Panhandling & begging question

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Interestingly enough for those who are listening, a significant portion of panhandlers have a drug/alcohol problem and they prey on law abiding citizens. I was once approached by a kid while we were in Bend, Oregon. I suggested to him that he was demeaning himself by such activity. He of course was of the younger generation with an attitude, such as some here have, who think that the rest of us owe them. Sad to see what our country is coming to.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/bawl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> Darrell.
I have never done this, but I won't say that if i needed to i wouldn't.&nbsp; This is about the very bottom, all other options explored alternative.&nbsp; The step before this would be a church more than likely.&nbsp; I have done work for almost nothing before though, just going door to door asking when i was younger.<br /><br />I grew up in the inner city, and I knew people that panhandled and got bombarded with panhandlers too.&nbsp; Here is my thing...I work hard for any money i get, but people are down and out.&nbsp; SO, if you need something, I will buy or help you get it.&nbsp; <br /><br />Ive had people ask me for money for food, and i told them I would take them to mcdonalds 50 feet away and buy him whatever meal he wanted.&nbsp; He refused and as i walked away started dropping Fbombs on me.&nbsp; Ive done this for another man and he happily ate the food.&nbsp; <br /><br />Ive tossed money to buskers a bazillion times no matter how good or horrible they are, they are trying imo.<br /><br />Ive seen fliers asking for help, listing basically everything in a household as needed items.&nbsp; I called them and when i told them I had a toaster oven (which was on the list) and other items, they said oh, nevermind then.&nbsp; Her attitude pretty much said 'your wasting my time if thats all you got for me'.&nbsp; Its a shame, as i was hanging up the phone i couldnt help but wonder what she woulda said if she knew i worked&nbsp; at newly renovated hotel and could get beds, linens, pillows, dressers etc they were throwing out too.&nbsp; <br /><br />Its a crap shoot whether you get a scammer or someone in need.&nbsp; I just try to do my best to put what i can give to the right place.&nbsp; Sometimes you get burned, but sometimes you dont.
dborla01 said:
Interestingly enough for those who are listening, a significant portion of panhandlers have a drug/alcohol problem and they prey on law abiding citizens. <strong>I was once approached by a kid while we were in Bend, Oregon. I suggested to him that he was demeaning himself by such activity.</strong> He of course was of the younger generation with an attitude, such as some here have, who think that the rest of us owe them. Sad to see what our country is coming to.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/bawl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> Darrell.
<br />Maybe if you had taken the time to actually talk to him instead of simply judging him, he wouldn't have had such an 'attitude'. Jus sayin.
<span id="post_message_1274697546">Interestingly enough for those who are listening, a significant portion of panhandlers have a drug/alcohol problem and they prey on law abiding citizens. I was once approached by a kid while we were in Bend, Oregon. I suggested to him that he was demeaning himself by such activity. He of course was of the younger generation with an attitude, such as some here have, who think that the rest of us owe them. Sad to see what our country is coming to.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/bawl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> Darrell.</span>
<br /><br />I wonder how many people, young or old would have received your wise and experienced criticism with grace? <br /><br />So you asked for this thread and all you have to offer is that? So Darrell, this is helpful, how?<br /><br />Bri
To Portlandia!<br /><br />[video]<br /><br />[video]
Ped! I love it....and Portland....thanks really funny stuff...AND while I was watching the dumpster diver vid an ad popped up about "How to become a Pastor!" I HAVE AN IDEA! wow, what better scam to make money!!!!<br /><br />Bri
&nbsp;Asking for money is just that.. asking. 'Preying' on people is something totally different. That removes the option of choice.. like stealing from or robbing someone. ..Willy.
<br /><br />[video]<br /><br /><a href=""><br /></a>
That was beautiful. Thanks for showing that Cyndi. Plus you made a point. Words can either hurt or help. Here's to helping others!
For a job I deliver and am driving up and down some of the busiest streets in West Michigan all day long. There's a few regulars that stand at the same corners. No sidewalk traffic in these areas, just cars waiting at stop lights. There's a guy, a girl, and one young kid who looks to be under 18. They all seem separate, and probably all wear nicer clothes than me. Nothing special, but still nicers clothes than me. <br /><br />They all just have cardboard signs and stand there until someone rolls down their window and sticks money out.<br /><br />The guy has a pretty good system and a pretty good corner. Usually when I'm on the other side of the light I'll watch 3 cars give him money. Every light. I'll admit I get jealous that he's making way more money than I am and I have to give up 9 hours of my life every day. <br /><br />But it's stored in my memory for ideas down the road. I've considered quitting my job and standing on the corner. I'm not above doing so later on in life.
