a pass is still $180
The increase that has been tossed about is to be implemented for next season according to my source.
The $300 is not rumor but str8 from someone working the LTVAs at a meeting with the BLM people,
the other issue mentioned at the meeting was the "consideration of eliminating the 2 week pass".
The picture post above certainly does look like rumor.
..right .. trust nothing... pffft...
You didn't read my post , did you... the source is a BLM employee... not sure how much better it could be.... but you go on ...![]()
There has been noted increase in RVs, vans, cars, tents in the LTVA's. To be expected Jan- Feb. But not nearly as crowded as it says in online posts. The lrg dumpster at La Posa North is always over flowing a few days b4 scheduled pu the last few weeks. South has 2 lrg dumpsters and more people to service. West dumpster was over flowing B4 pu day one time during the holiday season. Beautiful RV's to look thru, lots of booths from electric bikes to food.As always the budgets and fees are established by upper management in the department of land management at the top level meetings. They are not established at the regional meetings. Rumor chains from Regional
Meetings are based on optimistic managers reassuring their troops to keep them in a good state of mind.
Proof of that is volunteers who attend those regional district meetings or get it second hand from rangers who go to meetings have been saying since last spring that the Tyson Wash waste dump facility is going to be open in a week
That is also the official line that the volunteers have been told to say when asked. It is an “officially sanctioned rumor game”. Keep the visitors happy and calm so visitors keep coming and jobs are not cut.