other purposes between showers.

I prefer your "water in the bag" idea, rather than letting water run into a tub.  Much more manageable to dump out of a bag, than a tub that would require two hands.  Max
In locations where dumping grey water is prohibited, if light enough to carry, you could in theory claim you're bagging it out just like the poo.
John61CT said:
In locations where dumping grey water is prohibited, if light enough to carry, you could in theory claim you're bagging it out just like the poo.

Another possibility is the dweller has a toilet of some sort, and the shower water could be used for a few flushed. :D
You could use a mortar mixing tub underneath. If the bag broke no big deal. It would also be easier to move to empty it. All big box hardware stores carry them in the concrete section and they come in different sizes. Here is just one example https://www.amazon.com/MACCOURT-PRO...=1536738658&sr=8-1&keywords=mortar+mixing+tub
I don't usually stealth camp. I have barn doors on the side of my van. I open them and hang a curtain between the two and stand in the mortar mixing tub. Sometimes I will wear a bathing suit if people are anywhere around, (no chance of being charged with indecent exposure).
For my part...

So far I've only used and re-used one single bag for multiple showers and haven't lost a drop. Even if there ever should be a minor leak, it'll probably be less damaging than, say, spilling a glass of water. My entire goal was to avoid having to carry a basin or making floor or ceiling (to hang a shower curtain from) modifications, and I'm very happy so far with the results. My floor space, storage space, and limited headroom are available for other things at all non-showering times.

In short, I trust the bag to do its job and so far it always has. If it ever doesn't, I still haven't lost much.

Thanks to everyone for their kind words!
A mortar mixing tub looks like it would work for me...I could drag it to the exit door, then just lug the bag to wherever to empty it and leave the tub in the vehicle. The tub also looks like it could be used as a pull-out storage drawer, under the bed or in a cabinet for instance, for other items when not used with the shower bag.
Rabbit said:
I trust the bag to do its job and so far it always has. If it ever doesn't, I still haven't lost much.

Just wondering if you had seen the thread Shower in a Drawer by Van Williams.  Quite elaborate, and HEAVY.  The next poster suggested other uses for the pan that  I had considered.  It's a Plan, Rabbit.

I have.

Everyone's individual needs and priorities are different. It's a very innovative and interesting design and will probably work best of all for some folks. But personally, in theory at least (and in the absence of an actual RV-style bathroom) I prefer something smaller/lighter/cheaper/easier to make/with less to go wrong.
What's your water source and how are you heating it?
You have to love how the ideas keep flowing in. It's fast, simple, and by the book. No grey water escaping in areas that won't allow it. And it's an anywhere anytime shower. Rabbit, you've solved many a person's dilemma. Thanks so much for sharing your idea!.

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MrNoodly said:
What's your water source and how are you heating it?

Sorry-- I went off on a long trip and was away from the forum for a bit...

I'm still deciding between two sources. I've got a large solar array and inverter, and carry an electric kettle anyway to make roadside tea in the laziest way possible. Sometimes I mix about 1.7 liters (that's the capacity of my kettle) of boiling water with about 1.5 gallons of room-temp water in a five-gallon bucket and use an electric shower pump-- or sometimes just a very large sponge-- to clean myself. Or, other times I use a propane-shower thingie similar to this--


that I bought on Amazon's Prime Day and have unsafely mounted inside my cargo trailer without anything even faintly resembling proper venting. (If I only use two gallons or less of water to shower and have a window at least partially open, which are both the case, I can't see where there's ever enough exhaust generated that my magical powers can't deal with it. Less than cooking a meal on a little stove, I'd guess. Certainly my carbon monoxide alarm has never gone off when doing either.) The biggest problem I have with the propane heater is that, even with the temperature adjusted all the way down, the water is too hot for me. I'm not certain yet, but I'm likely to toss the heater in the long run and stick with my electric kettle. Simplest is very often the bestest.