Pirate Camp Winter Season '23-24

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Possible SkyTrain
1/5/2024, 6:58:57 PM​
2 mins​
Would like to report that as of about five minutes ago the price for a pass is still $180 (just checked the BLM website).
a pass is still $180

The increase that has been tossed about is to be implemented for next season according to my source.
Math... $180 in 2008 dollars ( when it was implemented ) is $265 in today's dollars. The increase to $300( if/when happens) is really only a $35 increase and the $180 has been a great deal.
^^^hopefully that math you did makes you feel very happy about the potential big jump in price increase.

It does not do anything for me that the government failed to do more gradual price increases and then did a sudden oops, now we had better start catching up with some huge price increases.
Any idea what the two week pass will be?
I still wouldn’t complain at all for what is gotten there. At $300 it’s still a steal. I’m sorry they didn’t raise the price for you this year to soften the “blow”. Haha!
Yeah, we could wake up to snow Monday where we’re at. Not totally uncommon… but I prefer it didn’t.
Rumors are about price hikes are just that and what does it actually accomplish to spread them except making people upset? Here is a copy of the OTVA rate hike rumor from the fall of 2016.


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The $300 is not rumor but str8 from someone working the LTVAs at a meeting with the BLM people,
the other issue mentioned at the meeting was the "consideration of eliminating the 2 week pass".

The picture post above certainly does look like rumor.
The increase that has been tossed about is to be implemented for next season according to my source.

The $300 is not rumor but str8 from someone working the LTVAs at a meeting with the BLM people,
the other issue mentioned at the meeting was the "consideration of eliminating the 2 week pass".

The picture post above certainly does look like rumor.

No disrespect, but without a named or linked and reliable source, its a rumor. The current world is full of unsubstantiated information, often repeated and reacted to, but without a source noted, most such info should be considered unreliable at best. Again, you may feel its a reliable source, but to everyone else its just "sum dood on the internet said...."
..right .. trust nothing... pffft...

You didn't read my post , did you... the source is a BLM employee... not sure how much better it could be.... but you go on ... ;)
..right .. trust nothing... pffft...

You didn't read my post , did you... the source is a BLM employee... not sure how much better it could be.... but you go on ... ;)

Yes, I read it, an unamed source quoted by a random person online. To you its solid, to the rest of the internet, its some random person claiming a good source but no name, date, time, place, or confirm-able link. That equates to rumor. Full in the blanks and it gains credibility to the rest of the world.

In todays world all sorts of things are presented as real, UFOs, conspiracies, he said-she said, etc. Without some verifiable source its just background noise. Yes, Im a cynic, Ive learned it.
As always the budgets and fees are established by upper management in the department of land management at the top level meetings. They are not established at the regional meetings. Rumor chains from Regional
Meetings are based on optimistic managers reassuring their troops to keep them in a good state of mind.

Proof of that is volunteers who attend those regional district meetings or get it second hand from rangers who go to meetings have been saying since last spring that the Tyson Wash waste dump facility is going to be open in a week 🤣
That is also the official line that the volunteers have been told to say when asked. It is an “officially sanctioned rumor game”. Keep the visitors happy and calm so visitors keep coming and jobs are not cut.
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Reading the rv hobo.net site Maki quoted this group is responding to a proposal by a field office. Appearantly there are “northern” ltva’s I don’t know about. But are I assume geared more for the summer season?
The complaint of the watchdog group is that those ltva’s currently charge the $300 and want to raise it to $900 as per a field office request. Their response to the supervisor is to get a plan for why and how this money is used. They claim the BLM is making a huge profit on the 180 dollars now charged in the southern areas.
Now... no links here... but common sense would dictate that BLM making a huge profit on the $180 bucks is in needing of qualifying. From what I see is an outstanding effort by BLM to make such an affordable option for long term occupancy... raising the rate to $300 as we’ve been hearing is still very affordable providing the amenities it offers. If it were true that they intend to raise the rates as a field office proposed across the board, I’d be very surprised at such a move. You would undoubtedly have empty ltva’s and full 14 day areas. I have no idea what the northern ltva’s provide for amenities, so I cannot comment on that proposal. The $300 we’ve been told by sources that seem reliable are what I’d be planning for. If they decided to raise it to $900... like I say, the 14 day free sites will be quite crowded in my opinion. I’d say get there early next year to get a good spot.
Quartzsite in my opinion is still a bargain at $300... you have to plan ahead... but as our dollars decrease in value, that’s what happens. Again... no links... just common sense and economics 101! A ranger in a field office can recommend all they want. Maybe they ask for 900 hoping to get 400? Who knows nowadays. All we can do is our best to do our part in keeping our impact minimal and such. My guess is the RV crowd... you know with the expensive crazy rigs might be pushing this if anything.
There is an official procedure process that is required to take place before camping fees can be changed. One of those procedures is announcing the change in fees and then opening the change with an official site where public comment on the fee change is allowed.

I just reviewed the Colorado River District (the one in control of the BLM LTVA areas) website to see if there was any such procedure that has taken place this year or in recent past years for such notices as changes in fees for camping on the LTVA BLM Lands. There is no announcement of anything related to such a change from the BLM Management.

As an individual you do have the right to subscribe to that stream of official information regarding discussion meetings on such changes as well as other changes that happen in the District management offices that control the lands for the LTVAs. That way you will actually have some real information to share instead of spreading rumors that can upset people about their future plans.

The official website where you can gain access to information such as press releases announcing fee changes or the public comments notices forms that are legally required to happen before any camping fees changes can be made.
Will such a change happen for next year? Unkown at this time. Can the change in fees have been discussed at a meeting? Of course it would have been discussed, fees, prices, expenses, staffing, projects, etc are always discussed in business meetings but that in itself does not mean change will happen. It just means the subject came up in the meeting and opinions were stated.
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""Summer LTVAs (4)​

All of the summer LTVAs are located in California on the eastern side of the Sierras. They are just off of the scenic Highway 395.

Long Term Permit
Valid for the entire or any part of the season -first Saturday in March through November 1st.
Is valid for all summer LTVAs in California.
Cost $300 (about $0.86 per night)

Short Term Permit
The summer LTVAs do not offer them. You must pay by the day.
Cost $5/day camping fee.

The BLM’s summer LTVAs are closed between November 2nd and the first Friday in march. ""


HDR used to talk about them all the time.........scroll down to find the "Summer" sites.........SELF-CONTAINED

RIP Mike
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I found a decal for captain Abnorm’s van but it has one too many catfish on it.
As always the budgets and fees are established by upper management in the department of land management at the top level meetings. They are not established at the regional meetings. Rumor chains from Regional
Meetings are based on optimistic managers reassuring their troops to keep them in a good state of mind.

Proof of that is volunteers who attend those regional district meetings or get it second hand from rangers who go to meetings have been saying since last spring that the Tyson Wash waste dump facility is going to be open in a week 🤣
That is also the official line that the volunteers have been told to say when asked. It is an “officially sanctioned rumor game”. Keep the visitors happy and calm so visitors keep coming and jobs are not cut.
There has been noted increase in RVs, vans, cars, tents in the LTVA's. To be expected Jan- Feb. But not nearly as crowded as it says in online posts. The lrg dumpster at La Posa North is always over flowing a few days b4 scheduled pu the last few weeks. South has 2 lrg dumpsters and more people to service. West dumpster was over flowing B4 pu day one time during the holiday season. Beautiful RV's to look thru, lots of booths from electric bikes to food.
You go Quartzite ! 😃👍
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