Possible New Shower Idea

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Beeps and eats said:
You have to love how the ideas keep flowing in. It's fast, simple, and by the book. No grey water escaping in areas that won't allow it. And it's an anywhere anytime shower. Rabbit, you've solved many a person's dilemma. Thanks so much for sharing your idea!.

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Thank you and everyone else for your kind words. I've gotten much inspiration and help I couldn't find anywhere else from both Bob's vids and this site, and am truly grateful. I'm not a full-time Rubber Tramp, but can see where this site is a complete godsend to those who are. If I've finally for once been able to contribute an idea for others to use then I'll sleep well tonight.
Thanks for reminding me about the Co detector! I put mine in the fridge, it kept chipping loudly while I was doing a clambake in the van, a guys gotta have space when cooking up clams and he was cramping my cooking style!;)

Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk
Rabbit said:
I only use less than two gallons personally, so in my case it stays easily in the bag and is very light and easy to handle.
Many cool ideas, and I've thought about this if I get a cargo trailer. I also like the idea of having something like a mortar tub that could slide into the area under a cabinet for storage. It could be used to store the plastic bag, and shampoo, etc. And I also like the idea of using the grey soapy water in the flush chamber of a porta-potti. Help keep the potti clean.

Rabbit, you mention using just 2-gallons. I assume you have fairly short hair so you don't need a lot of water to rinse the shampoo off. Right now with my van, I find shampooing is more of a problem than showering, as I can use a wash basin in the evening to clean off.
If I remember correctly a set of clippers is less than $10 at Harbor Freight, do yourself and the planet a favor use less water also see about donating your hair. lol !!!
bullfrog said:
If I remember correctly a set of clippers is less than $10 at Harbor Freight, do yourself and the planet a favor use less water also see about donating your hair. lol !!!
That'll happen. And all those pretty women with long flowing hair are gonna go bald too. Just cause frogs are hairless ....
I like the bag idea.

Even if it leaks, as long as you use the shallowest of basins, the "curtain" should never jump the wall of the basin - which is a big fear in such a clumsy shower, and the water stays in the basin.

I am thinking a clear bag, or white, so I can see inside.

Cheaper bags might be even more disposable. no drying needed and then your trash goes into your soggy trash bag later. Dual use is so key for van life.

Also, about shampoo. I found that the cheap dollar store dollar shampoo for kids washes out easier. It does not suds up, so you dont get that lather, but it cleans and requires less water to wash out. I was trying kids hoping it would have less chemicals.

I had long hair once, and also key is to squeeze the soap out of your hair before rinsing. This reduces water use significantly.
Do this right after you suds your hair and the soap will not drip down as much into eyes.
A natural sponge is all you need and a 2 gal bucket to heat water you sponge out of it. Stand in a tote . That's it. Natural sponges carry a lot of water in your hand. About a 6 inch one. Look on Amazon . Natural Sponge.