Panhandling & begging question

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2011
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United Snakes of Amurica
This will stir up some controversy <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> ...but,<br />How many of you actually panhandled &amp; or begged for money, FOOD from strangers?<br /><br />Have you had any success doing it?<br />What kind of ways did you go about doing it (such as what was your plead or story to the person you were asking)?<br /><br />I personally think the scammers &amp; drug addicts all these years have screwed it up for some of the honest panhandlers who may be down &amp; out-<br /><br />I prolly wouldn't do it, but you never know-I'd consider it if I was totally out of luck &amp; perhaps desperate-<br /><br />-Thanks in advance for any useful posts-
I've applied for disability before.
&nbsp;When I hitchhiked with my dog from Calgary down to, first, Venice Beach and then to Yuma and back up to Canada, about 13 yrs ago, I got stuck in Venice Beach for a bit over a week. Saw all these street kids 'n such panning and decided WTF, why not? So, just for shits 'n grins, I gave it a try for 2 days and made between $300 and $400. That's the only time I did it. ..Willy.
Willy, think you could have done that well without the dog? Also, we (me) never know what we may do if we (I) ever have to.&nbsp; I am sitting next to hippie in the theater watching how this one goes though.<br />Dragonfly
<p>Thanks for the post Willy!<br />Impressive amount of $ you made!!!<br /><br />In Akron OHIO, a panner needs a permit, or register, to do such activities.&nbsp;</p><p>I guess that the city wants the panners to only beg in certain places while keeping 'em out of others, not to mention keeping track of criminals-<br /><br />Here's the article from <a href="">Akron Beacon Journal newspaper</a>&nbsp;about the law &amp; it's implications-<br /><br /></p>
&nbsp;My dog, Roxy, REALLY pulled in the bux. If you got a 'hook' it makes all the difference. ..Willy. <br /><br />
dragonflyinthesky said:
Willy, think you could have done that well without the dog? Also, we (me) never know what we may do if we (I) ever have to.&nbsp; I am sitting next to hippie in the theater watching how this one goes though.<br />Dragonfly
Willy said:
&nbsp;My dog, Roxy, REALLY pulled in the bux. If you got a 'hook' it makes all the difference. ..Willy.
<br /><br />Clever!!!!<br />Nice way to play on their emotions!!!<br />Using animals in advertising (according to my college course) are useful in getting people to take notice!!!
I've considered it but only for food.&nbsp; I'm getting $200 a month in food&nbsp; stamps and it turns out that buys a LOT of food.&nbsp; So far panhandling has not been necessary.<br /><br />Iowa is pretty friendly to panhandlers.&nbsp; Sadly, we have some people who make a great living at it.&nbsp;&nbsp; The local news station ran a story on the number of scammers.&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />I have a friend who does it down south and he says that in the "Bible Belt" people are much less generous, throwing objects and insults at him, etc.&nbsp; Forgive me for that reference.&nbsp; It was the panhandler's (Al's) words referring to that part of the country in that manner.<br /><br />V.T.
&nbsp;Yup, the scammers really get my goat too. Whenever I see them I want to drill 'em in the head and give 'em a reason to beg. They really make it hard on the 'legitimately' destitute people who are forced to beg. I did it for they experience and the fact that I was a coupla thousand miles away from 'home', in a foreign country, with my dog, equipment, and a bit over $250 to keep me alive. Not a big margin of error there and, cuz of the dog, public transportation was ruled out. Had a great time, but wouldn't do it again. ..Willy.
