Off Topic and Chit Chat

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Well-known member
May 19, 2015
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Explanation from Bob requested. Threads posted there aren't allowed to wander ( chit chat ) ? I realize that keeping parameters on a site like this are important, may I suggest that suppressing every thread to those parameters is counterproductive. The very nature of a site like this brings a very diverse range of points of view. I, for one, am very interested in attitudes that don't agree with my own. I am not interested in only being agreed with, that's no way to expand a mind. Disagreeing, asking questions, which I have been censored for, is the avenue to understanding and education. Attacks, NO, you and I are on the same page here. What constitutes an attack, we may differ on that. That's not a problem that can't be overcome. I know that there are numbers of folks on this site that support you and every position you take, I have no problem with that. I guess what I'm talking about is a space for folks to counter you and your supporters positions. If what I'm asking about makes you uncomfortable that was not my intention. There are some fine minds who come here and I enjoy their thoughts. What I would like to see is a small place where those minds can speak, within bounds, unfettered.
My first answer would be to find or start a philosophy forum.

My second answer is that some questions need not be asked in public and will only cause the thread to devolve and go further off topic.
BW, I can agree.  I too have felt the 'censor baton' more than once for something I felt was unjustified.  It happens, especially on a site like this with so many differing opinions, experiences and lifestyles.  But, as they say, it's Bob's house and Bob's rules.
But there are other ways of looking at things indeed.
Most forums I am on have a much more homogeneous group of enthusiasts - this place is simply different.  We just have to work harder at keeping our crayons inside the lines......   ;)
Once I started searching YouTube for exercises that I could do inside the RV and, a few connected clicks later, ended up watching Cossack sword dancing videos. One train of thought leads to another related train of thought until you may be far from the original. But there is always that connecting trail of related thought.
You got your answer, if you don't like it, go start your own forum.  This is a heavily moderated forum.  Differing opinions are labeled, trashed, and deleted.  That's just how it is here.
from what i have gathered,Bob intends this site to be more of a instructional and how to site and not much of a discussion site
for years i was a member of a politics&religion site until the owner sold it and it swung one way,they are out there its just hard to find one with diversity,when everyone agrees they are quit boring

and that stuff does come up here as pro one mind set,some times i refrain from posting,some times i post my thoughts most of the time i just post rigs for sale in the hopes it might help someone and to show options to those god awful white cargo vans,they are evil i tell you

in a world that loves to draw line and place labels it's hard being a conservatively liberal agnostic atheist mixed breed dyslexic,feel free to add to it,i'm used to it know
Well,as anyone who knows me will tell you,I usually keep my opinions to myself.(Careful,I can hear you laughing)I think this forum is what Bob wants it to be and that's ok.It's his forum.I'm maybe more guilty than most of getting off track and wandering.And I have been known to slip in a political opinion on a rare occasion.Seems the opinions we agree with are acceptable while opposing opinions cross the line.Mea Culpa.Hopefully,we can keep the forum interesting and lively without too much moving into contentious areas of conversation.Personally,I think I have been spending way too much time on the net lately and I'm going to ease off some.I'm getting behind on my harmonica practice among other things and I have a couple of books I've wanted to read.Bob,thanks for indulging one of the "herd of cats".
I think some people just need to learn how to offer a different opinion without being offensive. Maybe there should be an RTR class on Communication?
I appreciate the ban here on political and religious discussion. I see all over the web where those discussions degrade very quickly. They are easy to find.
I also appreciate the focus on being informative, helpful, respectful, and encouraging. I think most people, especially introverts, need much more of that than they get in life.
I am glad that sarcasm is not allowed. That can be very hurtful.
That said, since you are talking about posts that were deleted, I don't know what the exact content was. But I like this forum and am grateful for its' rules.
There's MY different opinion.
I come here knowing this is a business. We’ve all seen signs posted in businesses announcing that management “reserves the right to refuse service.”  A website is no different, it's a revenue stream the owner wants to protect in the way they see fit.
buckwilk said:
Explanation from Bob requested. Threads posted there aren't allowed to wander ( chit chat ) ?  I realize that keeping parameters on a site like this are important, may I suggest that suppressing every thread to those parameters is counterproductive. The very nature of a site like this brings a very diverse range of points of view.

Really? this is a forum about vandwelling, cheap rv living, why would anyone want to look up a solar wiring issue and find out that after reading three post we are all of sudden talking about guns for 10 posts then about solar for a couple of posts then about God for another 10. Organizing threads in different categories, then naming threads on topics makes sense why would you want to have them run off nilly willy in the name of mind expansion. If you find a topic while on another all you have to do is split it off, if it is that interesting people will follow to hash it out  till the end of time, expanding your minds to the end of the universe. :)
buckwilk said:
Thank you, I understand what you are saying. I'm referring to the Off Topic Chit Chat area which defines what I'm saying. Topics there ought to be allowed to wander, makes them interesting and fun. They don't need to go outside the parameters as to respect, language, personal attacks 

Even the off topic chatter threads should remain basically one subject. If you want to start a spin off thread, feel free. Whether it's deleted or closed would depend on subject and controversy. There are guidelines in place for that.
There is a very simple reason that we have to stay on topic no matter which forum a thread in--respect for the Original Poster. When someone starts a thread that thread belongs to them, it's their baby. If they want to talk about the Bundys in Oregon, that's what the thread is about. It's rude to take their thread and just change it into whatever you want it to be. You're saying what they want to talk about is boring and your idea is better so forget them, let's talk abut this other thing that's important to me.

Just because it's the "off-Topic" forum doesn't make mean you can steal other peoples threads and change them into whatever you want.

Respect is an old fashioned idea that no one wants to think about. Many people seem to think the internet means you don't have to show respect, kindness or basic decency to other people. But here we are very committed to those stupid old ideas.

Of course I'm not perfect either, I've caught myself going off-topic pretty often as well. It's no big deal, it's an easy mistake to make, I just try to get us back on  track, by posting, "let's stay on topic folks." I don't mean to offend or insult you, just keep us on track.

99% of all posts deleted are because in some way they show disrespect to someone, maybe not even a person on the forum, but someone. No one wants to think they were being mean or disrespectful and that's why their post was deleted, but it's almost certain that's why  I deleted it. Insulting others has become so normal, we aren't even aware of it.  

Virtually no posts have been deleted because I don't agree with them. I know I can't change your mind about that, many of you are convinced of it, but I try very, very hard to never let that happen.

I've only censored one persons ideas that i disagreed with and he got to post his ideas 1000 times and i hated to see each and every one of them--but none of them were ever deleted. But he couldn't let it go, the more his ideas were ignored the more angry he got and started insulting people. I deleted those posts but it came up again and eventually the insults started again. Now he simply is forbidden from talking about it.

I consider it my main job here to think about every post and how it's going to impact other members. Each of us are constantly surrounded by voices that attack and belittle us, many of us have the worse voice going on in our own heads. If what you post might be another one of those voices belittling them and making them feel bad about themselves, it gets my attention and forces me to decide if it can be allowed.

It might make you feel better to correct someones spelling or grammar, but do you stop and think and how it's going to make them feel? I do, and it will simply will not be allowed here. You may want to talk about slavery and the civil war in a thread about the Bundy's in Oregon, but do you stop and ask yourself how that's going to make the original poster feel? I do and I don't want to risk making them feel belittled like his/her ideas aren't as important as yours.

I'm not perfect and I make LOTS of mistakes, but to the very best of my limited ability I try to restrict all my authority to the single question of how you treat other people. If you're respectful and kind, we shouldn't have any problems.