i haven't done it (yet), but can tell you where not to do it. i always get hit up at a gas station. i think most people are not feeling real generous after paying a good chunk of a weeks wages to fill the tank. better places would be near a restaurant or freeway off ramp.&nbsp;
<br />Never have given even a dollar to these signholders on the freeway onramps, offramps.&nbsp; I figure if they are able bodied enough to stand there holding that sign, they can also hold an advertising sign for the MANY places who will hire to do that.&nbsp; They just know they can make more money (and tax free) by begging.&nbsp; I work and have worked crap jobs, they can too.<br /><br />That said, we do donate to various charities each year..mostly stuff like the American Cancer Society and children's hospital...and that one at Christmas that lets you select a child and buy a gift they have asked for.
interesting topic. here in michigan the supreme court just ruled that panhandling is considered free speech. the cops have been taking people to jail for who knows how long. two homeless people got a lawyer and filed a lawsuit.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp;&nbsp; there's a lot of homeless in this state, and all over the country. and yes, years back i have panhandled.&nbsp; not the best days...but i simply asked people if they had any spare change.. some people gave, some didn't. i never harassed or bothered anyone. <br />&nbsp; sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
I have a friend who does it down south and he says that in the "Bible Belt" people are much less generous
<br /><br />I think it is that we have run afoul of too many scammers with a story.&nbsp; I have heard several variations of:<br /><br />My kid has braces on his legs (imaginary kid is around the corner in car) and I just need gas money to get him to the doctor.<br /><br />My kid has asthma and I need to get their medicine so that I can give them a breathing treatment.... I had one knock on my house door with this story.&nbsp; Blew them away when I gave them the albuterol, since I also have asthma.&nbsp; This has happened several times, someone pan handling at the door.&nbsp; <br /><br />You really hate to say no when a kid might be in trouble, but after a few variation of the same story you tend to get a bit jaded about who is pan handling out of need and who is raking in an easy living.<br /><br />I tend look for situation where I can tell that they are really in need but are looking for more voluntary help (ie, sign). Those that approach me get a "sorry I can't help you"&nbsp; Those that get nasty about it, get a " I need some help too can you spare ME a couple of bucks"<br /><br />I try to look for more real need on an independent basis ... I avoid organized charity like the plague. except those like Angel tree and food banks<br /><br />Years ago as a single mother working two jobs and still not quite making ends meet. I tried to volunteer and get on habit for humanity. They looked at me like I was crazy.&nbsp; I also tried getting food stamps.&nbsp; That was a no go also. I was well under the income limit but my truck was too new. Even though it was a striped down nissan that had been wrecked. It was dependable but not to pretty.&nbsp; I was supposed to give that up for a clunker that would leave me and my son stranded somewhere I guess.<br /><br />I will help where and when I can but I approach it with much caution.&nbsp; And if at any point I had to panhandle myself I think I would use the sign method and be less invasive.<br /><br /><br />
I've never panhandled, but I've been around a lot of them in close proximity because I pick up hitch-hikers and sometimes start conversations with others when I see them on the streets.&nbsp; I usually have a case of Dinty Moore stew in the truck, and if a panhandler or hitcher convinces me he's hungry I'll give him a can or three before we part company.&nbsp; Some, if I had money, I might give them a five-spot, have done so more times than I can recall when I was flush.<br /><br />But with me, it's a selfish thing, I figures.&nbsp; Giving money from my perspective, is about me and the sort of man I'm determined to be.&nbsp; It ain't about whether they're scammers, real, whatever.&nbsp; That's their choice&nbsp; to make.&nbsp; Being a person who isn't bound by what they are, or might be, who doesn't let the possibility of them having human flaws I don't admire, decide for me whether to take a chance I'll be giving them a leg up.<br /><br /><br />But I'm a relatively financially destitute person, so money doesn't mean as much to me as it does to folks who have more of it.&nbsp; I don't have to be so scared I'll get cheated or scammed.
Jack, I couldn't have said it better myself...I think you are very right on with this and exactly how I feel about it....thanks for saying that....<br /><br />In all my travels it is ALWAYS the folks with very little who give the most, the most willingly....<br /><br />Interesting...<br />Bri<br /><br /><br />
Having a pet helps, my dogs knew tricks and I hung a sign that said "have fallen on hard times and looking to get back on my feet, all help&nbsp;appreciated" God Bless.<br /><br />I made almost 200 everyday I did this and some days more. I was able to fix my car and get a job, I wasn't proud if having to do it , but I did promise God, I would never not help another soul when I can.<br />&nbsp;
I will give my last dime if I truly felt that person was in need.&nbsp; To give money to a street corner sign holders who have&nbsp;their own corner do not appear "in need and is more like giving a drunk a drink.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp;There's a man who is "homeless" so to speak, he has lived in a tent for the past 10 years.&nbsp; He has a corner at Fred Meyers here in Soldotna but its to do a business of windshield chip repair. When he fixed my windshield chips, I gave him double what he asked and he almost wouldn't take it.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp;That street corner man I admire; fake beggars I don't and refuse to give my hard earned money to someone able but unwilling to work at providing for themselves.&nbsp; I guess I believe in handups and not handouts.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp; <br />Rae

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