good posts so far, but...<br /><br />can anyone tell me what they would actually say to a stranger in order to ask for a few bucks?<br /><br />-thanks again
We have some homeless people near us. I say the best thing to say is "your hungry". &nbsp;A guy got on the train and I had bought&nbsp;Chinese&nbsp;food for dinner. He was hungry and I gave him my egg roll. There's one regular guy that I give him some change for a roll and coffee. He will tell me he is hungry and I feel bad. Just from my&nbsp;experience.&nbsp;
I had one guy approach me at Petsmart in Cedar Rapids this morning.&nbsp;&nbsp; It's the first time I have ever been solicited at a Cedar Rapids mall parking lot.&nbsp; He looked like a pretty hardcore homeless person.<br /><br />I was getting out of the van and he said "Nice tie dye shirt."&nbsp; Then he kept going and said something like "Say, I was just at the mall over there&nbsp;and someone nice came up and gave me $3 because I don't have a place to live and do you think...."<br /><br />At this point, I pointed at the van and said "Sorry, I can't help you.&nbsp; This is where I live." and cut him off.&nbsp; He started getting nasty saying "at least you got a place to live."&nbsp; I reported it to Petsmart management and they ran him out of the lot.&nbsp; He was even approaching cars where ladies were just getting out.&nbsp; That's pretty scary.&nbsp; It might be effective but... yikes!<br /><br />In this community just a well crafted sign seems to be the best way.&nbsp; Approaching strangers might make them feel uncomfortable and could result in police hassles.<br /><br />If I could play an instrument, I'd definitely sit on the sidewalk,&nbsp;play some music, and hope for donations.&nbsp; In this community it would be well received.<br /><br />V.T.
About a week ago took a buddy of mine to Wally-World&nbsp; - I'm heading&nbsp;up Rt. 110&nbsp; - these two clowns in a crap-ola van cut me off pulling into the lot ---- one guy hops out and walks up to a senior citizen - I didn't think much of it -- I let my buddy out and parked next to the front wall of the store -- I noticed the van was in front of me -&nbsp;about 30' -- he came back to the van with some money in his hand and talking on a cell --- a few minutes later the other guy got out - talking on his cell - walked up to a older woman -- she reached into her purse and gave him something and walked into the store - he came back to the van ----- and the same "Con" repeated a few times before I left <img src="/images/boards/smilies/mad.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />I think it was the old "Honey I'm stuck with no gas - I'll ask this passer-by if I can have a buck" ---- Next <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />If I called the cops -- Suffolk County --- if they showed to this month - it would be a record <img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
You guys&nbsp;experiences I can understand. I'd be a little nervous to if some body was in my face about it. But these two I talked about asked politely.....I know but they did.&nbsp;&nbsp;Rice I 2nd about the police. I NEVER see them do we actually have any? Nassau they have all over the place. Amityville Ive seen about a hand full of times. Suffolk Ive never seen them...&nbsp;weird.&nbsp;
"Excuse me sir/ma'am, could you spare some change?", all nice and polite 'n humble and if no, wish them a good day, Merry X-mas, Easter, etc. Another guy would have a handful of pennies and he'd ask if they could spare a penny. If not, he'd offer them one cuz they obviously needed one more than him. If asked why only a penny, he'd respond that every penny, while not much, added up and by the end of the day he could afford some food. All very polite too. He raked in the cash. Man, I'm just chock fulla weaselly info. ..Willy. &nbsp; <br /><br />
xj700 said:
good posts so far, but...<br /><br />can anyone tell me what they would actually say to a stranger in order to ask for a few bucks?<br /><br />-thanks again
In my experiences, I've noticed some beggars say that... "they were down the street, &amp; someone called him a ni**er cause he asked them for some money...could I have a couple dollars so I can get something to eat".<br />That seemed legit, but kinda like it was orchestrated into a montra=<br /><br />Another one at Home Depot... "I just left the hotel with my wife &amp; kids, and left my wallet in the room. I am low on gas, can I have a few dollars to fill up so I can get back to the hotel"?<br />Seems like a scam to me-
