The problem with DJTooley's idea of how to run it, is contrary to the entire premise of "nobody runs it"... There is a new group "Van Aid Uncensored"... perhpas float the idea over there.... again.. the whole promise of Van AId is that no one is really in charge, no one runs the event, I don't arrange work, or get involved with who works for who.... and frankly, if you wanted to create a team to precheck workers and needers... go right ahead and do it.. .someone bemoaned that there wasn't a Kitchen like last year, and the response was , that's because no one made it happen... again, the premise is notfor one person to create a Van Aid build nirvana, but for people themselves to make it happen... Instead we get feed back like DJs whining about what it could be or should be, but no one is will to actually DO anything to make that happen... When Tyll tried topas it on .. not a one came foward... except me.. as such .. I did it the way I wanted to ... it is a benevolent dictatorship... and if anyone wants to make something happenwithin the guidelines of the gathering, they need to step up and do it.
Some people showed up "expecting an army of people to descend on their rigs to make them everything they dreamed" ... entitlement is real and those aflicted know not who they are.
Then there are the outright ******** who just make life for other miserable, because I assume they are miserable people and feel they need to share. Like the ones that get all pissedoff be cause you gently secured a dog that was pssing on people stuff... they got right upset... felt that others were trying to "run their lives".... what a **** show that is.... all because we ask that people keep dogs at home, *I* am deemed a right ******* trying to control everything, and make rules I lord over people with...... selfish pricks that they are, the concept of modified behavior in a large public gathering infurtiates them....
Everyone has the brilliant iea, but no one wants to run the idea or think it through to hoe it would function.
I know DJs heart is in the right place, but creating any set path of action opens up someone to unpleasant interference of lawyers insurance and culpability.