Yup, I've done it. &nbsp;Sat on the street corner for pretty much everything you can imagine probably <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Success, it's varied. &nbsp;I did it when I was younger. &nbsp;You need to be clean enough that people aren't afraid to be near you, but dirty enough that you look pretty homeless. &nbsp;It's sort of a fine line. &nbsp;Usually I would just go down to the river and take a swim, clothes and all. &nbsp;By the time I got up to the freeway entrance, or the big street corner, I'd be mostly dry, clean enough and people could be pretty generous. &nbsp;<br /><br />Some times you can make loads of money, other times you can make pennies. &nbsp;My friend once had a lady give him a super nice guitar (he was a musician) he thought it was worth 6 or $800. But he never sold it or anything. &nbsp;He played that thing for a long time, until someone finally stole it from him. One time a guy gave me $100.<br /><br />As for what would I actually say..... Usually I wouldn't say anything, just kinda sit there, and let the ones that wanted to approach me approach me. &nbsp;In smaller towns this works pretty well. &nbsp;In big cities, this works like crap, and you have to be more aggressive, and actually interact and talk with the people. &nbsp;Usually I'd try to have an actual conversation with them, about the weather, or whatever and make it pretty clear I'm living out here on this corner. (as if they couldn't tell... LOL ). &nbsp;Anyways &nbsp;I normally let them offer money, I learned that this works really well. All tho I may only get 2 to 5 people a day give me money in this method, I'd generally get between 5 and $20 from each one.. &nbsp;If I tried the normal method(s) you see from your average pan handler, You'd make maybe 5 or 10 dollars in a day. &nbsp;I normally didn't have to beg for food, as food is usually fairly easy to come by (or it was for me, thru food banks, shelters, soup kitchens, and in honor of the.punk.hippie, diving <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> ... etc). &nbsp;When I needed food, I'd just ask for leftovers from people that clearly had them in their hand. &nbsp;They almost always gave them to me.<br /><br />My worst day panhandling was a bunch of bruised ribs, and trash thrown on me. &nbsp;My best day, I cleared around $500.<br /><br />In my town where I did almost all of my panhandling for food or money, The cops generally were not a big problem. &nbsp;Sometimes they would get bored and move us along with a heavy hand... &nbsp;The main problem was Friday and Saturday nights when the marines (we had a marine base in our town) would get drunk and come beat us senseless. Most all of us with any clue only let that happen once, and then we knew to HIDE fri and sat nights. Now, before some of you decide I hate marines or something.... I'm not saying all marines are bad, I know quite a few that are AWESOME people. &nbsp;I don't hate the Marines, but I definitely have feelings against the ones who decided it was fun to come beat on the homeless.
No panning stories from me except several Alaskan gold-panning stories. LOL<br /><br />I did get food stamps for a couple of years once upon a time when I was not doing so well and we got the Dept. of Agriculture food a while before food stamps.<br /><br />Those were the years I was going to school fulltime on the GI bill with two kids.<br /><br />I find that when people are running a sign like so many do, I more often give than I don't. Only a buck a pop, that is what I can afford. I am an old carny so I full well know about scams and gullibility but my own view of how I live my life is what guides me. I don't miss it and I don't care what they do with it. I just like to feel the feelings that come when I help someone. More about me than them.<br /><br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody " />Sitting out in the blazing hot sun in New Mexico asking for help is more job than many I know do.<br /><br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody " />As our system fails...and yes, it is failing and will continue to do so, we are going to see a lot more people needing help. <br /><br />If we aren't willing to feed and house them and give good medical care then we have no society at all.<br /><br />Bri
She said:
You guys&nbsp;experiences I can understand. I'd be a little nervous to if some body was in my face about it. But these two I talked about asked politely.....I know but they did.&nbsp;&nbsp;Rice I 2nd about the police. I NEVER see them do we actually have any? Nassau they have all over the place. Amityville Ive seen about a hand full of times. Suffolk Ive never seen them...&nbsp;weird.&nbsp;
<br /><br />Amity - theres about 10 or 12 guys in the dept. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Suffolk - Dunkin Donuts on sunrise and montauk
My city you have to be registered and with a permit showing. Sometimes I give, sometimes not. Sometimes I say back off and they always have.&nbsp; I figure if I give to a con man or woman, that's on them, not me.&nbsp; I do what my heart tells me to do and not feel guilty if I don't.<br />There are families sometimes that park with their kids outside of a grocery store. I always try to give some groceries to them.